VESTNIK 2(30) 2018

VESTNIK 2(30) 2018
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2018-06-08 08:53:04
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UDC: 378.046.4
Authors: Elena A. Ganaeva; Svetlana V. Maslovskaya;
The article studies the problem of professional growth of the head of an educational institution in the system of additional vocational education. The following idea is justified: the training of heads of educational institutions for work in rapidly changing conditions requires conceptual and technological elaboration. The purpose of the study is to justify the organizational conditions for the professional growth of the head of an educational institution in the system of additional vocational education. The main research methods are: theoretical analysis of the problem under study; analysis of the results of input diagnostics and final certification of heads of educational institutions in the system of additional vocational education. The article deals with the definition of requirements for the modern head of an educational institution. The article reveals the “new” contexts for the development of the system of additional vocational education. Particular attention is paid to the definition of requirements for the competence and qualifications of education managers. This is due to the modernization processes taking place in the system of Russian education, as well as changes in the statuses of the educational institution. The authors emphasize the work on determining ways to improve the institution of additional vocational education activities as an important factor in the development of human capital in the immediate implementation of the basic principles of lifelong education (education during life). The article analyzes the logic of changing organizational models of the system of modern additional vocational education in time. Three stages of its development are presented: traditional model; deficit model; post-technocratic model. The authors come to the conclusion that the post-technocratic model is the most effective when designing the system of additional vocational education of heads of educational institutions. This model is based on motivation to constantly improve the level of professional competence; regularity of professional competence assessment; importance of inclusion in the educational institution development plan of opportunities for professional growth of specialists; coincidence of the needs of the educational institution and the personal growth of workers.
UDC: 159.9.01
Authors: Olga A. Demintseva; Elena V. Kondratenko;
Introduction. This article outlines the historical background of the emergence of the concept of “healthy lifestyle”, the concept of “readiness”. An analysis of the concept «readiness for adopting healthy lifestyle» is seen as a complex integrative concept, and identifies the most important task of the state. The article clearly gives the structure of readiness for adopting healthy lifestyle, which is viewed through the prism of interrelated components. The criteria of the person's readiness for adopting healthy lifestyle and its relationship with the components of readiness are considered. The levels of forming readiness for adopting healthy lifestyle are determined. The problem of forming readiness for adopting healthy lifestyle of students was studied by B. A. Ashmarin, V. K. Balsevich, G. Y. Belyaev, G. A. Vinik, T. I. Volkov, M. Y. Vilensky, V. Z. Kogan, K. A. Manovtseva, H. E. Kudryavtsev, A. B. Martynenko, L. V. Nesterov, A. V. Panin, O. V. Rahman, B. C. Fomina, and others. Materials and methods. The study is based on a theoretical analysis of scientific sources on the research problem. Results of the research study. The analysis made it possible to find out that the formation of a healthy way of life is based on three components that characterize the level of development of society: social, infrastructural and personal. The criteria for a person's readiness for adopting healthy lifestyle include motivational, cognitive, operational and axiological components. Each criterion corresponds to a certain value, which is expressed in the totality of the skills, knowledge and life values. The following levels of readiness for adopting healthy lifestyle were identified: algorithmic, heuristic and creative, and their interrelation with university education was determined. Discussion and conclusion. Categorical analysis of the concept of “readiness for adopting healthy lifestyle” reveals its interdisciplinary nature, the essential connection with such psychological concepts as “time”, “need”, and “willingness”. The process of formation of readiness for adopting healthy lifestyle is multilevel in nature and requires the specification of levels and criteria of its formation.
UDC: 331
Authors: Zarina K. Kondratenko; Natal'ya G. Arzamastseva;
Introduction. Currently, career counseling is available both to adults and to children of different ages. The work on professional counseling in the education system is carried out by school psychologists, specialists of employment departments, employment centers and recruitment agencies, as well as various vocational counseling centers and specialized consulting services. Career counseling helps to solve such problems of individual employment as the choice of a profession; the definition of the profile of vocational training and others. The purpose is to study the types and forms of career counseling in an educational institution and to suggest the ways to improve this type of services within the framework of psychological consulting. Materials and methods. To achieve the goal, such methods as the study and theoretical analysis of psychological and educational literature on the research problem were used, as well as the analysis of interviews and questionnaires conducted at the Mari State University, methods of data collection and processing, and a comparative-historical method. Results, discussion. The results of the research showed that the passage of the primary professional orientation of future specialists occurs mainly within the school and family, and for most students under the age of 18 years. As sources of information about the future profession, more than half of the respondents named the news of radio, television, Internet resources. After conducting an express consultation with interviewed students at the faculty it is possible to form a positive attitude of the majority of students to the future profession, the idea of a future profession has changed for the better in 66 % of respondents. Conclusion. The conditions for achieving positive results of career counseling in an educational institution are the realization of a personal approach; continuity of career counseling during the process of «choice of profession – training – employment» (choice of students of the future profession and educational institution, awareness of the possibilities of future employment); creation of pedagogically grounded conditions for targeted career guidance, including individual and collective career counseling, meetings with employers, development of appropriate programs of practices and curricula, and practical internship.
UDC: 378
Authors: Tatyana P. Lopatina; Elena V. Boroukhina;
Physical education of students consists of two parts: training classes in physical education, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards; independent lessons on the program of physical improvement. The preferred areas for independent aerobic physical training among students are recreational, vocational, and sports, which depend on what goals and tasks have to be addressed in specific conditions. The urgency of the problem lies in the fact that in order to activate the creative and motor potentials of students, independent training based on aerobic exercise complexes is necessary. This contributes to the development of independent skills in the organization of individual physical training. The scientific novelty of the conducted studies is that for the first time a comparative analysis of independent aerobic training sessions for students of several training groups was conducted during the school year at the Mari State University. The material for research was the results of an objective test of strength and endurance among the students of the 1st and 2nd year of the Pedagogical Institute of the Mari State University. In accordance with the methodology of the study, two groups of young men and two groups of girls were formed. Individual training programs for the academic year were designed for students. Before the beginning of the experiment and at its end, the indicators of physical strength and endurance were registered. The control groups included students who took the course “Physical culture”, in accordance with the requirements of FSES, without additional training. The aim of the research was to study the effectiveness of independent aerobic training, organized according to individual plans, for the formation of sustainable skills of independent work on physical training. At the end of the school year, an assessment of the physical performance of students using the PWC170 step-test in the modification of V. L. Karpman was carried out. In addition to the step-test, the adaptive potential (AP) formula was used to assess the level of physical development of students, which allows for high accuracy by measuring the heart rate (HR) and blood pressure at rest and after the exercise. Based on the conducted research, the conclusions were drawn.
UDC: 377.5
Authors: Nadejhda N. Maksyutova;
New requirements for learning outcomes require the teacher in SVE to create the information and pedagogical competence. The structure of the teaching staff of institutions of secondary vocational education is heterogeneous and includes teachers of general education disciplines, teachers of general professional disciplines, masters of industrial training, as well as teachers of additional education who do not always know how to work with information and communication technologies. The purpose of this article is to analyze the process of forming the information and pedagogical competence of the teacher in SVE. It can be said that two main problems connected with the formation of information and pedagogical competence among teachers in SVE are clearly highlighted: the lack of basic training or additional professional education in the field of Information and Communication Technologies and in the field of Pedagogy. This thesis was confirmed as a result of monitoring conducted on the basis of the Volgograd Technical College of Energy and Communications. Structural and functional components of information and pedagogical competence of teachers in SVE were identified, and it was concluded that the essence of this construct is not only the ability to work with information, but also the ability to effectively apply it to the pedagogical activity process. As a result of the research, the stages and levels of formation of the infor-mation-pedagogical competence of the teacher in SVE were identified. The main task is to consistently increase competence and the advanced level of pedagogical skill. Optimization of process of formation of information-pedagogical competence of teachers in SVE can be ensured if certain conditions are met: the information and pedagogical competence of the teacher will be considered as integrative quality of the personality in unity of components: motivational, cognitive, activity and reflexive and estimated; possibilities of additional education will be most realized and internal resources of establishment are used. Master classes, courses and competitions of professional skill can be used as a means.
UDC: 371.14(470.344)
Authors: Marina G. Mikhutkina; Svetlana G. Ignatieva;
The article reflects the experience of implementing the programs for the upgrading of qualifications of primary school teachers of the Chuvash Republic. Recommendations on the use of different forms of advanced training are presented (full-time, part-time, distance, network model, internship), by determining the ratio of innovative and traditional forms, variational and invariant models of professional development. There are many options and forms. The main thing is to select the program competently and to pass the courses on time. Since 2013, upgrading is proposed to take place every 3 years. For all forms of work of each teacher, the priority is given to interactive practice-oriented teaching methods. One of the problematic topics “New forms – new opportunities: electronic educational resources in the primary school”, defined for working with teachers in courses of professional development, occupies a special place in the educational activities of the institution. Modern education is incon-ceivable without modern means and new forms of education. The use of electronic educational resources in elementary school is to provide a creative environment for the implementation of educational activities. Electronic educational resource in elementary school is a ready-made tool for the active participation of students in the development of formation of universal educational actions for the development of planned results. Nowadays, the teacher should not only teach the student to learn, but also educate the person, oriented to self-development. The use of information and communication technologies in educational activities is a requirement of modern methodology and orientation to the interests and opportunities of students. ICT-technologies are designed primarily to improve the quality of education, to increase the motivation of children to acquire new knowledge, and to speed up the process of learning. Therefore, the following requirements are also specified for teachers in the normative documents: “... they must possess ICT-competence: general ICT-competence; general pedagogical ICT-competence; subject-pedagogical ICT-competence (reflecting the professional ICT-competence of the relevant field of human activities)”.
UDC: 372.881.161.1
Authors: Tatyana V. Nikitina;
The article deals with the problem of shaping professional communicative competence of penal officers. The aim of the article is the selection of the pedagogical conditions promoting realization of model of formation of professional communicative competence anomg cadets of the universities of the Federal Penal Service. For realization of research tasks the following methods of research were used: the analysis and generalization of pedagogical, methodical literature on the work problem; the synthesis of pedagogical experience, modeling. Results. The author considers pedagogical conditions of realization of the program of formation of professional communicative competence among cadets of the universities of the Federal Penal Service of Russia. The author proposes to form the professional communicative competence of cadets throughout the entire training in a departmental institution of higher education in stages, in a comprehensive manner, using specially designed interactive teaching methods that reflect the specifics of the future profession and simulate situations of professional communication. Based on the experience of the Perm Institute of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments of the Russian Federation, the author pays special attention to the peculiarities of professional communicative competence, depending on the profile of the criminal-executive system: “Organization of the guard and convoy”, “Organization of the regime”, “Kinology”. An important role in the formation of this competence is the organisation of self-education of cadets and improvement of communicative training of the teaching staff and the command staff of higher education institutions of the Federal Penal Service of Russia. Conclusion. Realization of the examined pedagogical conditions will allow to form the professional communicative competence of cadets within the framework of the educational process in the departmental higher educational institution.
UDC: 378.04
Authors: Elena V. Raskachkina;
Introduction. Formation of students’ professional values takes the important place in the course of the competitive personality formation and it is among the main tasks facing institutions of higher education. This circumstance is actualized by the fact that the university graduate who effectively performs the professional functions, differing at the same time in high susceptibility, social and professional mobility, and readiness for development of professional values arouses interest for society and the employer at the labor market now. The purpose is studying of the condition of professional values formation at students of the training program 21.03.02 Organization of the use of land and cadastres (bachelor degree level). The methods included observation, questioning, testing, individual and group conversations. Scientific novelty. The essence, contents and structure of professional values of students have been disclosed; criteria, indicators and levels of formation of professional values of students have been defined. Practical importance. Theoretical provisions and conclusions of the research allow comprehending and realizing an effective process of professional values formation at students. Results. The analysis of levels indicators of professional values valuable criterion formation has shown that the average level of formation of professional values indicators prevails at ability to cooperate and communicate in the collective; at responsibility for the charged business in the control and experimental groups. The ability to professional and personal development occupies an average level in the experimental group and a low level in the control group. The ability to put before itself and colleagues ambitious goals occupies a high level in the experimental group and an average level in the control group. The analysis has also shown that the ability to align own interests with the interests of other people is developed insufficiently in both groups. The analysis of levels indicators of professional values cognitive criterion formation has shown that a low level prevails at aspiration to intellectual development, to knowledge of scientific achievements, manifestation of erudition and general culture in both groups. The analysis of levels indicators of professional values activity criterion formation has shown that practically all indicators have got a low level of formation. The exception is the ability to master and realize innovative technologies. Conclusion. Therefore, it is possible to note that formation of indicators of professional values valuable criterion is at the average level while indicators of formation of professional values cognitive and activity criteria have been developed insufficiently.
UDC: 378
Authors: Lidia L. Sabirova;
Introduction. Continuous education is one of the modern ideas in education. In this regard, the training of bachelor's lawyers has more applied purposes. Continuous education has become the goal to which school, university, society, personality go. The most important condition ensuring the realization of this vector of the development of education is digitalization of education, which involves the translation of all types of information (textual, audio-visual) used in the educational process into digital form. The purpose is to identify the problems of using open educational resources in continuing legal education and propose ways to renaissance of identified problems. Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the research is made up of the concepts of the self-developing personality, the mechanisms of personalization, self-realization, subjective activity of the individual, the concept of a systematic approach to the analysis of pedagogical phenomena and processes; the theory of the application of personality-oriented and culturological approaches in education, the totality of methodological approaches to the continuous professional training of specialists in the legal profile, the ideas of the competence approach in higher professional education. Results, discussion. The study confirms the conclusion that employers pay special attention to the presence in the summaries of lawyers of additional certificates and other supporting documents of the passage of supplementary education programs, training courses, and continuing education programs characterizing continuous legal education and showing the competence of a specialist. The analysis of open educational resources shows that the most popular programs, courses and disciplines developed for representatives of the legal community with the aim of developing continuous legal education. Conclusion. The main problems of using open educational resources in continuing legal education include such problems as insufficient skills and skills of using personal computers and Internet resources among older lawyers; lack of sufficient attention to the importance of acquiring new knowledge through additional education through open information resources; lack of material and time resources for training using on-line courses. To solve these problems, the author proposes: to increase the incentives for self-education for professional lawyers by informing social networks about the requirements of modern employers; for law students, to take into account the passage of such on-line courses in the portfolio for the subsequent promotion; and to give citizens the opportunity to free-of-charge on-line courses through access to the Internet through libraries.
UDC: 373.23
Authors: Olga G. Tavstukha; Lyudmila Yu. Shavshayeva;
The problem of pedagogical maintenance of formation of emotional intelligence of the senior preschoolers significant in the light of implementation of Federal state educational standards is staticized. The research objective is to reveal the possibilities of pedagogical maintenance of formation of emotional intelligence of the senior preschool children in the preschool educational organization. Materials and methods. During the theoretical analysis the concepts “emotional intelligence of a senior preschool child”, “pedagogical maintenance” in the context of the stated research problem are defined; the features of process model of formation of the studied phenomenon are designated; necessary pedagogical conditions are revealed. The following methods of a pedagogical research were implemented: diagnostic (questioning, testing); predictive (expert estimates, self-assessment); observation (direct and indirect observation, introspection); modeling (method of model designs); praximetric (studying and synthesis of experience of teachers). Results of a research. Based on the results of the study, an increase in the level of knowledge of children of the senior preschool age of their emotions, adult and peer emotions, and comprehension of emotional states was noted; focus on interaction with adults and peers; skills to express emotions, sympathize, empathize, promote, exercise emotional self-control. Discussion and conclusions. Implementation of the diagnostic, educational, advisory, training directions providing individual orientation of process of formation of emotional intelligence of children; design and implementation of the partial educational program providing accounting of age features of formation of emotional intelligence of students; realization of technologies of a fasilitation of interaction of parents of the senior preschool children and teachers of the preschool educational organization in the course of formation of the studied phenomenon, the causing favorable emotional interaction in family; contributed to the increase in level of formation of emotional intelligence of the senior preschool children in the preschool educational organization.
UDC: 378.016:006
Authors: Ravil R. Shiriev; Rafina R. Zakieva;
The system of guaranteeing the quality of higher professional education is a timely, urgent and acute problem for any technical university. The competitiveness of the university in the educational services market, the priorities of the state policy in the sphere of education, the formation of a mass higher school, the process of the formation of the European educational space, all this contributes to the need to promote, to develop and to introduce new methods and means in the professional training of students. The method of the “Tapping test” is designed to determine the properties of the nervous system according to the psychomotor parameters of students. The purpose of the study was the improvement and adaptation of the “Tapping test” method, the justification of the use in technical training of students of technical universities. The object of the study was the methodology of testing in the professional training of students of technical universities. The subject of the study is the possibility of applying the “Tapping test” method as a means of diagnosing the influence of auditor lighting on the quality of in-university training. The objective of the study was to evaluate the influence of LED lighting on visual performance in comparison with luminescent and natural. Hypotheses: 1) the “Tapping-test” method is applicable for assessing the degree of influence of the light-colored environment on the quality of vocational training of students of technical universities; 2) spectral features of the radiation of light sources affect the psychomotor activity of students of technical universities. This article presents the results of research on the effect of LED luminaires at different color temperatures of the luminous flux on the efficiency and emotional state of a person on which the effectiveness of the learning process depends. As a result of the work done at the Kazan State Power Engineering University, the comparative analysis of data using statistical methods did not reveal a reliable shift in the test results, which proved the inconsistency of the classical testing technique, but it was proved that better lighting contributes to the growth of students' performance. In order to reduce the probability of errors during testing, we created a prototype of a mobile application that is as close as possible to the described express test, but lacks many disadvantages of the outdated methodology.
UDC: 616.891:616.379-008.64
Authors: Eleonora A. Loskutova;
Introduction. Nowadays diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic human diseases. Since this disease cannot be completely cured, the issues of improving the quality of life of patients with diabetes mellitus become urgent. In a psychological context, this may be due to the optimization of the emotional States of patients. In particular, with the reduction of anxiety. The objective is to study the level of anxiety of individuals with diabetes in the psychosomatic aspect. Materials and methods. The study of the problem of psychosomatic aspects of anxiety individuals with diabetes is an analytical overview of the contributions of theoretical and practical research on anxiety of diabetic patients as well as conducted an empirical study of the relationship of the level of severity of anxiety and anxiety-type response to disease patients with diabetes of varying degrees of severity. The results of the study, discussion. The article identified problems related to anxiety of patients with diabetes mellitus. The empiric study involving 60 patients showed that significant differences were found according to the level of severity of anxiety type responding to illness, situational anxiety, personal anxiety and anxiety level between groups of patients with mild and severe diabetes mellitus (1 and 3), as well as on the level of situational manifestations of anxiety of patients with mild to moderate form (1 and 2), and the level of anxiety of patients with moderate and severe forms (2 and 3 stage) of diabetes mellitus. Conclusion. This study allowed empirically capture and statistically confirm the growth of anxiety due to the increased severity of the disease in patients with diabetes mellitus.
UDC: 616.891:616.379-008.64
Authors: Tat'yana V. Slotina; Yuliya S. Nedoshivina;
The purpose of our research is to analyze the features of tendency to Machiavellianism and rigidity in gender perspective. We put forward the next hypotheses: the students with a high level of Machiavellianism are characterized by a higher level of rigidity, as well as more masculine type of gender identity. The methodological complex includes the “Mach-IV” questionnaire by R. Christie and F. Geis adapted by V. V. Znakov to measure student’s Machiavellianism level, the “Bem Sex-Role Inventory” to study student’s gender self-identification and the “Tomskiy questionnaire of rigidity” by G. V. Zalevskiy to study student’s rigidity. It was revealed that the male’s level of Machiavellianism is higher than the female’s. We found a negative correlation between the level of Machiavellianism and masculinity. The dominant type of student’s gender identity is androgynous. Androgynous and masculine students are characterized by a high level of Machiavellianism. Studies results demonstrate different features of rigidity and gender identity of students with different Machiavellianism level. We assume that studying the level of Machiavellianism and rigidity of students at different stages of education at the university will help to build an effective program of psychological support for students in order to identify and correct inclinations and the tendency to machiavellianism.
UDC: 82
Authors: Ekaterina A. Artemeva;
Abstract. The article examines the script “One hundred days after childhood” (1975) by Sergei Soloviev. The object of the study is screenwriting image. The purpose of the study is to analyze the ways of creating a speech portrait of the Soviet schoolboys of elder age in the literary text. The study was revealed the guiding principle of creating a speech portrait – saturation of intertextual connections and references to the texts of classical Russian literature, which are traditional reading circle of a teenager. This is reflected, on the one hand, in using by young heros of lexis and phraseology to demonstrate their familiarity with the literary classics, the other – in a constant game with the fictional characters and myths, which could be a sign of Soviet teenager and which had a significant effect (the most important one of them – “А Hero of our time” and “Masquerade” by Lermontov, “Mitya's love” and “Sunstroke” by Bunin, Myth of Byron). The study draws conclusions about how appropriate it is to include a script by Sergei Solovyov “One hundred days after childhood” in a number of Russian classical literature on moral development of a young hero, and the reading range of the emerging personality. This fact justifies the study of this text as an independent literary work. The study also proves that Sergei Solovyov has managed to create a special type of images, which must be considered for compiling the typology of images of teenagers in Soviet and Russian screenwriting in general.
UDC: 81’276.6:630-051
Authors: El'zara V. Gafiyatova;
The presented research is aimed at revealing the specificity of the professional culture of forestry as one of the variants of the Russian national culture. In full accordance with the modern linguistic paradigm and the basic principles of anthropocentrism, functionalism, and explantation, it is shown that both the praxeological and mental components of professional culture are reflected in the professional language. As a tool for reconstructing culture, the thesaurus of the language personality is used, manifested in the verbal-semantic network of the language, and marked with the social and professional experience of the professional linguistic personality, as well as the value orientations inherent in the sociocultural community under study. In the basis of the proposed author's typology of the professional culture of forestry, four criteria are used: language; kind of activity; specialization; discourse. The interdependence of professional subculture and professional activity is demonstrated in a number of examples of codified and non-codified versions of the professional sublanguage. The codified version is objectified in the names and terms used in the high communication register. The non-codified version of the professional language is explicated in a low register of communication in professionalisms and jargons. As a discourse-forming community, the professional forestry community generates the texts corresponding to professional and ethno-cultural norms, standards and stereotypes. Typical texts in which the language of forestry is implemented are normative and legal texts, scientific, instructive and instructive texts (textbooks) and informative texts (in the codified standard), as well as an anecdote, song, riddle (in the non-codified sub-standard). It is proved that the culture of a professional language personality is determined primarily by the availability of special education and the period of socialization in the professional community.
UDC: 821.512.111(092)
Authors: Galina A. Ermakova; Nadezhda I. Yakimova;
This article examines the motif of «silence» in the art world of Anatoly Mittov. The analysis of individual miniatures gives an opportunity to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the national culture of the Chuvash people, to better understand the worldview of the Chuvash ethnos. The work is of an interdisciplinary nature, it is written at the junction of literary criticism, linguoculturology, philosophy, and art history. The research is aimed at solving some basic tasks. It is devoted to the understanding of the motif of silence in the work of Anatoly Mittov as a significant missing. Prose miniatures representing this motif, is understood as a space that represents the sacred, and considered in the plane of philosophy and the traditional worldview of the Chuvash. The semantic fullness of the motif of “silence” is revealed. The author concludes that, as a painter, the schedule, the author of numerous prose miniatures, the Creator of his own innovative style, based on deep national traditions, learning their essence, the Creator discovered his ability to see eternal, everlasting. His creations are full of mystery, symbolic, meaningful. The problem of the artist's connection with macro-cosmos through the motive of silence is very complicated, for this reason, some ideas, put forward by us, can be ambiguous, controversial, requiring further interpretation.
UDC: 821.511.1
Authors: Larisa V. Kalashnikova; Raisiya A. Kudryavtseva;
Introduction. The article deals with the poetics of the short story “The Belt” written by Mari writer Vera Boyarinova. The relevance of this problem is determined by its correlation with history studies and modern status of Mari poetics. This aspect of literary research is urgently needed in regional philological science at present. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study signs of an autobiographical narrative. Materials and methods. The method of the research is structural semantic. In the article the following levels and aspects of story structure are analyzed in regard to revealing the genre determinants of the autobiographical creation: the form of storytelling, the structure of characters, the system of subjects of speech and conscience (in their connection to an autobio-graphical event and psychological outline of writing), the methods of expression and stylistic organization of the narrative. Results, discussion. The study is intended to clarify and supplement the existing typology of Mari story of the second half of the XXth century. The autobiographical short story as a genre variety of Mari short story and lyrical (subjective) story in particular has not been studied up to the present. It is proved in the article, that Vera Boyarinova's story “The Belt” is an autobiographical one. The first person narrative and bright character of a personified narrator, identical to the author; a key character (Ovdaki), linked with her, whose life story is drawn in retrospect and which is a part of the real biography of the narrator, are presented. Narration is subjective, expressive and characterized by lyricism and drama. The style of the narrative is correlated with the characteristics of the author's speech.
UDC: 82
Authors: Igor P. Karpov;
The purpose of the study is to clarify the author's chronotopical vision of world and man in the poetry of the Mari poet Valentin Columb and the Russian poet Alexander Sychev. The author's chronotopic vision is one of the paradigmatic constants of a comparative study of original and translated texts. The author's chronotope is associated with intentially content of the author's consciousness. It reflects the natural spatial and temporal correlation with the topos of the place of birth (place of action), the landscape, the homeland, the Motherland, the planet, the space. The research centers on the poems by Valentine Columb and Alexander Sychev. The author of the study uses the method of autorhological analysis, in which the author considers as a subject of literary activities and literary work as verbal and figurative objectification of the existential forces of the writer. The author came to the conclusion that the poetry by Valentine Columbus and Alexander Sychev objectifies family, historical, socio-political, planetary-cosmic consciousness, characteristic of Soviet literature of the 1960s-1970s. This consciousness is realized in following the Mari oral-poetic tradition in the poetry of Valentine Columbus. Speaking about the poetry by Alexander Sychev, we should notice, that the author's consciousness is realized in the Russian literary-poetic tradition. In either case, adherence to tradition is evident in national stereotypes embodied in the images, in the very nature of comparison of one reality with the other.
UDC: 821.161.1
Authors: Lyudmila N. Sarbash;
The article analyzes the ideological and artistic specificity of the Volga travelogue and highlights the urgent issues of its research. The attributive signs of travelogue are identified: Volga as an invariable and significant space-time locus, objectivity and documentality of the described “fact”, narrator as a permanent focus of the image, ethnography and folklore as characteristic features of poetics. The Volga travelogue represents a certain typological commonality, and in this aspect the following methods are most fruitful: structurally descriptive one, which allows us to reveal the dominant signs of “Journey through the Volga”, and comparative as the correlation of literary phenomena, as well as the comparative analysis of an artistic text. The study defined: the chronotope of the way, the spatial-geographical topos of the Volga is the structure-forming beginning of “Journey through the Volga”, the ethnography of the Volga is an important element of the ideological and artistic organization of travelogue. Other national phenomena in their ethnically ethnographic and confessional manifestation are the subject of the image in the Volga travelogue: wedding and funeral ceremonies of the Mordva, Tatar holidays, the German way of life and the Kalmyk world on the lower Volga – Buddhist temples and worship, rituals. The mythology and folklore of the ancient Volga – songs, historical legends, legends of Russian and non-Russian Volga peoples – are significant in the art system of the travelogue: Russian legends about the Dyatlovy Mountains, Sterlar Tsar, Svetloyar, St. Alexis and the Elder of Macarius, the god Yumo, the Kalmyks about the sacred mountain Bogdo, the Chuvash about Kiremet. Russians and other ethnic folk sources, revealing the historical memory of the Volga peoples, not only expanding the borders depicted phenomena, but also complicate the artistic travelogue system, introducing the image in the link of documentary, ethnically-ethnographic and art-figurative reflection. It is established that the image of other worlds is one of the narrative strategies of the Volga travelogue.
UDC: 821.161.1
Authors: Yana A. Yufereva;
Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the influence of Volkov’s early story “Under the Horse” on the poetics of his later works – the story “At the End of the Path” and the novel “Sinking into Darkness”. The purpose of the research is to determine what the genetic generality of Volkov’s works “Under the Horse”, “At the End of the Path” and “Sinking into Darkness” becomes apparent in. Materials and methods. The study was based on the materials of the first published in 2001, after the author’s death, story “Under the Horse” and the other more well-known works of Volkov (the story “At the End of the Path” and the novel “Sinking into Darkness”). The comparative and biographical methods were used. Results, discussion. The genetic generality of Volkov’s stories “Under the Horse”, “At the End of the Path” and the autobiographical novel “Sinking into Darkness” detected the whole complex of intersections, textual and plot adoptions, the proximity of works’ problematic. In addition to structural and textual intersections the works are connected with each other by the common autobiographical basis and the unity of the lyric subject. Conclusion. The unpublished in Volkov’s lifetime story “Under the Horse”, which was a basis for the story “At the End of the Path” and the novel “Sinking into Darkness” has no independent artistic value. The story is of interest for the textual study of author’s later works, it is important as the first experience of Volkov’s appeal to the theme of the prison camp, as an early experience with a large epic form.
In 2018, twelve people complete their studies in this area of training at the Mari State University. Not only bachelor students who go onto further study (8) are among them, but also teachers of literature (3), culturologists (1); graduates of Russian universities and universities of CIS countries (Uzbekistan). The following issues of modern philology are at the center of students and mentors attention: the development of domestic and foreign culture and literature, the performance features of the Russian language, its place in society, the strengthening of its authority in the world space. The students have mastered modern approaches to the study of texts of different types, and learnt the methodology of analysis of the most complex phenomena of modern culture: postmodern texts, network literature, subcultural youth creativity, etc. The students also had the opportunity to test their knowledge in the process of passing the practices in the best educational institutions of the city and the region. They got acquainted with the main directions of the activity of the regional basic university of the Republic of Mari El, which the Mari State University is now, as well as with the experience of its leading specialists. The “Vestnik of the Mari State University” introduces readers to the concepts of undergraduate qualifications of magisters.
The inauguration of the auditorium named after V. A. Komelina on the celebration of the 87th anniversary of Higher Professional Education in the Republic of Mari El
Authors: Д. А. Крылов;
История высшего профессионального образова¬ния в Республике Марий Эл начинает свой отсчет с 22 мая 1931 года – именно в этот день, согласно постановлению Совета народных комиссаров РСФСР № 588, был создан Марийский агропединститут, преобразованный затем в Марийский педагогический институт имени Н. К. Крупской, а позднее вошедший в состав Марийского государственного университета. 22 мая 2018 года Марийский государственный университет празднует 87-летие системы высшего образования Республики Марий Эл, а также день рождения Педагогического института. В рамках торжественных мероприятий в учебно-лаборатор¬ном корпусе Педагогического института была открыта аудитория имени профессора Валентины Александровны Комелиной, доктора педагогических наук, проработавшего в университете более 40 лет, главного редактора (2015–2017) научного журнала «Вестник Марийского государственного университета». В. А. Комелина внесла огромный и неоценимый вклад в подготовку педагогических и научно-пе¬дагогических кадров вуза и республики: более 30 лет руководила кафедрой теории и методики технологии и профессионального образования, почти 20 лет была председателем диссертационного совета по защите диссертаций на соискание ученой степени кандидата наук, на соискание уче¬ной степени доктора наук, являлась основателем и руководителем научно-педагогической школы «Формирование профессионально-педа¬го-гичес¬кой культуры специалиста». Стены данной современной мультимедийной аудитории выбраны не случайно: именно здесь Валентина Александровна читала лекции, отвечала на вопросы, проводила консультации, принимала государственные экзамены у студентов – бака-лавров и магистрантов; принимала кандидатский минимум у соискателей и аспирантов и именно здесь заседал экспертный совет диссовета под председательством В. А. Комелиной, который рекомендовал соискателей и аспирантов к защите диссертации. Теперь каждое занятие, проводимое в этой аудитории, станет своеобразной данью памяти этому выдающемуся человеку, и аудитория имени Комелиной Валентины Александровны сбережет для будущих поколений студентов и преподавателей университета память о видном ученом, прекрасном педагоге и замечательном человеке, Человеке с большой буквы.
The editorial board of academic journals of the Mari State University took part in the International conference
Authors: О. С. Крылова;
24–27 апреля 2018 г. в Москве состоялась 7-я Международная научно-практическая конференция «Научное издание международного уровня – 2018: редакционная политика, открытый доступ, научные коммуникации». Организаторами выступили: Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации; НП «НЭИКОН»; Ассоциация научных редакторов и издателей (АНРИ); Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации (Финуниверситет), издательство Elsevier, Нидерланды; Компания Clarivate Analytics, США; Научная электронная библиотека eLIBRARY.RU; Российская академия народного хозяйства и государст¬венной службы при Президенте РФ. Конференция является ежегодной и самой значимой в своем сегменте из существующих по количеству и качеству представляемого контента, уровню организации и востребованности научно-издательским сооб¬щест¬вом. Марийский государственный университет принимает участие в этой конференции с самого ее основания. В ходе мероприятия обсуждались задачи, поставленные перед редакционно-издательским и на¬учным сообществом Минобрнауки РФ и другими заинтересованными министерствами и ведом-ствами, и наметились пути их решения. Докладчиками были руководители российских министерств и ведомств, российские и зарубежные редакторы и издатели ведущих издательств, создатели международных и российских наукометрических баз данных, представители зарубежных ассоциаций и ресурсов, создатели обучающих и редакторских международных платформ и другие представители научного и издательского сообщества. В течение 4-х дней проходила интенсивная, активная работа нескольких параллельных секций. Большой отклик получило выступление Г. О. Еременко (OOO «Научная электронная библиотека», г. Москва). «РИНЦ и Science Index: стратегии развития». На конференции было объяв¬лено об исключении из РИНЦа свыше 8000 сборников материалов заочных конференций и отмечено, что процесс исключения будет продолжен. Сотрудники НЭБ подчеркивают, что процедура включения материалов в РИНЦ теперь будет значительно усложнена, так как основной целью своей деятельности теперь система считает не только учет научного материала, но и избавление от «наукообразного мусора». Также на конференции внимание уделялось вопросам этики, деятельности COPE: кодексу, международным стандартам и лучшим практикам по этике научных публикаций. Подчеркивалась важность соблюдения этических норм всеми участниками процесса публикации научной статьи (автор – редактор – рецензент) и приводились негативные примеры последствий их несоблюдения: внесение авторов в базы ретракций , исключения журналов из баз данных, понижение научной репутации рецензента. Спикеры продемонстрировали развитие Publons – сервиса для рецензентов, постепенно набирающего популярность и в России. Также говорилось о значимости открытой науки и открытого доступа, под-черкивалась важность присвоения DOI журналам и научным работам. Немаловажно, чтобы DOI идентифицировал издателя . Завершилась конференция собранием членов Ассоциации научных редакторов и издателей России, членом которой с 2017 года является и Марийский государственный университет.
The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has conferred a state award on T. A. Zolotova, the Professor, the member of the editorial board of the journal "Vestnik of the Mari State University"
Профессору кафедры русского языка, литературы и журналистики историко-филоло¬гичес¬кого факультета Марийского государственного университета Татьяне Золотовой объявлена бла¬годарность Президента России Владимира Путина за заслуги в научной и педагогической деятельности, подготовку квалифицированных специалистов. Соответст¬вующее распоряжение было подписано 4 мая 2018 года. Вручать награду Татьяне Аркадьевне в торжественной обстановке будет полномочный представитель Президента Российской Федерации в Приволжском федеральном округе Михаил Бабич. Сфера научных интересов Татьяны Аркадьевны связана с традиционной (фольклорной) культурой, историей и теорией русской литературы, молодежной культурой, ма-тематическими методами в филологии. Коллектив редакции и члены редколлегии поздравляют Татьяну Аркадьевну с заслуженной наградой.