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- Title:
- VESTNIK 4 (56) 2024
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- Year:
- 2024
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- 2024-12-20 11:44:49
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Monitoring the management of the process of developing research competencies of junior schoolchildren using TRIZ tools
UDC: 373.3
Authors: Tatiana M. Anisimova; Elena V. Kondratenko; Elena V. Maltseva;
Introduction. The modern world requires a person to be ready to quickly adapt to new conditions, to use a creative approach to solving non-standard problems. In this context, the orientation of the educational process towards the formation of a personality capable of analyzing non-standard situations, critical thinking, independent problem solving, and teamwork is of particular importance. The purpose of the study is to substantiate and test the structure and content of monitoring the management of the process of forming research competencies of primary school students using TRIZ tools. Materials and methods: theoretical analysis, generalization of experience, questionnaires, testing, methods for identifying the level of formation of individual components of research competencies of primary school students. Results of the study, discussion. The authors have revealed the essence of monitoring the management of the process of forming research competencies of primary school students using TRIZ tools. The criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the teacher's management activities in forming research competencies of primary school students using TRIZ tools (completeness of the developed regulatory and local legal documents ensuring management; the degree of development of the methodological support and material and technical base for the implementation of TRIZ technologies; the level of readiness of teachers to form research competencies of primary school students using TRIZ; the formation of research competencies of primary school students; organization of information support for management activities) have been defined and tested, the indicators of each criterion have been specified. During the study, diagnostics of the development of research competencies of primary school students participating in the activities of school TRIZ laboratories was carried out according to three components (cognitive, intellectual-creative, motivational-personal), and the further direction of experimental work was determined.
Development of logical thinking of students in the process of working with texts of different types of speech
UDC: 378.147
Authors: Svetlana A. Arefeva; Olesya V. Arefeva;
The purpose of this article is to consider the basic concepts of logic as a theoretical basis for developing students' logical thinking in the process of analyzing texts of various functional-semantic types of speech, to provide basic information about the types of logical errors and the reasons for their appearance in students' creative works. The introduction reveals the tasks that implement the goals of the study: to determine the content of the concepts of logic, logical thinking, laws of logic; to provide brief information about the emergence of logic as a science and its development in the works of European and domestic scientists; to reveal the role of pedagogical science in developing students' logical thinking and its connection with logic, psychology, linguistics and methods of teaching the Russian language; to determine the meaning of the text as the main didactic unit when familiarizing students with the basic concepts and laws of logic. The main part contains a definition of the text and its features as a didactic unit used in developing students' logical thinking. The text material reveals the forms of rational cognition (concept, judgment, inference, evidence), mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.) and methods of mental activity in the process of creating texts of various functional-semantic types of speech. Particular attention is paid to the types of logical errors as violations of general logical laws, the reasons for their appearance in essays and presentations of students are revealed and methods for distinguishing them from factual errors are proposed. The results of the study were reported at international, all-Russian and regional scientific and practical conferences; were reflected in scientific and methodological articles and monographs of the authors, teaching aids and work programs of academic disciplines. The article provides information on the implementation of the research results in the educational process of schools in the Republic of Mari El and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “Mari State University”. The conclusion contains findings on the results of the study, the importance of work on the development of logical thinking of students in the process of studying other academic disciplines is considered.
The development of emotional intelligence of a convergent personality within the framework of professional training of a foreign language teacher
UDC: 378
Authors: Ilkhamia I. Galimzyanova;
Introduction. In the article, the author raises the problem of convergence and the need for the development of a convergent personality. However, there is a potential risk of loss of humanity due to the redundancy of information. The author sees the solution to this problem in the development of emotional intelligence during professional training. The purpose of this work is to determine the characteristics of a convergent personality and to substantiate the potential of professional training of a foreign language teacher for the development of emotional intelligence of a convergent personality. Materials and methods: theoretical analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature covering the problems of convergence, convergent approach in education, emotional intelligence of a teacher, as well as theoretical analysis and generalization of practical experience, observation, survey, methods of mathematical and statistical analysis. Research results, discussions. Based on the definition of convergence, its difference from interdisciplinarity is shown. Convergence has entered pedagogical science in the form of the concepts of “convergence of education”, “pedagogical convergence”, “convergent approach”, “convergent technologies”. The author highlights the essential characteristics of a convergent personality: developed systemic thinking; competence in the field of communication in a multidisciplinary, multilingual, multicultural environment; information and technological competence; the ability to see transfer zones (innovative areas of scientific knowledge); continuing education and self-education; a high level of emotional intelligence. The potential of professional training at a university for the development of emotional intelligence of a convergent personality is substantiated by the example of training foreign language teachers. The optimal forms of work for the development of emotional intelligence of a convergent personality are discussion, role-playing, and project work. The paper provides examples of specially designed tasks. In conclusion, the theoretical results obtained are summarized and it is concluded that the professional training of a foreign language teacher has the potential to develop the emotional intelligence of a convergent personality.
Dual preparation as an aspect practice-oriented training for college students
UDC: 377
Authors: Gulnaz I. Gallyamova; Dmitry A. Krylov ;
Introduction. The relevance of the article is due to the need to reform the system of secondary vocational education in connection with the rapid pace of economic and industrial development. Dual training is one of the effective ways to implement practice-oriented training in the system of secondary vocational education, as it makes it possible to adjust the content of the curriculum to the requirements of the employer and prepare highly qualified specialists. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the implementation of dual training and determine its potential as the basis of a practice-oriented model of secondary vocational education. Materials and methods. The work used the analytical method of research, scientific and scientific-methodological works of domestic researchers. In addition, to assess the effectiveness of the dual training model, a survey was conducted among college students undergoing dual training. Research results. By dual training, the authors understand such an organization of the educational process in which theoretical training is carried out in an educational institution, and practical training is carried out in an enterprise. The article highlighted the stages of implementation of dual training in secondary vocational education and the parameters for assessing the implementation of the dual model of education in college. During the study, the authors conducted a survey to determine the effectiveness of introducing dual training into the learning process. Conclusion. At the end of the article, we can conclude that dual training, one of the forms of practice-oriented training, is an effective method of training highly qualified mid-level specialists. The potential of dual training as the basis of a practice-oriented model of secondary vocational education lies in increasing the number of vocational education institutions and business enterprises involved in the system of dual training of future mid-level specialists.
Expressiveness of students' personal qualities and their relationship with basic beliefs
UDC: 159.932+378
Authors: Svetlana A. Domracheva ;
Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of personal qualities among students. The purpose ‒ is to determine the severity of personal qualities in students and to identify their connections with basic beliefs. Materials and methods: theoretical method of literature analysis, testing method, methods: Ketell's multifactorial personality questionnaire, R. Yanoff-Bulman's method of basic beliefs. Data processing was carried out using mathematical statistics methods using r-Spearman correlation analysis. Full-time students of Mari State University in the number of 60 people (56 girls and 4 boys aged 18‒22 years, average age 20.5 years) were examined. They study in the following areas of training: psychological and pedagogical education and psychology. The results, discussion. The individual personality characteristics necessary for success in professional pedagogical activity are studied and analyzed. The theoretical substantiation of the basic beliefs representing the value-semantic sphere of personality and determining the direction of professional activity is given. The analysis of the results of the study of personal qualities represented in groups of communicative, intellectual, emotional, and regulatory properties is presented. Special attention is paid to the assessment of professionally important qualities necessary for interaction with people and work in the field of education. Conclusion. The connections of communicative and emotional personality traits with the basic beliefs of students “positive self-image” and “faith in luck” are revealed. The higher the level of communicative, intellectual and regulatory personal qualities, the higher the indicators of basic beliefs: a positive self-image and faith in luck. Conclusions are formulated about the severity of students' personal qualities and their relationship with basic beliefs.
Fitness technologies as a means of preparing university students to pass the standards of the TRP complex
UDC: 378.172
Authors: Ivan I. Kochetkov;
Introduction. The article presents the results of an experiment on the use of fitness technologies in a study group of university students in physical education classes to prepare for passing the TRP standards. Fitness is an innovative sports technology, its use in physical education classes is lawful on the basis of the Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”. The purpose of the study is to study the effectiveness of fitness technologies as a method of applying physical activity to improve the indicators of physical fitness of university students to pass the TRP standards. Materials and methods. The methods of theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the theoretical justification and practical application of fitness technologies to improve the physical fitness of young people at the university were applied. During the 2022‒2024 academic year, experiment was conducted at the Pedagogical Institute of MarGU, in which students of the experimental and control groups engaged in physical education with the inclusion of fitness technology in the curriculum. Research results, discussion. Fitness differs from other areas of physical activity in its adaptability, characteristic organizational forms, tools and methods, it is built according to a certain algorithm, with guaranteed results. The students of the experimental group, according to the results of the final testing in the form of passing the TRP standards at the end of the academic year, improved their training and blood oxygen saturation, 35 % of the students showed a score of “gold”, 60 % ‒ “silver”, 5 % ‒ bronze on the 60 meter running test. In the control group, by the end of the experiment, the grades “gold” reached only 10 %, female students, “silver” ‒ 30 % and “bronze” ‒ 60 %. In conclusion, it is stated that as a result of the experiment, the training of the students of the experimental group turned out to be higher than in the control group, they had better indicators of strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and special skills in relation to the control in the final testing in the form of passing the TRP standards.
Intensive methods of educational counseling in the creative training of future teachers in the field of design
UDC: 378.147
Authors: Sergei Yu. Lavrentyev; Dmitry A. Krylov ; Linar G. Akhmetov;
Introduction. The article identifies and analyzes intensive methods of educational counseling of future designers, conditioned by the implementation of the main directions of the national project “education”, development of a creatively oriented personality capable of making informed, balanced decisions. The purpose of the study is to study modern intensive methods of educational counseling of study groups used in the practical activities of leading design schools. To successfully solve the stated goal of the study, the methods of theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the theory and practice of educational counseling, the study of advanced practices on the official electronic resources of leading design schools on the problems of creative activity, development of design thinking, student questionnaires, a survey, included and non-included observation in study groups during the implementation of creative projects were used. As a result of the study, it was revealed that creativity from the standpoint of pedagogical counseling can be interpreted through the prism of the manifestation of an original way of applying the acquired experience in new conditions. At the same time, the process of activity is understood as a dynamic system during which the interaction of the subject with the outside world is activated. The use of intensive methods of educational counseling in the educational process contributes to the involvement of future designers in practical situations that arise in the process of real creative activity. In conclusion the findings of the study on the need to use modern intensive methods of training designers in accordance with the individual-semantic content of educational counseling within the framework of the individual's value system, satisfying various needs in the process of developing creative activity are formulated.
Potential of Internet resources in teaching foreign languages at non-linguistic profiles of university education
UDC: 378
Authors: Natalia Yu. Mironova; Nina Yu. Shtreker;
Introduction. Non-language graduates should be able to communicate in a foreign language within the framework of their training profile. For this purpose, they should be able to work with foreign-language materials containing professional vocabulary. Due to the fact that in the modern education system there is a period of global use of Internet technologies, university teachers must be able to use the potential of the World Wide Web themselves, as well as help students to search and find the necessary authentic foreign language information on the profile of their training. Purpose to identify the features of using Internet resources containing authentic professional information, as well as to determine the potential of Internet resources in teaching a foreign language in non-linguistic training profiles. Materials and methods: when working on this study, the methods of pedagogical observation, contextual analysis, comparison, generalization of the results of the survey of teachers and students, as well as the analysis of scientific literature on the topic of research were used. Results, discussion: the article analyzes the pedagogical experience and scientific literature on the topic of research, summarizes the results of surveys of students, highlights some opportunities and features of using Internet resources in teaching foreign languages in non-language areas of training, focuses on the potential of Internet resources in university teaching. Conclusion: the strengths of teaching foreign languages with the use of Internet technologies were identified, the potential of using Internet resources in increasing the motivation of students of non-language profiles to learn a foreign language, as well as in the development of teaching tasks by the teacher during the professional module of the discipline “Foreign language”.
Experience in Using Digital Tools in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language at the Preparatory Department at a Russian University
UDC: 372.881.161.1
Authors: Elena A. Pavlovskaya;
Introduction. In modern teaching of Russian as a foreign language, digital technologies such as computers, smart boards, and smartphones with internet access play an important role. Their use in the educational process helps to adapt teaching to the needs of international students, maintaining high educational standards and contributing to the development of their professional competencies. This requires taking into account students' individual perceptions of information and combining traditional methods with modern digital tools. The goal of this research is to study the methodological issues arising in the teaching of Russian as a foreign language and to develop solutions that promote the creation of an effective digital learning environment (DLE). The study was conducted at the preparatory faculty of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI in the 2023‒2024 academic year. During the pedagogical experiment, which was organized in three stages (diagnostic, formative, and final), students used video conferences, virtual whiteboards, presentations, and interactive exercises. The results of the experiment showed significant improvements in academic performance and motivation in the group that used digital technologies. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the development and testing of an algorithm that optimizes the teaching of Russian in the context of the digital transformation of Russian education. The practical significance includes the potential for creating programs and algorithms to optimize the learning process for international students in higher education institutions. Future research prospects include improving the methodologies for using digital tools in teaching and creating personalized learning trajectories for international students.
Formation of patriotic qualities of technical university students during the development of foreign language speech activities
UDC: 378.14
Authors: Natalya V. Ryapolova;
Introduction. To date, the education of a new generation of socially active members of society, responsible for ensuring the security of Russia and strengthening the state is a state task. In this connection the teachers of higher educational institutions of our country should carry out multidimensional, systematic, purposeful work on the formation of patriotic qualities in student youth. The inclusion of patriotic material in the content of the discipline “Foreign Language” and the use of forms and methods of patriotic feelings education is a special task of foreign language speech activity development of technical university students. Purpose: to present the experience of foreign language teachers of STI NUST “MISIS” in the use of forms and techniques aimed at the patriotic qualities formation in students during the development of foreign language speech activity. Materials and methods: analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, methodological, linguistic literature on the studied problem; retrospective analysis of own pedagogical activity as a teacher of technological institute; analysis of students' activity products (creative tasks); study of experience; pedagogical observation; evaluation. Results of the research, discussion: the concept of “Patriotic education” is considered; approaches to the formation of patriotic qualities of technical university students in foreign language classes are defined: personality-oriented, value-meaning and integrative-activity; principles of implementation of value-meaning approach are described; forms of work on development of foreign language speech activity of students of STI NUST “MISIS”, ensuring effective formation of patriotic qualities of students are presented. Conclusion. Teaching a foreign language through the implementation of personality-oriented, value-sense and integrative-activity approaches provides the increase in the effectiveness of patriotic qualities education in students of technical universities, contribute to the formation of foreign language communicative competence.
The educational and research laboratory “Digital Didactics” as a base for the implementation of educational and research tasks
UDC: 37.012
Authors: Svetlana N. Fedorova; Nataliya D. Golikova;
Introduction. The phenomenon of the development of digital technologies contributes to the change of various scientific branches, including pedagogical ones, as a result, a new direction appears in the educational environment – digital didactics. The purpose of the study: to analyze the activities of the educational and research laboratory “Digital Didactics” in the implementation of educational and research tasks. Materials and methods of research. Theoretical methods were used in the research process (analysis and generalization of theoretical materials and practical experience on the research topic). The materials for analysis are the accounting documents on the activities of the laboratory, the Regulations on the activities of the educational and research laboratory “Digital Didactics”. Research results, discussions: educational task: during the period of the laboratory's operation, 218 classes were held, 19 open events were held for various educational organizations, 3 additional general education programs were implemented for preschool and primary school children and for students of higher educational institutions, as well as 2 additional professional training programs; scientific task: the results of the laboratory's activities are reflected in 8 publications: 3 in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, 4 publications indexed in the RSCI, 1 publication in a collective monograph, the Laboratory was also a platform for 10 scientific events of various levels; educational and research task: research in the field of digital pedagogy is conducted on the basis of the Laboratory: 4 dissertations research, 23 studies within the framework of master's theses, 2 studies within the framework of bachelor's final qualifying works. The laboratory has a variety of equipment for working with children and adults, with which you can develop unique and entertaining activities (HSC “Kolibri. LAB”, interactive floor Floorium Adaptive, interactive studio I-Theatre, digital laboratory “Naurasha in the land of Naurandiya”, interactive wall “Popadalkin”, HSC iSandBOX Small, designers “Mulni” and “Startblock”, etc.). Conclusion: After analyzing the results of the activity of the educational and research laboratory “Digital Didactics” for the year, it can be concluded that it solves the tasks set, is a platform for the acquisition and development of knowledge, and also provides consulting services on the use of digital equipment in the educational environment.
Semantic and syntactic features of an English verb group with the meaning of alienation
UDC: 811.11-112
Authors: Elena A. Aleshugina; Daria A. Loshkareva; Olga N. Soluyanova;
Introduction. The problem of the words meaning is an important issue of linguistics that attracts the attention of Russian and foreign scientists. The study of the semantics of the verb is of particular interest nowadays, as it is regarded in modern linguistics as the structural-semantic center of the sentence. The subject of the study is verb group with the meaning of alienation, the relevance of their study is determined by their difficulties for English language learners. And, therefore, it is necessary to differentiate them in terms of meaning for more adequate expression of the speaker's intention. Purpose: to study the semantic and syntactic features of the verb group with the meaning of alienation, identifying their semantic composition and structure, and to classify this group of verbs. Materials and methods: the material for the study included verbs selected from English dictionaries (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English and Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary) by means of continuous sampling. The study used such methods of scientific analysis as component analysis, method of distribution, transformation, continuous sampling method, and classification method. Results: as a result of the study, the semantic organization of verbs with the meaning of alienation and the semantic structure of the group they form was determined. Seven groups of verbs with different semantic composition were identified. The analysis of these verbs established their hierarchical organization, their classification according to the word formation and the peculiarities of their morphological structure, and the study allowed us to determine the semantic valency models of these verbs using the semantic case methodology. Conclusion: the study showed that the meaning of the verb is much more complex than the meaning of nouns; verbs have a wide semantic scope and easily vary their meaning. The materials of the research can be applied in the English language teaching practice and in the practice of lexicography, in the process of developing educational learning materials.
Representation of the concept “life” in proverbs of the Mari language with the lexemes “ilysh” and “ÿmyr”
UDC: 811.511.111
Authors: Tatiana P. Astankova; Galina N. Kazyro;
Introduction. Proverbs form a proverbial picture of the world, since the meaning of proverbs enshrines the typical and most significant phenomena and situations in people’s lives; they also reflect the moral values and traditions of the people. Proverbs can represent various concepts, including the universal concept “life”. The object of study is the proverbs of the Mari language with the lexemes “ilysh” (life) and “ӱmyr” (age). The relevance of the topic is related to the insufficient study of this fragment of the proverbial picture of the world in Mari linguistics. The purpose of the work is to identify and describe the semantic features of proverbs with the lexemes “ilysh” and “ӱmyr” in terms of representing the concept “life”. Research methods and material. The material for the study was selected from the dictionary by A. E. Kitikov “Mari kalyk oypogo, kalykmut-vlak” (Collection of Mari folklore. Proverbs and sayings). To achieve this goal, a descriptive-analytical method was used in relation to the semantic structure of proverbs. Research results and discussion. The semantic content of the analyzed proverbs is a complex formation. First of all, it contains a figurative meaning based on metaphor, including conceptual metaphor, as well as the semantic dominant of the proverb and its pragmatic meaning. Conclusion. The concept “life” is represented in many proverbs of the Mari language with the lexemes “ilysh” and “ӱmyr”. The conceptual metaphors in these proverbs are: life is a river, life is a road, life is a teacher.
The hero and his name in V. S. Makanin’s novel “Asan”
UDC: 811.512.145
Authors: Yaroslava O. Gudzova ;
Introduction. A distinctive feature of Makanin's novel Asan is an extensive system of anthroponyms, which is complexly and multilayerly connected with the traditions of Russian literature and the peculiarities of the writer's idiosyncrasy. The purpose of the study is to study anthroponyms as an artistic system with a certain set of functions necessary for expressing author's intentions. Materials and methods. The choice of material is determined by the purpose of the study and includes the possibilities of comparative historical, typological, quantitative analysis in combination with a systematic approach. The results of the study. Research results. Based on the conducted research, we can draw a conclusion about the formal and functional diversity of anthroponyms in the novel “Asan”, forming a complex hierarchical system, the center of which is the name of the main character, Major Alexander Sergeevich Zhilin. Numerous and varied character names form an independent subsystem associated with the conceptual meaning of the work through the occasional name of the hero, included in the title of the novel. This is also facilitated by complex narrative discourse, where narrative powers are acquired by the names of the hero, interacting with the names of other heroes in synchrony and diachrony. In addition to Major Zhilin, Major Khvorostinin and General Bazanov are called Alexanders. The diachronic aspect is realized not only through intertextuality, but also in relation to historical characters of the same name or comparable personality types: Macedonsky, Suvorov, Chapaev and Chkalov. A writer cannot do without “speaking” surnames, for example, Gusartsev. The correlation of the hero's naming with personality type and behavior can be both a means of irony and a characterological device that appeals to the semantics of the name, its historical, cultural and (or) sound potential.
Genre specificity of M. Gorky's epistolary: correspondence with K. Pyatnitsky (1900)
UDC: 82-6
Authors: Narine. J. Karakhanyan; Anna N. Talanova;
Introduction. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the issue of the genre specificity of Gorky’s epistolary was not the subject of special works, despite the fact that the problematic and thematic content of the correspondence was commented in detail and became the basis for correcting information about the biography, creativity, and social activities of the writer. Purpose: is to prove that M. Gorky's letters represent a special genre, having a certain plot-compositional structure and a functional-pragmatic orientation, led to an appeal to comparative historical, lexicographical, historical-functional and biographical research methods. Materials: are Gorky’s letters to Pyatnitsky in 1900‒1901, which make it possible to characterize the main features. Results, discussion: the features of the plot-compositional and speech structure of the texts of letters were identified, which are characterized by stylistic syncretism, structural and semantic completeness, bright modality and intentionality. Conclusion: the analysis shows that Gorky’s letters are a monologue structure designed for dialogue with a correspondent, they have such text properties as plot-compositional unity, completeness, modality, which allows us to consider this type of written communication of the writer as a separate genre, part of the system of “single” text created by Gorky.
The functions of precedent phenomena in M. Gorky's story “How I Studied”
UDC: 82-32
Authors: Yulia A. Manuilova;
Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the functions of precedent phenomena that play an important role in the plot organization of the text and the creation of the image of the autobiographical hero. The originality of the narrative lies in the fact that the story was created on the basis of the writer’s journalistic speech, which determined the presence in the story of two time layers, each of which contains precedent phenomena. The purpose of the study: to identify precedent phenomena in M. Gorky’s story “How I studied” and show their functions in the implementation of the author’s plan and organization of the narrative structure. Materials and methods. The research materials were the text of the story “How I Learned”, as well as the works mentioned in this text; the main research methods are intertextual analysis and the descriptive-functional method. Research results, discussion. As a result of the study, it was concluded that precedent texts are included in those plot elements that are associated with the writer’s memories of his childhood; as for journalistic deviations from the biographical chronological sequence of presentation of the history of the doctrine, the rhetoric of the writer-publicist predominates here, there are practically no references to specific works and names.
The book of short stories by Yuri Buida “The Prussian bride”: on the question of the slavic dialogue and Roma-no-Germanic literatures
UDC: 821.161.1
Authors: Tatyana G. Prokhorova ;
Introduction. Intertextuality, diverse dialogical connections with the works of both domestic and foreign authors are a characteristic feature of modern literature. The work of the Russian novelist Yuri Buida is especially significant in this regard. In addition to dialogical connections with Russian writers, his prose invariably contains a Romano-German cultural layer, which has not yet been the object of special study. The purpose of our research is to identify the nature, forms and functions of Yu. Buida's dialogue with the works of Romano-German authors. Materials and methods of analysis. The material of the study is the book of short stories by Buida “The Prussian Bride” (1998). Сomparative-typological and intertextual methods of analysis are used. Research results and discussion. The short stories included in the book “The Prussian Bride” are dominated by dialogue with the works of Western European authors (Shakespeare, Schiller, Rilke, G. Benn, etc.), including with storytelling writers (brothers Grimm, Gauf, Andersen, S. Perrault). Dialogical connections with them reveal themselves in the form of quotations, allusions and reminiscences included in the text, sometimes defining the nature of titles, individual plot situations, images of heroes, as well as manifesting themselves at the level of motive. At the same time, the author often follows the path of intentional deformation or transformation of well-known literary images and plots. Conclusion. In the book of short stories by Yu. Buida “The Prussian bride” the appeal to “someone else's word” is generally metareflexive. The main function of the dialogue with the works of Western European authors is philosophical, associated with the affirmation of the ideal of the Whole in a divided world. The plot, characterological and composition functions are subordinated to it.
Results of questionnaire survey of teachers, students and parents on the issues of teaching the Mari language
UDC: 372.881.1
Authors: Svetlana N. Fedorova ;
Introduction. The article analyzes the results of the research within the framework of the topic “Study of native languages in schools in Russia and in the world” according to the thematic plan of research works (fundamental scientific research and applied research) provided by the State Assignment of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”. The aim of the study is to analyze the results of questionnaire survey of teachers, students and parents on the issues of teaching Mari language. Materials and methods. Questionnaires were developed, questionnaires containing from 6 to 10 questions related to the understanding of the need for learning native languages and satisfaction with the state of native language teaching. Results, discussion. The results of the answers of the heads of educational organizations, teachers, students and parents about the native language speech environment created at school, about the ways of increasing children's motivation to study their native language, about the sufficiency of the number of hours allocated for studying their native language, about the students' success in knowing their native language, about the reasons for the decrease in the students' interest in studying their native language, about the quality of native language textbooks, etc. are presented. Conclusion. The obtained results show that there are many positive aspects in teaching Mari language: Olympiads in Mari language and literature, recitation and essay contests of municipal and regional levels, research work contests are held. The students use their native language “in communication with family and relatives”, “at native language lessons”, “read books, watch TV programs”. But the respondents also point out the problems related to the teaching of the Mari language: the number of hours allocated for the study of the native language is insufficient; not all educational organizations have created a speech environment in the native language, hence the success of students in the knowledge of the native language is assessed by many teachers only as “satisfactory”. The reasons for the decrease in students' interest in learning their native language include “dissatisfaction with the quality of textbooks/teaching aids”, “lack of modern technologies in teaching methods”, “parents' reluctance”, and “uncertainty about the possibilities and prospects of using their native language in life”. It is necessary to continue work on improving the language environment, using modern technologies, and creating all conditions for full-fledged teaching of the native language in accordance with the ethno-cultural needs of the subjects of the educational process.