VESTNIK 1 (53) 2024

VESTNIK 1 (53) 2024
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2024-03-28 13:31:09
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Stages of the study of personality and its potential: a comparative historical review
UDC: 37.032
Authors: Lyudmila Yu. Aleksandrova;
Relevance. The continuing interest in the subjects of the pedagogical educational process and the transformation of their role in the conditions of digitalization of society leads to the need to study the historical development of pedagogical ideas of the potential of the individual. It is revealed taking into account the genesis of this concept and its interdisciplinarity from the standpoint of philosophical, psychological, acmeological sciences, as well as pedagogical marketing and information pedagogy. The article presents the results of a comparative historical review of the stages of personality research and its potential, which became the purpose of this study. The following methods contributed to the realization of the goal: abstract-logical, systematic and historiographical approaches. From the position of the indicated approaches, a person can replenish and preserve his potential, activate and expand it. The application of these methods allowed us to determine the main stages of studying the personality potential (philosophical, psychological, acmeological, marketing, information and value) and trends in changing scientific interest in its problems. The conclusion contains conclusions about the lack of a clear boundary between the stages and the unifying focus of scientific research – the primacy of personality and the value of its potential (it includes internal resources and the targeted orientation of their use), as well as the possibilities of its development. The degree and quality of realization of opportunities represent the stages of personal development.
Development of students' communicative skills by means of project activities
UDC: 378
Authors: Natalya G. Arzamastseva; Zinaida Yu. Maksimova;
Introduction. The article examines the problem of developing students' communicative skills by means of project activities. Communicative skills are a set of actions of a person that allow her to consciously use communicative knowledge to organize communication and joint creative activity. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the expediency of using project activities in the development of students’ communicative skills. Materials and methods. Theoretical analysis of the literature on the research problem, generalization, testing. Research results, discussion. Groups of communicative skills have been studied and analyzed: socio-psychological (the ability to organize communication in teaching activities, stimulate educational motivation and cognitive activity of participants in the educational process, predict the results obtained, formalize a statement in writing, express their thoughts orally without distortion, etc.), communicative and organizational (the ability to plan the process of communication in a group, interpret and control this process, coordinate their actions with the team, listen to the opinions of other participants, consider the needs of fellow communicators), information and communication (skills of polite communication, the ability to navigate partners, correlate means of verbal and non-verbal communication, actively and attentively listen to a partner, follow the rules of communication culture, express your thoughts emotionally and meaningfully using gestures, facial expressions, symbols, listen and delve into the essence of the problem, ask questions), affective and communicative (the ability to share feelings, take care of a partner, assess the emotional state of another). The structure of students' communicative skills is theoretically substantiated, and the possibilities of project activities for their development are determined. The use of project activities in the classroom solves the following tasks: the development of educational motivation and a sense of responsibility for the results of work on the project, the acquisition of new skills in the design of the results of general work, improving the research ability that allows the student to navigate the flow of information, its analysis, the development of speech abilities during the argumentation of their point of view, the protection of the results obtained. Conclusion. The results of this study can be useful for theoretical and practical application to teachers of higher and secondary professional educational institutions engaged in training design specialists, as well as in the creation of advanced training and professional retraining programs and programs of additional professional education.
Possibilities and prospects for using artificial intelligence technologies in information and educational consulting
UDC: 004.85
Authors: Sergei Yu. Lavrentyev; Dmitry A. Krylov ;
Introduction. The paper is devoted to the study of the needs of students in information and educational consulting, due to the expansion of the use of artificial intelligence technologies in the professional activities of a future specialist, the formation of personal and professional competencies of both students and teaching staff. The purpose of the work is to study the possibilities and prospects for using artificial intelligence technologies in information and educational consulting. Materials and methods. The study used methods of theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the theory and practice of information and educational consulting, special literature on the problems of application possibilities and trends in the development of artificial intelligence, student surveys, surveys, and participant and non-participant observation. Research results, discussion. Theoretical and empirical content analysis of modern research, anonymous surveys, and analysis of data published on the official website of the Federal State Statistics Service indicate that the market for consulting services in the field of innovation, the professional activities of innovative consultants, is in demand and is at a growth stage. In the context of digital transformation of almost all spheres of society, the possibilities and boundaries of using artificial intelligence technologies in the educational environment of educational organizations are widely discussed. The problematic issues of personal adaptation to technological innovations, social responsibility of using advanced achievements in the field of information technology, neural networks in achieving both personally and socially significant results are touched upon. An analysis of the conditions for adapting artificial intelligence technologies to solving socially significant problems on the humanistic interface of the social and information technology components was carried out. In conclusion, it is concluded that increasing the efficiency of information and educational consulting in the era of artificial intelligence will be possible taking into account the interests of all participants in the educational environment and will contribute to the emergence of new forms of pedagogical interaction aimed at increasing the competitiveness of domestic education.
Implementation of a program-oriented approach in the management of rural ethno-cultural education
UDC: 37.005.5+37.06
Authors: Klavdia I. Sultanbaeva;
Introduction. The article presents the implemented experience in managing the rural municipal network of ethno-cultural education in the Askiz district of the Republic of Khakassia under the guidance of the famous teacher N. G. Cheltygmasheva in the period of the transition to the new Federal State Educational Standard for General Education in 2010-2016. The relevance of the consideration of this topic is due to the need to generalize and transfer the existing positive experience of managing innovation processes in rural national schools. The purpose of the article is to inform about the positive management experience of the rural municipal ethno-cultural educational network in the Republic of Khakassia in the context of restructuring and transition to Federal State Educational Standards. Research methodology and methods. The study of innovative management practices, included observation, retrospective analysis, theoretical generalization and systematization of practical experience. The methodological position of the author in relation to ethno-cultural (national) education, a program-oriented approach in managing and modeling the development of rural schools as an important socio-cultural center in rural areas, as a source of innovative development with a focus on quality education is revealed. The results of the study and their discussion show ways to solve the problems of the ethno-cultural content of education, the achievements of students and teachers who motivate children to scientific research activities. One of the significant conditions for the functioning of a national (with an ethno-cultural component) school is the creation of a living cultural and linguistic environment with a native (Khakass) language functioning in teaching and communication. Modeling the development of rural schools in close relationship with the family and taking into account the possibilities of the socio-cultural environment is considered as one of the optimal ways to preserve a small school. In conclusion, the problem of the long-term development of the Khakass language is outlined in connection with the insufficient readiness of young people to work as a teacher of their native language in the modern digital educational environment.
Digital projects: essence, characteristics and implementation tools
UDC: 378.1
Authors: Vera I. Toktarova ; Dina A. Semenova; Natalia V. Matrosova;
Introduction. Project-based activities have been a key aspect of education for many years, providing students with the opportunity to apply acquired knowledge in real-life situations, develop critical thinking and solve complex problems. However, the ongoing processes of digital transformation of all areas of activity contribute to changes in both the type of projects themselves, they are becoming digital, and approaches to managing project activities are changing, which is being transferred to the digital environment. The purpose of the article is to reveal and substantiate the essence and characteristics of digital projects, tools and services for their effective implementation in the context of the digital transformation of education. During the work, theoretical and empirical research methods were used. Research results, discussion. The paper discusses various approaches to defining the concept of “digital project”, identifies their key features and reveals the specifics of managing them. A comparative description of various types of projects related to information and communication technologies (telecommunications project, Internet project, IT project, digital project, digital transformation project) is given. Particular emphasis is placed on digital services used in the process of implementing project activities (services for analyzing project data, tracking the status of projects and tasks, interaction between project teams, organizing feedback, storing project materials and presenting projects). Conclusion. It is concluded that digital projects in the modern world are an integral part of digital transformation; they are aimed at improving business processes through the integration of advanced technologies. Their fundamental difference from other projects related to IT technologies is the change in the management object itself and the project management environment. These features determine the requirements for tools and services for the implementation of digital projects, including those using artificial intelligence technologies.
The formation of professional language communicative competence of future doctors in the field of additional education at the university (using the example of English and Latin)
UDC: 378.147+37.016:81-028.31
Authors: Galina A. Trapeznikova; Flera Ya. Khabibullina;
Introduction. To solve professional tasks at a competent level, future doctors need appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities, both in Russian and in English and Latin. Purpose: to investigate the formation of professional language communicative competence of future doctors in the process of implementing additional educational programs in English and Latin. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the formation of professional language communicative competence of future doctors is implanted in the field of additional education at the university and implemented on the basis of author's general education programs and teaching aids in English and Latin. Materials and methods. A theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign literature and practice on the problems of the article, experimental work presented by fragments of classes in medical English and Latin languages, conducted in the classes on additional education at the Mari State University. Research results, discussion. In the work, language communicative competence is considered as the basis of professional competence related to written and oral communication in English and Latin languages. In the language training of the future doctor, an important role is assigned to professional, linguistic, socio-cultural, communicative approaches that ensure the personal level of students' mastery of foreign and Latin languages. The purpose of the programs of additional courses in English and Latin: to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities available to future medical specialists and to gain new professional language communicative competencies that will allow them to read, understand, translate, extract information from foreign medical sources, as well as prepare to work with Latin terminology, writing prescriptions, communicate with foreign colleagues at conferences, symposiums, meetings, when working together in medical institutions of different countries or receiving international patients. Conclusion. The sphere of additional education at the university for the formation of professional language communicative competence of future doctors allows you to increase the level of oral and written communication in the professional sphere, enlarge the lexical and grammatical stock, improve terminological literacy, carry out linguistic and cultural communication.
Functions of antonyms in the texts of Mari prayers
UDC: 811.511.151
Authors: Lyubov A. Abukaeva; Anzhelika A. Mitruskova ; Andrey V. Chemyshev ;
Introduction. As a meaningful, structural and stylistic component of the text, contrast reflects the peculiarities of world perception, cognition and evaluation of the phenomena of the surrounding reality. The juxtaposition explicates the linguistic picture of the world. Antonyms play an important role in the organization of opposition techniques. There are no special studies on the topic of antonymy in Mari linguistics, and there are no dictionaries of antonyms. All this determines the relevance of this topic. The purpose of the work is to identify and describe the functions of antonyms in the texts of Mari prayers. Materials and methods. Texts of prayers of the Mari ethnic religion from published sources, funds of the Mari Research Institute of Language, Literature and History named after V. M. Vasilyev, and the National Corpus of the Mari language are used as objects of analysis. The work used a descriptive and analytical method, contextual and semantic-stylistic analysis, and the method of semantic oppositions. Research results, discussion. In Mari prayer texts, antonyms serve as a sharp contrast. The simple (monomial), polynomial and expanded antithesis, as well as the usual and occasional antithesis, expressively distinguish words and phrases that are in antonymic relations. A simple antithesis in sacred texts realizes its semantic and stylistic potential at the sentence level. The polynomial antithesis carries a significant semantic load at the level of a complex syntactic whole and text, participates in the organization of its structure. The use of antonyms in prayer texts has a conceptual semantic meaning of contrasting evil and good principles. Conclusion. The antithesis in Mari sacred texts indicates sharply opposite social phenomena, is used in contrasting depictions of natural phenomena, and also expresses the meaning of generalization, constancy of phenomena, and action over time. The technique of sharp contrast indicates the evaluative and emotional nature of the statement, creates vivid images.
The motif of “devilry” and images of demons in N. S. Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer”
UDC: 821.161.1.09"18"
Authors: Maria V. Antonova ; Aleksandra R. Abashina;
Introduction. The work of N.S. Leskov, in particular the story “The Enchanted Wanderer”, is closely connected with the traditions of Russian oral art. Despite the fact that this work has been deeply and fully researched in Russian literary criticism both from the point of view of embodying the theme of “righteousness” and in terms of reflecting the folklore figurative system, a number of issues require additional reflection. The purpose of the study is to analyze the depiction of demons in the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” by N.S.Leskov, demons as characters of Russian lower demonology, as well as the interpretation of the motif of “demonic” in this work. The research material is N.S. Leskov’s novel “The Enchanted Wanderer”. Research methods: cultural-historical, comparative-comparative. The results of the study. The motive of “devilry” in the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” can be traced throughout the development of the plot action. More than once, Flyagin admits that he seems to be fighting evil spirits, that he is overcome by sinful aspirations and thoughts, that he commits bad deeds under the influence of a demon. The story of the magnetizer is also regarded by Flyagin as an “obsession”, and the magnetizer itself is repeatedly compared to a demon or a devil. Partly, the experience of the hero’s acting correlates with the motive of “devilry”. In the last chapter of the story, Flyagin tells the narrator about the visions and temptations that he suffers from demons while staying in a monastery. The hero of the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” is forced to fight with the dirty tricks of small imps, which bothered him a lot. Conclusion. Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin interprets many episodes of his life as a confrontation with demonic temptations, as a struggle against the diabolical obsession. In the images of demons, the motif of “devilry” in N.S.Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer”, folk ideas about evil spirits, their influence on human life and spiritual state are realized.
Structural characteristics of acronyms in English-language economic discourse
UDC: 003.083:811.111:81'42
Authors: Elena A. Babenkova ; Irina G. Aryushkina ;
Introduction. The study of initial abbreviations called acronyms deserves special attention as they pay a significant role in the replenishment of the English vocabulary. Acronyms are widely used in the sphere of economics, particularly in texts of economic magazines. In this regard, the study of acronyms used in texts of magazines covering economic issues may shed the light on the structural and functional peculiarities of acronyms. Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to analyze structural peculiarities of acronyms used in texts of English magazines covering economic issues in order to identify the most frequent models of the acronym formation and compile a typology of acronyms in the English language. Materials and methods. The research materials are the following periodicals for the period from September 2022 to April 2023: The Global Economic Magazine, Bloomberg Businessweek, The Global Finance, Harvard Business Review OnPoint, Finance and Development, Report on Business, Shares Magazine. Research methods applied in the course of the research are analysis, quantitative research, descriptive research and taxonomic methods. Research results and discussions. The results of the research allow to identify structural models of acronyms, supplement existing classifications of acronyms with new types and identify specific features of acronyms used in texts of English economic magazines. Conclusion: the research demonstrated that texts of English economic magazines contain a lot of means of linguistic compression. The study of the structural and functional characteristics of acronyms allows to trace the development of word formation in the English language.
Features of polycode text of demotivators about a healthy lifestyle
UDC: 811.161.1’272:004.738.5
Authors: Natalia M. Dugalich ;
Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of demotivators in Russian for the healthy lifestyle group. The goal is to determine the features of the polycode text of demotivators about healthy lifestyle in terms of their thematic division, lexical content to express the main idea, organization of interaction between the components of the visual and verbal series, and the use of precedent phenomena. Materials and methods. Demotivators from the Internet were selected according to their thematic relevance to the topic of medicine, healthy lifestyle. The total number of texts is 100, of which 30 are devoted to healthy lifestyle. For the study, we chose an algorithm of layer-by-layer analysis of polycode texts, interpretive and component analysis. Research results. Unlike other groups of demotivators in the medical field, demotivators of a healthy lifestyle are distinguished by their satirical intention; they highlight groups: active lifestyle, rejection of bad habits, healthy eating; the texts of the group giving up bad habits, prevail. Conclusion. The analysis of polycode texts of demotivators showed the increased attention to alcohol dependence. The general trend is ridicule of a healthy lifestyle; the visual range is often represented by images of unhealthy (drinking, overweight, smoking) people; in the implementation of the propaganda function there is a convergence with a medical poster. The verbal series is represented by active verbs, a language game built on polysemy; language strategies of involvement and intimidation are frequently used, the verbal series in most examples is built as a conclusion to the visual series. In the group of demotivators about a healthy lifestyle, there was less use of precedent phenomena compared to other demotivators on a medical topic. The author sees the prospect of research in a comparative analysis of the polycode text of demotivators and medical posters about healthy lifestyle.
Soviet ideological discourse in fiction and drama by M. I. Arbatova
UDC: 81.42
Authors: Elena P. Kartashova ; Evgenia A. Polushina ;
Introduction. The introduction formulates the relevance and novelty of the undertaken research, which are provided by two important factors: firstly, a broad empirical base of research - drama and fiction of a famous creative personality in the history of Russian culture and literature of the turn of the XX–XXI centuries ‒ M. I. Arbatova, secondly, the methodology and methods of studying language material that allow us to make new scientifically promising conclusions and generalizations. The purpose of this work is to analyze and describe systematically organized markers of Soviet ideological discourse: meaningful, semantic and stylistic, in the works of M. I. Arbatova. Materials and methods. The empirical material for the analysis was the new literary texts and dramatic works by M. I. Arbatova, which had not previously been studied from the standpoint of modern methodology – discourse linguistics based on the use of the method of discourse analysis and the semantic-stylistic method, which make it possible to identify, systematize and describe the most important markers of Soviet ideological discourse. Research results, discussions. The results of the study should include: 1) identification and systematization of the main markers of Soviet ideological discourse in M. I. Arbatova’s artistic picture of the world; 2) selection of an algorithm for discourse analysis of artistic author’s communication: combining ideologically oriented contexts in dramaturgical and artistic works by M. I. Arbatova into a single holistic discourse; identification of linguistic units of different levels of language reflecting the meaningful and semantic unity of the Soviet ideological discourse; definition of discursive (implicative) semantics of ideologies. The conclusion contains the results and conclusions of the conducted research. Soviet ideological discourse in M. I. Arbatova's artistic communication represents a single holistic context, which is systematically organized (meaningfully, semantically and stylistically) and is based on a meaningful and semantic opposition: institutional (official) ideological discourse and individual authorial (unofficial). The selected members of the semantic opposition have different semantic and stylistic potential for the realization of categorical features of Soviet ideological discourse. The systematization and description of semantic and stylistic linguistic means of representation of the Soviet ideological discourse ensures the novelty of the results obtained.
Feminist discourse in M. I. Arbatova’s dramaturgy: a system of linguistic markers
UDC: 81.42
Authors: Evgenia A. Polushina ; Elena P. Kartashova;
Introduction. The introduction substantiates the relevance and novelty of the conducted research, which are determined, firstly, by the unique empirical basis of the research – the dramatic works of different years by M. I. Arbatova, who, according to the researchers, in the 1980s ‒ 1990s “was the only playwright working in line with the new feminist idea”, and, secondly, by the representation of research experience in the formation of a system of linguistic markers of feminist discourse and the approbation of an algorithm for its discourse analysis. The purpose of this work is to identify, analyze and describe systematically organized linguistic markers of feminist discourse in the dramatic works of M. I. Arbatova. Materials and methods. The dramatic works of M. I. Arbatova from different years were used as empirical material – a total of 14 plays (1979‒1994). These works were analyzed on the basis of the method of discourse analysis and the semantic-stylistic method, which made it possible to combine the identified language markers into a system based on the implementation of the highlighted social features of feminism and their explication in the dramaturgy of M. I. Arbatova. Research results, discussions. The main results of the study include: 1) identification and systematization of the main linguistic markers of feminist discourse in the dramatic works of M. I. Arbatova; 2) development of a discourse analysis algorithm; 3) correlation of the selected linguistic units with the main social features of feminism and its meaningful and semantic manifestations in the author's text. Conclusion. The main conclusions obtained as a result of the conducted research are made. First of all, the linguistic markers of feminist discourse in the dramatic works of M. I. Arbatova can be combined into a system in terms of semantic content, as well as semantic and stylistic means, which, on the one hand, reflect the global ideas of the feminist movement, on the other hand, represent their individual author’s use in the artistic discourse of M. I. Arbatova.
Artistic space arrangement principles of the novel “Flowers for Algernon” by D. Keyes
UDC: 81’1:82-31
Authors: Antonina V. Samoylova;
Introduction. The category of space in a literary text plays a significant role not only in the formation of narrative-compositional organization but in the accomplishment of the main heroes’ images as well. Genre specificity of a literary work shapes the way the author presents artistic space in the text format, so it explains the relevance of the chosen subject matter of the article. Materials and methods. The text of the novel “Flowers for Algernon” by D. Keyes is the material of the research, for the linguostylistic analysis of which the following general and specific scientific methods were applied: the analysis of special literature, generalization of the analyzed material, the deductive method of principles’ logical extrication, the method of linguistic abstraction, the contextual analysis method and the interpretative method. Purpose of the research is the deduction of compositional principles of artistic space organization in the novel as well as the analysis of linguostylistic means of their implementation. Research results, discussion. The article contains authentic definition of the term “literary text”; it dwells upon the artistic space agenda and its typology as well as its linguostylistic manifestation. In the process of the novel analysis a number of principles of artistic space formation with the help of narrative-compositional and linguostylistic means were summarized, among which there is the principle of “zero” space, space anthropocentricity, the principle of colour dichotomy, the principle of antithesis. Conclusion. The implementation of the suggested principles of artistic space organization in the novel testifies the consistency of the text building and the leading role of space category in the process of formation and impersonation of the protagonist’s image, taking in the account the increase of both compositional-stylistic demand and the amplification of the linguistic embodiment in the course of the protagonist’s intelligence growth.
Integrative understanding of religious discourse: argumentative and conceptual aspects
UDC: 81’42
Authors: Nelly Yu. Fanyan;
Introduction. The article characterizes the religious discourse of Father John of Kronstadt in the unity of argumentative and conceptual aspects, substantiates the hypothesis that the integrative description of discourse reveals the mechanism of interaction between language and thinking, both at the level of actualization of the concept and at the level of argumentation. The purpose of the article is to identify the linguistic argumentative potential of the discourse of “Lessons of Christian Life” through the three–part actualization of the concept of “Heart”. Materials and methods. The material for the article is a collection of sermons and teachings on church holidays “Lessons of Christian Life”. The work uses a set of analysis methods: continuous sampling, argumentative, conceptual, interpretive, discursive, semantic-stylistic. Research results, discussion. In the course of the analysis, we have established the main concept of the discourse under study – “Heart”, identified three levels of representation of the concept – conceptual, figurative, value. For each level of the concept, appropriate argumentative means are identified and described. Conclusion. The discourse-forming concept in the text under study is the concept of “Heart”, which is associated with the linguistic argumentative potential of the discourse of Father John of Kronstadt. Certain argumentative means correspond to each level of the concept. Affirmation of positive values through negation of negative values (argumentum a contrario) is a frequent technique in Father John’s reasoning. The linguistic argumentative potential is represented by various speech genres (good advice, call for mercy, warning, instruction, advice-instruction), in which the concept of “Heart” appears as a dominant component. A distinctive feature of the pathos of religious discourse is a different understanding of the concept of “conviction”: the act of suggestion is necessarily explicated as an intra-subject act, relevantly realized thanks to the concept of “Heart”.
Metamodernism and the return of myth
UDC: 82.091
Authors: Cela Xhoi;
Introduction. In recent years, metamodern theorists have noticed a reappearance of myth in contemporary literature. According to German philosophers, myth has a healthy creative character, without which culture is lost. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the return of myth in literature as a metamodernist phenomenon. The article reflects the provisions of metamyth (transformation of personal experience into myth, use of a new language, attention to personality). The article offers a comparative analysis of myth in modernism, postmodernism and metamodernism. To achieve the above-mentioned research goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to reflect the factors that influenced the return of myth to literature; to identify the features of the metamodern myth; to analyze the mythological novel as an example of modern myth practices. Materials and methods. The article uses descriptive methods (the return of myth to modern literature is described), comparative methods (the existence of myth in the era of modernity, postmodernity and metamodernity is compared) and analytical metamodes. Research results, discussion. As a result of the study, the features of the metamodernist myth were identified, the factors that influenced the return of myth to metamodernist literature were reflected, the existence of myth in three eras was compared and a metamythical novel was analyzed, which helped the reader to understand in practice the existence of the myth in metamodernist literature. The results of the study show that the return of myth to metamodernism is necessary in the enrichment of modern literature. Conclusion. The results described in this article will contribute to the development of the theory of metamodernism and can also be introduced as scientific material in the educational process at the Faculty of Philology.
Functions of Pushkin’s elegy in the stories of A. I. Kuprin “Autumn Flowers”, “Toy”
UDC: 821. 161. 1. 09 «1917/ 1991»
Authors: Inna G. Chesnokova;
Introduction. For A. I. Kuprin, A. S. Pushkin was the most beloved artist of the word, an unattainable ideal. Since his youth, A. Kuprin became imbued with love for him, discovering new facets of his extraordinary talent with each period. The purpose of the research is to study the influence of A. S. Pushkin's work, namely his elegies “The latest flowers are cuter”, “If life deceives you”, on A. I. Kuprin's stories of the 90s of the nineteenth century “Autumn Flowers”, “Toy”. Materials and methods. The material of the research was the stories of A. I. Kuprin “Autumn Flowers”. “Toy”, as well as the elegies of A. S. Pushkin “The latest flowers are cuter”, “If life deceives you”, considered using a comparative method of researching works of art, which were considered in the unity of content and form. Research results, discussions. The defining idea is the idea that the work of A. S. Pushkin had a serious impact on the worldview and creativity of A. I. Kuprin. The article examines one aspect of this influence, namely: A. Pushkin’s elegies on the creation of A. Kuprin’s short stories “Autumn Flowers”, “Toy”. A. Kuprin put into the stories the content relevant to his time: the opposition of a great bright feeling, full of poetry and spiritual uplift, to base carnal desire. The theme of A. Kuprin’s stories is outlined: the transience of time, the understanding of life, beauty, love, the feeling of beauty, the incompatibility of the bright and vulgar in life. The figurative system of the stories and the connection with the elegies of A. Pushkin are indicated. Sufficient attention is paid to the psychological aspect, the ability of A. I. Kuprin to show the correlation of the inner world of the heroine of the story “Autumn Flowers” with the landscape, with pictures of nature, the gifts of which become a symbol of the heroine’s mental state. Conclusion. A comparative analysis of the stories of A. I. Kuprin and the elegies of A. S. Pushkin expands the idea of the writer’s work at the turn of the XIX‒XX centuries and allows us to conclude that the worship of Pushkin was due to the peculiarity of Kuprin’s perception of existence. The appeal to the legacy of the great poet, in turn, extremely strengthened and improved Kuprin’s creative ability.
Authors: A. B. Shurygin; T. V. Yamaikina; N. N. Mukhametova; A. A. Malkova ; T. A. Zolotova;
Mari State University continues to train specialists in the field of Philology (Philology in the System of Modern Humanitarian Knowledge), with five individuals set to complete their education in the 2023–2024 academic year. Among them are graduates from the profile 45.03.01 Philology (specialization) and the profile 44.03.05 Pedagogical Education (bachelor’s degree), already possessing a foundational background in philology. The program they follow includes complex theoretical courses in linguistics and literary studies, aimed at delineating the boundaries and exploring the interactions between Philology and related disciplines. The students not only progressively familiarize themselves with the core issues of the taught disciplines but also master various approaches to problem-solving over the course of two years. Throughout this period, they acquire skills to independently analyze language, folklore, and literature systems; evaluate, summarize, format, and promote the results of their own research activities; edit scientific publications; and collaboratively develop projects in the field of philology and more. Aligned with the declared direction of preparation, the focus for these master's degree candidates revolves around contemporary philology. They delve into forms of coexistence of different directions and styles, as well as the formation of new areas within this space, such as Orthodox belles-lettres. A significant emphasis is placed on the diverse formats of literary texts, including network literature. They identify patterns in the functioning of literary associations and communities, as well as forms of interpreting classical heritage, including folklore, while assessing their prospects. Issues are presented and resolved, typically through the material of works by innovative writers, for example, the novels of Alexey Ivanov and others. Additionally, students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge during educational and production practices at the Mari State University’s Computer Linguistics Laboratory. This involves familiarization with the main directions of research activities of leading centers of the Russian Federation and Mari State University, gaining insights from its leading specialists, and jointly developing projects with academic supervisors related to the issues addressed in their final qualification works. The journal “Vestnik of the Mari State University” once again acquaints readers with the concepts of the final qualification works of philologists.