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- Title:
- VESTNIK 2 (54) 2024
- Number:
- 2
- Year:
- 2024
- Date publication on the site:
- 2024-06-27 08:48:28
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Educational environment of a university as a means of developing students’ artistic taste
UDC: 378
Authors: Natalya G. Arzamastseva; Zinaida Yu. Maksimova;
Introduction. The article studies the problem of developing the artistic taste of students in the educational environment of a university. Artistic taste is a professionally significant quality that allows an individual to adequately assess the surrounding reality, navigate cultural diversity, react emotionally to artistic genres in art and express their attitude towards it, develop the needs for creative activity in a multinational society. The educational environment is considered by the authors as the sociocultural environment of a person, a psychological and pedagogical reality, during which the process of development and self-improvement of the individual occurs. This concept covers three most important educational activities: educational, educational and practical. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the feasibility of using the educational environment of a university as a means of developing the artistic taste of students. Materials and methods of the research are: theoretical analysis, generalization of literature on the research problem, questioning. Research results. The structure of a person’s artistic taste has been studied and analyzed, which includes the following components: need-motivational, emotional, cognitive, activity. As criteria for the development of artistic taste, the authors identify: artistic and aesthetic preferences, the ability to reproduce and evaluate works in the field of decorative and applied arts, the ability to think critically, independently obtain new information, be able to analyze the “product” being studied, show one’s creative abilities, and so on. The pedagogical conditions for the development of students’ artistic taste are theoretically substantiated and experimentally tested: providing freedom of creative choice; providing pedagogical assistance in choosing techniques for working with art materials; systematic interaction with cultural elements and artistic values; introduction of aesthetic courses into the educational process; attracting students to creative activities, and so on. Conclusion. The results of this study may be useful for practical application and further theoretical research for teachers of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions, as well as when creating advanced training programs, professional retraining and additional professional education programs.
Using mobile technologies in teaching RFL
UDC: 372.881.161.1
Authors: Lyudmila V. Grishkova;
The relevance of the problem under study is determined by the importance of using mobile technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL). Information and communication technologies (ICT) are an integral part of the educational process. They make it possible to improve and optimize the educational process, diversify the forms and methods of work, helping to increase students’ interest in the subject being studied. The importance and necessity of introducing ICT into the learning process are noted by international experts in the UNESCO World Report on Communication and Information 1999‒2000 [1]. The article discusses the use of mobile technologies as one of the effective learning tools. Mobile devices are used everywhere today, and therefore they can be successfully introduced into the learning process, helping to increase student motivation and the effectiveness of the educational process. The teacher is faced with the task of carefully selecting and introducing mobile learning technologies into the educational process. The purpose of this article is to classify mobile learning tools, summarize and systematize a variety of mobile tools for use in the process of teaching RFL, and consider the didactic capabilities of mobile technologies as learning tools. The introduction substantiates the relevance of using mobile learning in the educational process and provides characteristics of mobile learning. An overview of mobile resources and a classification of mobile learning tools are presented for the purpose of using them in teaching Russian as a foreign language. The most popular mobile learning tools are considered for use in RFL classes in classroom work and in independent work of students. The didactic possibilities of using modern mobile learning tools are described. Analytical and descriptive research methods and analysis of scientific and methodological literature were taken as the basis. The research materials were scientific works that examined the use of mobile technologies in the process of teaching foreign languages, including RFL, as well as mobile learning tools. The results of the study may be useful for practical application in RFL classes. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about the advisability of using mobile learning tools in the process of teaching RFL.
Domestic higher education in the light of Russia’s withdrawal from the Bologna process
UDC: 378.14.015.62
Authors: Aleksandr L. Drondin;
Introduction. The withdrawal of our country from the Bologna process in 2022 received quite a wide response in the domestic academic community. There are mixed opinions about the gains and losses of Russian higher education over its almost twenty-year stay in the Bologna format, which indicates the relevance of a balanced assessment of the consequences of this stay. The purpose of the article is to give the author’s assessment of the experience of functioning of domestic higher education within the framework of the Bologna process in order to find an optimal balance between Western and traditional Russian practices. Materials and methods: theoretical analysis of the published materials of representatives of the Russian higher education, containing conclusions about the positive and negative consequences of Russia’s presence in the Bologna format. It is revealed that these conclusions focus on the results of the transition of higher education to a two-tier system. At the same time, it is not enough to study such aspects as the competence-based approach, as well as the problems of the quality of education and the development of criteria for its assessment. Research results, discussion. The attempt of Russian education to live by the rules developed by the Western European academic community has a twofold result. On the one hand, it is necessary to note that the practice of moving to a two-level system of higher education and formalizing the competence-based approach in state educational standards is not entirely logical. On the other hand, it is hardly advisable to completely abandon the very ideas of a two-level education system and a competence-based approach, as well as the active use of an independent assessment of the quality of education. Conclusion: The author's recommendations are aimed at building an optimal balance between Western and traditional Russian practices of higher education: support for a variable approach in choosing a higher education model by universities; use of a competence-based approach in order to bring learning results closer to the requirements of the labor market; active involvement of the employer community in assessing the quality of higher education, along with the state.
The influence of badminton on the social adaptation of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities
UDC: 376.43:796.344
Authors: Eleonora A. Loskutova; Olga N. Ustymenko;
Introduction. Russian scientific publications show the great importance of physical education and sports as a means of social adaptation of people with disabilities, but there is a shortage of research in the field of the influence of badminton classes on the social adaptation of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities, despite the fact that badminton has great opportunities in the field of social adaptation. The purpose of the article is to study and specify the relationship between badminton classes and indicators of social adaptation of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities. Materials and methods. The study is based on materials of a survey of a group of schoolchildren of “School No. 1 of Yoshkar-Ola” using methods of pedagogical observation, documentation analysis, psychological testing and sociometry. To analyze the data, we used the calculation of correlation coefficients (Pearson) between indicators of badminton classes and indicators of social adaptation of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities. Research results, discussion. Based on the correlation analysis, statistically reliable data were obtained on the presence of directly proportional relationships between the experience of badminton and the success of competitive activity on the one hand, and the level of development of communicative inclinations and sociometric status, on the other, in a group of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities. These results were confirmed by pedagogical observation data. On the basis of the results obtained, a number of methodological recommendations were formulated concerning the organization of badminton classes for schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities as a means of their social adaptation. Conclusion. The study proved a statistically reliable relationship between the indicators of badminton classes and the indicators of social adaptation of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities: the longer students practice badminton, the more they win competitions, the better their communication abilities are developed and the higher their status in the peer group.
Empirical study of the practice of implementing and using artificial intelligence tools within educational process of HEI
UDC: 378.1
Authors: Vera I. Toktarova ; Olga V. Rebko; Ilnara I. Khabibrakhmanova; Ruslan A. Musin;
Introduction. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of education marks an inevitable transformation of traditional methods, offering personalized learning and adaptation to the educational needs and individual characteristics of students, management and intelligent automation of university business processes. However, this integration causes certain difficulties: it requires a systematic approach and comprehensive training of subjects of the educational process. The purpose of this article is an empirical study of the practice of implementing and using artificial intelligence tools in the educational process of a university, identifying the features and prospects of their integration in the context of digital transformation of education. In the course of the work theoretical, empirical and mathematical research methods were used. Five state universities of the Russian Federation acted as the research base. The survey was conducted among 294 teachers and 936 students of pedagogical training areas. Research results, discussions. The survey identified: the skills and abilities applied by respondents when using AI; their attitude to technology, assessment of its impact on the educational process and frequency of AI services use; motivation to study and apply AI in educational and professional activities; fears, difficulties and motivation for further development and use of intellectual tools and services. Conclusion. Based on the data obtained, it is concluded that both students and teachers are neutral or positive about the integration of artificial intelligence into higher education. However, students use intellectual tools more often than educators. The survey also revealed a request from university teachers for methodological support and advanced training in the field of practical application of AI in professional activities. In response to this need, the authors proposed a course of additional professional education, including methodological, technical, legal and ethical aspects of the use of intellectual tools and services in teaching practice.
Dual training as the basis of a practice-oriented model of secondary vocational education
UDC: 377.35
Authors: Ekaterina M. Chernodymova; Linar G. Akhmetov; Venera A. Khamdamova;
Introduction. The relevance of considering dual education issues as the basis of a practice-oriented model of vocational education is due to the active changes taking place in the country in connection with the modernization of the education system, as well as some inertia of the existing vocational education system, which continues to train specialists insufficiently focused on the real needs of employers. The modern system of vocational education should be focused not only on the theory of the profession and related concepts, but also on training specialists with real working skills. The purpose of the research is to study dual education as the basis of a practice-oriented model of secondary vocational education. The research materials and methods were: methodological scientific literature in the field of practice-oriented educational technologies, special literature revealing the content of dual education as one of the components of the practice-oriented learning model. Research results, discussion. It is established that the dual education system is aimed at involving enterprises in the process of professional training of students. At the same time, future employers bear quite significant costs associated with training future personnel, since they are fully aware that the cost of high-quality vocational training is a reliable investment of capital. The introduction of a dual approach to student education contributes to the transition to a qualitatively new level of education and retraining of workers and specialists for high-tech production. Dual training also contributes to the formation of general and professional competencies of graduates, ensuring their competitiveness and demand in the labor market, as well as the development of an effective system of social partnership in the field of vocational education, as a powerful factor in its modernization.
Content and structure of professional and pedagogical activity of students ‒ future teachers (historical aspect)
UDC: 378.147.88
Authors: Galina N. Shvetsova; Maya N. Shvetsova; Elena V. Maltseva;
Introduction. Currently, issues related to the professional and pedagogical activity of students – future teachers are becoming more important. The purpose of the study is to consider the theoretical and methodological foundations of professional pedagogical activity of students preparing to become teachers. Materials and methods. In the process of organizing the research, the following theoretical methods were used: the study and analysis of philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature, synthesis, generalization, systematization; classification. Research results, discussion. Approaches to the concepts of “activity”, “social activity”, “active life position” are analyzed. The author’s definition of the phenomenon of “active life position” is given. Activity is represented at several levels of its development, the authors study each, showing the path from simple forms of body activity to developed forms of social activity. The subjective meaning of activity as a mental phenomenon and its place in the structure of a person’s personality are revealed. Approaches to activity as a synonym for activity, in its relationship with will, as a qualitative readiness to carry out activities, are analyzed. Conclusion. Professional and pedagogical activity appears in the unity of its components: cognitive, motivational, behavioral, where motivational is recognized as leading in the process of its formation among students - future teachers. The need to study the structure of professional and pedagogical activity is justified by the fact that knowledge of parts of the personality quality we study increases the effectiveness of managing its development at a pedagogical institute. The results of the study showed that the components of professional and pedagogical activity are closely related in the personality of the teacher and their totality represents an integral system, and the personality quality of the future teacher studied by us has the character of an integral property.
Principles and experience of compiling a Dictionary of figurative comparisons of the Mari language.
UDC: 811.511.151
Authors: Lyubov A. Abukaeva; Yulia V. Polyakova; Anzhelika A. Mitruskova ; Andrey V. Chemyshev ;
Introduction. The article discusses the principles of compiling a dictionary of figurative comparisons of the Mari language, based on a language corpus. It includes figurative comparisons from Mari sacred texts (spells, prayers), from such genres of oral folk art as legends, traditions, fairy tales, songs, proverbs, riddles, omens, from works of fiction, popular science and journalistic texts. The purpose of the article is to present the principles of compiling a dictionary of comparisons of the Mari language. Material and methods. The selections for the dictionary were compiled according to structural parameters, taking into account the methods and means of creating figurative comparisons in the Mari language using the AntConc corpus manager. Research results, discussions. To compile samples from the Mari language corpus, clear structural parameters were identified: comparative case, postpositions, particles, conjunctions, and some syntactic models. The dictionary also contains figurative comparisons, designed using lexical means, as illustrations. As the head word, lexemes are defined that denote the object (subject) of comparison. The authors of the article describe the features of the functioning of figurative comparisons in various types of texts. In the texts of prayers and spells, comparisons function as part of polynomial comparative constructions. When choosing illustrations from folklore texts, the authors included sentences that are informative, demonstrate the dialectal features of the material, and refer to mythological and fairy-tale plots. When presenting illustrations in Russian to demonstrate the expressive potential of the word and the peculiarities of the Mari language, the authors-compilers offer a literal translation, as well as explanations of the meanings of ethnographisms. Figurative comparisons in literary texts are one of the means of expressiveness that determine the individual characteristics of the writer’s style. The dictionary provides opportunities for studying the language and style of a particular author, and ways to create individual author's comparisons. The lexicographical work contains more than 1,700 dictionary entries. Conclusion. The dictionary demonstrates the expressive capabilities and richness of the Mari language through the example of comparisons; one of the ways to use the Mari language corpus is to present examples of comparisons for those writing in the Mari language. The electronic version of the dictionary ensures its accessibility and expands the presence of the Mari language in the information space.
Emotionality in British media texts about the death of Queen Elizabeth II
UDC: 811.111-26
Authors: Gulnara K. Gimaletdinova; Maria A. Egorova ;
Introduction. Media discourse reflects the cognitive and national-cultural characteristics of the creators and recipients of a media text, providing the relationship between the strategies of journalists and the interpretation of the text by readers. Due to virtual communication between authors of newspaper texts and readers who can leave online comments, the nature of media discourse becomes polylogical. The purpose of the study is to provide a linguistic analysis of the media text about the death of Queen Elizabeth II and to identify means of expressing the emotional attitude of the British to the fact of the monarch’s death. Research data includes firstly, news articles (N=10) posted on the websites of British newspapers immediately after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, and secondly, reader comments to the news articles (N=3,788). The authors used methods of linguistic, stylistic and systemic analysis of text in order to identify language units that express an emotional attitude towards the loss of the monarch. Results. We studied the prevailing tone of the text, and compared the expression of positive and negative assessments in newspaper articles and in reader comments. It was revealed that a positive tone prevails both in articles and in comments (94 % and 86 %, respectively), with a positive assessment expressed in relation to the personality of Elizabeth II, and a negative assessment in the form of criticism of the British monarchy. Discussion. Expressiveness is achieved through the use of emotional vocabulary, hyperboly and intensifiers, which is characteristic of both news text and comments. The readers sincerely admire with the queen and highly appreciate her power and merits, which is reflected in emotive vocabulary used in the comments. Conclusion. The research showed that the values of British culture (historical memory and patriotism) are directly related to the personality of Elizabeth II as a unifying force and the symbol of the entire nation.
The cult of Foma Fomich Opiskin in F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabit-ants”
UDC: 821.161.1
Authors: Tatyana S. Karpacheva ;
Introduction. Modern scientists have repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that in the artistic heritage of F. M. Dostoevsky anticipates discoveries in various fields of knowledge: psychology, psychiatry, law, sociology, and so on. Dostoevsky’s artistic “discoveries” also extend to such a hitherto little-studied area of knowledge as sectology (knowledge about cults). The purpose of the study is to consider the signs of cult dependence in “The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants”, as well as the nature of the power of Foma Opiskin and the methods of establishing his cult. The research material is the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants”. An interdisciplinary approach was chosen as the main research method, allowing one to apply to research not only in the field of philology, but also in other areas of scientific knowledge, and cultural-historical and comparative methods were also used. Research results. Based on the analyzed sources and their correlation with Dostoevsky’s novel, it is concluded that in “The village of Stepanchikovo…” the signs of a sect identified as a “small personal cult” are accurately depicted, as well as the ways of manipulating religious and other feelings for the formation of cult dependence are correctly “predicted”, which are highlighted and systematized by scientists only in our days. In order to keep Colonel Rostanev's house in his power, Foma uses such manipulation techniques as abandoning the past, influencing religious feelings, instilling feelings of guilt, and regulating appearance. Conclusion. Having examined the theme of the cult and cult addiction (dependence) in “The village of Stepanchikovo...”, we can come to the conclusion about the anthropological discovery of Dostoevsky made in this novel: anyone can become a victim of a sect and a sectarian leader, and neither wealth, nor poverty, nor happiness, neither misfortune, nor the presence or absence of a family can prevent this.
Concept of “fashion” in the Russian language picture of the world
UDC: 81.373.43
Authors: Veronika V. Katermina; Mariya I. Grushevaya;
Introduction. Modern fashion is both art, business and industry. But first of all, the phenomenon of fashion has socio-cultural significance: it forms new images of femininity and masculinity that meet not only the ideals of the time, but also the values of specific subcultures; fashion serves as a manifestation of social status and prestige, which are different for different segments of the population; fashion changes and reflects changes in labor, social tastes and needs. The purpose of the article is to present and describe the concept of “fashion” in the Russian language space. Materials and methods. In the article a psycholinguistic (associative) experiment was conducted, in the framework of which 141 responses of subjects (men and women) of different age groups to the questions stated in the questionnaire compiled by the authors of the study were analyzed. The following methods were used in the work: directed sampling technique, corpus analysis method, associative experiment method and cluster analysis method applied in the selection of the received answers of the respondents. Research results, discussions. The associations derived from respondents in relation to the stimulus “fashion” constituted the findings of the study. The examination of these associations revealed that fashion, as a phenomenon, goes beyond merely reflecting societal values and traditions; it serves as a distinctive indicator of society’s unique characteristics and identity. Conclusion. While examining lexicographic sources, it was discovered that the understanding of the term “fashion” differs between men and women. Additionally, an experiment was conducted to identify the primary ways in which the concept of “fashion” is expressed. Furthermore, the study employed cluster analysis to observe how the concept’s semantic content is influenced by time.
Mari dialects in Gabor Bereczki’s classification
UDC: 811.511.151
Authors: Margarita N. Kuznetsova;
Introduction. The article is a continuation of the author’s publication in the journal “Vestnik of the Mari State University”. It analyzes the classification of dialects and patois of the Mari language by the Hungarian scientist G. Bereczki. The principles are considered, the main language parameters, dialect differences at the phonetic, morphological and lexical levels are determined. Despite the fact that the monograph of the scientist was published in 1994, nevertheless, the basic principles and complete characteristics of dialects and patois are offered to the Mari scientific community for the first time. The purpose of the study is to analyze and systematize the main provisions and principles in the division of the Mari dialects by G. Bereczski. Materials and methods. A monograph and articles by G. Bereczki on the dialects and patois of the Mari language served as research material. The work uses mainly a descriptive method. Research results, discussions. As a basis for the division of Mari dialects and patois, G. Bereczki takes the following features characteristic of the entire Mari language: vocalism of the first syllable, plural indicator, individual case suffixes in the declension system, differences in the conjugation system of the Mari verb, preservation of Ural derivational suffixes in a particular dialect, lexical indicators, etc. If necessary, he offers a historical excursion, draws on ethnographic data, elements of the material and spiritual culture of the Mari people. G. Bereczki uses the rich linguistic material of E. Beke’s “Dialect Dictionary of the Mari Language,” as well as his own notes made during dialectological expeditions with different groups of Mari. In the Mari language, he identifies Western and Eastern dialects with their patois and sub-dialects. Conclusion. The division of dialects of the Mari language, proposed by G. Bereczki, deserves close attention from Mari linguists. It deserves recognition as a scientific classification of dialects and patois in Mari linguistics.
Interpretation of folklore motive, images and genres in L. S. Petrushevskaya’s fairy tales
UDC: 821.161.1
Authors: Tatyana G. Prokhorova ;
Introduction. The interest of modern literature in folklore involves clarifying the causes of this phenomenon, determining the nature of the dialogue with tradition, and, most importantly, discovering how the author's value system manifests itself in this dialogue. The purpose of our research is to show how moral values manifest themselves in the interpretation and transformation of folklore genres, motifs and images in L. S. Petrushevskaya’s fairy tales, which become system–forming in her artistic world. Materials and methods of analysis. The material of the study is Petrushevskaya’s stories, tending to the genre of a fairy tale. Structural, comparative-typological and intertextual methods of analysis are used. Research results and discussion. In Petrushevskaya’s fairy tales, dialogical connections with folklore reveal themselves at almost all levels of the literary text, starting with the title, the features of the narrative, oriented to the reader-listener, and ending with the plot structure. The dialogue with the tradition of the fairy tale is associated in her works with the parody-game transformation of well-known types of heroes (beauty, wizard, sorcerer, assistants), their role-playing functions, traditional motifs, and a three-part plot scheme. The dialogue-polemic with the folklore tradition defines the complex interaction of the points of view of the author, the narrator and the hero. In Petrushevskaya’s stories, there is a synthesis of fairy tales and other folklore genres (parables, horror stories). Conclusion. Petrushevskaya develops the folklore tradition and simultaneously transforms stable fairy-tale models, motifs and images with the help of postmodern technologies, synthesizes different folklore genres. Nevertheless, in general, the pathos of her fairy tales is humanistic, playing with tradition is subordinated to the affirmation of family values, home, love, unity.
Phrasemes and communicemes in the Chuvash language
UDC: 398.41(=512.111)
Authors: Galina N. Semenova; Nadezhda I. Yakimova; Natalia R. Skvortsova;
Introduction. In recent decades, the term “syntactic concept” has appeared in the research literature along with the term “lexical concept”. This linguistic unit is not only a structural, but also a semantic element of the utterance. When used in a sentence, words cease to exist as separate lexical units, they enter into predicative relationships for the sake of a single goal – to create a semantic space or field. From the formal side, a significant part of such sayings consists of all sorts of combinations of function words with each other and with significant parts of speech. They are equally active in both Russian and Chuvash languages. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the lack of a systematic description of the units under consideration within the framework of the national and cultural specifics of emotional and evaluative linguistic means, in this case phrasemes and communicemes. The purpose of the study is to identify and describe the most commonly used phrasemes and communicemes of the Chuvash language, to emphasize the features transmitted by these syntactic units in the process of their functioning in language and speech. Materials and methods. The empirical basis of the research was made up of phrasemes and communicemes of the modern Chuvash language, extracted from the fiction of Chuvash writers, folklore materials and lexicographic sources. In the process of analyzing and systematizing the factual material, the continuous sampling method, contextual analysis, comparative, and descriptive methods were used. Research results, discussion. This article analyzes phrasemes and communicemes of the Chuvash language, describes their semantic and functional features in order to achieve the desired effect from the addressee. Being expressive means of language, these units are widely used in colloquial and dialogical speech, and are distinguished by their laconic form and content plan. The paper also considers the issues of semantic classification of these units. The results and conclusions of the study can be used when reading courses on the expressive syntax of the Chuvash language and linguoculturology.
Disciplinary-thematic field as a categorical element of topos in the chronotope of English academic discourse
UDC: 141.3:81'42:811.111
Authors: Sergey A. Tserkovnov;
Introduction. The chronotope as an object of philological research was first recorded in the works of M. M. Bakhtin and is currently being considered from the standpoint of various disciplines. In this paper, we draw attention to the disciplinary-thematic field as a potential form of implementation of the chronotope of scientific and academic discourse and propose to interpret the chronotope of scientific discourse as a significant relationship of temporal and spatial relations cognitively mastered in science, while treating the spatial component of the scientific text (its “topos”) as special disciplinary-thematic coordinates, object-subject boundaries of scientific research, indicating its place in the subject-thematic field of other studies in the chosen field. The purpose of this study was to consider the degree of verbalization of the disciplinary-thematic field in the texts of the English scientific discourse as the essence of the implementation of its spatial characteristics. The research material was scientific articles published in Language Sciences for 2022‒2023. The main research methods were the descriptive method and contextual analysis. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that the actual speech representation of the disciplinary field of scientific research can be represented by an indication of a specific scientific field, disciplinary affiliation of cited scientists, as well as the use of terminological units in the texts of scientific articles that reflect the key scientific concepts of the study. Thematic boundaries of scientific work are established by formulating the object, subject and material of the study, as well as by designating issues that are within the scope of the work, and issues that remain outside the scope of the study. Additionally, both of the above components constitute a complex cognitive space in the structure of the chronotope of the English academic discourse. Conclusion. In the course of the study, the concept of the disciplinary-thematic topos was formulated as one of the forms for implementing the chronotope of scientific discourse in its spatial paradigm, and the forms of verbalization of the disciplinary-thematic field at the levels of explication and implication were identified.