VESTNIK 3 (47) 2022

VESTNIK 3 (47) 2022
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2022-09-29 10:23:14
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Individual educational route as a form of organization of pedagogical support for university students
UDC: 378.013
Authors: Natalya G. Arzamastseva; Valentina V. Konstantinova;
The article deals with the issue of designing an “individual educational route” of a university student. There is no single approach to the interpretation of this concept in psychological and pedagogical science, but most researchers agree that the “individual educational route” should help students improve their professional competence. The authors of the article pay attention to different models of designing an individual educational route, the principles of its implementation in the conditions of an educational organization. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the feasibility of designing an “individual educational route” as a form of organizing pedagogical support for university students, to reveal its types, principles and stages of design. Materials and methods. In the course of the study, the methodological provisions of designing an individual educational route were considered, the accumulated pedagogical experience on the problem under study was studied, observation, testing, questionnaires were conducted, the products of students' activities were analyzed. Research results. The results of the survey among students allow us to consider the design of an individual educational route as a form of organizing pedagogical support for students in the process of organizing joint educational activities in order to deepen into a future profession. The objectives of the educational route are: compensation of learning difficulties and further assimilation of theoretical material, improvement in professional activity, development of gifted and capable students, development of personal achievements, etc. The algorithm for designing an individual educational route of a student may include the following components: psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of a personality (determination of the level of its cognitive capabilities, abilities, cognitive orientation, etc.); designing the goals of an individual educational route, choosing activities to eliminate problems, selecting forms of education, content, etc.; practical implementation of the stages of an individual educational route, conducting individual consultations, coordinating the joint activities of the teacher and students within the framework of their chosen activities, mastering the educational content, correction, summing up, intermediate diagnostics.
Some issues of developing university students’ digital competence in the era of globalization
UDC: 005.44; 378.4
Authors: Olesia G. Kalashnikova; Aida C. Talypova; Ilgiz M. Sinagatullin;
Introduction. Many experts associate the prospects for the development of education in the XXI century with the processes of informatization and digital globalization. The educational moment is expressed in an attempt to build a global educational space, as well as regional educational societies through the development of distance education systems, the creation of open territorially distributed universities, colleges, centers for increasing professional qualification. In the modern era, digital globalization contributes to increased openness, flexibility of education, to the involvement of students in the learning process. It also leads to the creation of a new educational situation, the inclusion of new objects and subjects in the education system, which changes the relationship between its main participants. The purpose of this article is to consider some issues of developing university students’ digital competence in the era of globalization. Materials and methods. As the main research methods, we used theoretical analysis of the literature, observation, conversation and questionnaires. The questionnaire included questions by which it was possible to determine the level of formation of students’ digital competence, their attitude to the problem of digital globalization. Research results, discussion. The study involved students of the 4th and 5th courses of full-time and part-time forms of education in the amount of 51 people. The analysis of the results obtained allows us to conclude that the system of distance learning used and the electronic information environment of the university contribute to increasing the level of formation of students’ digital competence, and the process of digital globalization itself introduces significant changes in the educational process of higher education. Conclusion. Digital globalization, as an objectively existing reality of our time, requires every teacher and student to constantly work in order to keep up with the level of development of digital technologies and their use in the educational process.
Risk assessment model of studentsʼ dissatisfaction with the quality of e-education
UDC: 378
Authors: Olga A. Kuznetsova;
Introduction. The article deals with topical issues of assessing the effectiveness of e-learning existing at the university. Attention is focused on the aspects of its sufficiency to ensure the quality of the learning process. The model of risk assessment, the appearance of which in the educational process can lead to a decrease in the quality of education, is considered. The purpose of the work is to build a probabilistic model for assessing the risk of students' dissatisfaction with the quality of e-education in order to ensure the lowest degree of risk and, consequently, to increase the effectiveness of the organization of education at the university. Materials and methods. The work uses a well-known mathematical apparatus to substantiate the findings. The analysis of mathematical methods used in modeling the educational process at the university has shown that probabilistic methods and statistical methods of expert assessments used in the planning of the experiment in the search for optimal conditions are the most suitable. These methods were used in this study in the risk assessment model of students' dissatisfaction with the quality of e-education. Research results, discussions. The practical significance of the results obtained consists in substantiating the factors that can lead to the emergence of risks of loss of the quality of distance learning. With regard to e-education, we can say that the educational system will be of higher quality if the planned level of competencies and personal characteristics of students is achieved while observing certain psychological, pedagogical and didactic conditions. Conclusion. The obtained results were tested at the university when teaching students of technical specialties on the basis of statistical research materials within the framework of the “Rosdistant” federal project. The constructed model makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of e-learning using consumer opinions. The implementation of this model makes it possible to rank risk factors according to their degree of influence on the probability of occurrence of risky situations in training, which means to formulate appropriate management decisions and on their basis to develop corrective measures to minimize risk.
Diagnostics of self-management level of primary school teachers
UDC: 371.13
Authors: Zoya V. Medvedeva;
Introduction. The article actualizes the problem of self-management of modern primary school teachers. Analysis of the scientific literature on the research problem has allowed us to conclude that there is an insufficient disclosure of the methodological aspect of self-management of primary school teachers ‒ this is what the main purpose of this article boils down to. Materials and methods. In the study aimed at identifying the level of self-management of primary school teachers, 60 representatives of this profession took part, 8 of which were beginners with 1 to 3 years of experience; 24 people with 4 to 10 years of experience; 4 from 10 to 15 years; 24 people with more than 15 years of experience. Twenty probationers had the highest qualification category (18 of them had work experience of more than 15 years and 2 persons from 4 to 10 years), 26 participants had the first, 2 had the second qualification category, 12 persons had no category despite their work experience in this sphere. Experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Laboratory of modern educational technologies of the Center of professional competencies of the Pedagogical Institute of the Mari State University, within which the author’s methodology “Assessment of self-management level of primary school teachers” was developed and tested. The results obtained in the course of the study indicated the presence of a predominantly medium level of self-management (85 %) with the complete absence of a low level of self-management and an insignificant presence of a high one (15 %). Discussion. The significance of the identified results is due to the need to increase and improve the levels of self-management of the subjects. For this purpose we have developed methodical recommendations derived from practice which are aimed at positive dynamics of the studied indicators. Conclusions. Thus, diagnostics of primary school teachers’ self-management level is an important and necessary procedure which allows making a comprehensive assessment of their professional competence.
Approaches to the study and correction of violations of syllabic content in preschool children with various speech disorders
UDC: 376.37
Authors: Elena R. Mustaeva; Natalya V. Mikityuk; Svetlana N. Oleshko;
The introduction presents an analysis of scientific and methodological approaches to the study of the features of the formation of the syllabic content of words in children with speech disorders, which revealed a certain fragmentation in the development of pronunciation skills of words in children with various speech disorders. The purpose of the study was to determine the optimal directions, methods and techniques of corrective and developmental training of preschoolers with stuttering, dysarthria and alalia, which have violations of syllabic content of words. As materials and methods for studying the syllabic content of words in children with stuttering, the methodology of G. V. Babina and N. Yu. Safonkina was used, which determines for dynamic mastery of the processes of reproduction of words and their structural elements at the level of prosody and rhythmic characteristics of language units in isolated spontaneous reproduction and with multiple arbitrary pronouncing in the context of phrases and sentences. For the examination of children with dysarthria, the method of G. G. Golubeva was used, which allows assessing the readiness to perceive and reproduce the syllabic structure, taking into account the peculiarities of motor-rhythmic organization at the nonverbal and verbal levels. The examination of children with alalia was carried out using Z. E. Agranovich’s technique, which reveals the ability of auditory gnosis on the material of non-verbal and speech sounds, the possibility of reproducing a certain rhythm according to a sample on non-verbal and verbal material at the level of syllabic series, words and sentences. The results of the study and their discussion allow us to say that the children of the examined groups have qualitatively different difficulties in independent reproducing words of different syllabic content, related both to the specifics of their clinical speech disorder and to the level of speech development. The results of the experimental study made it possible to identify the directions and content of correctional and developmental education of this group of children, taking into account the mechanisms of speech disorders and their general level of speech development.
Formation of communicative competence in teaching Chinese on the basis of a digital learning platform
UDC: 372.881.111.1
Authors: Xu Baoyun;
Introduction. This topic is relevant due to the high level of digitization of educational technologies, the growing skills of digital literacy of Chinese students and constantly increasing number of foreign contacts in different spheres of human activities. Therefore, communicative competence in the learning process implies that foreign language proficiency has become an obligatory component of future specialist's professional training. The purpose of this article is to study the role of digital educational platform in forming communicative competence in Chinese as a foreign language classes. Descriptive method, as well as analysis and synthesis of scientific literature were used to convey practical results. In the process of the research, the following conclusions were drawn. Firstly, communicative competence expresses the speaker's ability to use language resources in the actual conditions of communicative context and for certain purposes of communication. Elements of communicative competence can include various types of verbal expressions as well as written and printed texts and notes, graphic materials, frequently used gestures, facial expressions, sounds and other information resources. Secondly, the advantages of Moodle in the educational process can be presented as follows: the effectiveness of this tool for the exchange of information between students and teachers; the availability of the digital platform from anywhere in the world and the convenience and simplicity of the website functionality. Thirdly, foreign students in Chinese higher education institutions still show a lack of communication skills and insufficient knowledge of the rules of communication in the language being studied. Although in Chinese higher education institutions, various task-based communication activities, games, role plays and simulations. They give students the opportunity to practice the language in accordance with their individual characteristics and needs, as well as to fully explore the national and cultural identity of the language being studied.
Information and consulting support of agricultural specialists as a factor of professional socialization
UDC: 37.013.42
Authors: Olga L. Tretyakova; Tatyana N. Chumakova; Svetlana S. Romantsova;
Introduction. The possibility of continuous agricultural education of agro-industrial complex specialists is limited by the seasonality of technological processes in crop production and year-round production of livestock products. It is necessary to pay special attention to the use of information technology in teaching. In this regard, the elements of distance learning make it possible to reduce the overall costs of organizing the educational process of agricultural specialists, attract an additional contingent of trainees, expand the market of educational services due to the possibility of on-the-job training, and training at their place of residence. The purpose of the research is to evaluate the system of information and consulting support for specialists in the agro-industrial complex of the Rostov region and determine the possibility of organizing continuous training. Material and methodology of research. A questionnaire consisting of three blocks of questions has been developed. The first block consists of questions that allow you to create motivation for the respondent to participate in the study. The second block consists of “closed” questions that allow conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis. The third block is social questions. Results. The analysis of the respondents' level of education showed that 64 % of specialists have higher professional education, 14 % have secondary specialized education, 10 % have secondary technical education. Among agricultural specialists there are teachers, shoe manufacturing technologists, teachers of vocational education. Discussion. It should be noted that it is necessary to obtain new knowledge in agricultural education in connection with the constant improvement of technologies. The organization of the educational process with elements of distance learning will make it possible to implement the principle of “continuous learning”. Conclusion. It is important to note that in the current conditions, the elements of interactive learning allow you to improve your professional level at any time and in any place where there is a computer with Internet access.
Pedagogical consulting as a special type of professional activity
UDC: 37.04
Authors: Natalia K. Shvetsova; Dmitry A. Krylov;
Introduction. It should be noted that the sphere of professional education in its development strives to use innovative tools to the full extent, which include consulting services. At the same time, innovation lies in the synergetic effect of applying consulting techniques to educational technologies. It should be noted that this problem is typical not only for professional, but also for higher education. Thus, students–future teachers, studying consulting technologies in the educational field, will be able to apply them after completing their studies at the university at their workplace, including in the field of secondary vocational education. Moreover, these approaches can be successfully used in the framework of additional education and in widely developed and implemented retraining and advanced training programs, as they fall on a well-prepared, professional and pedagogical ground. It should be emphasized that many educational organizations face the problem of attracting applicants and holding an admission company, and the provision of consulting services in the field of the functioning of the educational services market is also one of the promising areas. The purpose of the research is to study the features of the current stage of development of pedagogical consulting in educational institutions. Materials and methods: theoretical analysis of the literature on the research problem, generalization, analysis. It should be noted that pedagogical consulting, combining individual and group consulting, managing the work of a group of students, will be able to combine previously used mentoring techniques and coaching technologies. As materials, the experience of domestic scientists in the field of pedagogy, as well as positive international practice, taking into account local specifics, should be used.
Poetry as an elusive language
UDC: 82.091
Authors: Dinara N. Gataullina;
Introduction. The article deals with the dual and indescribable nature of the poetic word, and, in particular, how the theme of the mystery of verbal creativity and the experience of the fullness of being in a separate “captured” moment is manifested in the poems of F. I. Tyutchev. The purpose of the study is to trace how in Tyutchev’s lyrics heterogeneous phenomena form the harmony of a poetic whole, within which the truth of being is revealed in an instant. The material of our study is Tyutchev’s poems, which reflect the theme of the mystery of the origin of poetry and features of its existence in the human world. The methods of literary hermeneutics, contextual, intertextual and conceptual analysis aimed at interpreting works in the context of both the author’s worldview and the reader’s perception were used in the work. Research results, discussions. The study reveals that the contradictions of human life, limited perception of the world, finite mortality, when feeling connected with the universal being hidden behind the cover of everyday life is partly removed with the familiarization of the contemplative personality with the poetic language, which appears as a link between the earthly and heavenly, nature, man and art. Conclusion. As a result of the work carried out, we come to the conclusion that the very fact of the existence of poetic creativity, in its focus on harmony of form and content, communication between the author and the reader, regardless of the current era, allows both the addressee and the addresser to overcome non-existence and approach the word of truth.
Female archetypes in Graham Swift’s novel “Waterland”
UDC: 821.111
Authors: Daria G. Fomina;
Introduction. The problem of the embodiment of female archetypes is studied not only in scientific circles, but also in world literature, and remains relevant for modern literary studies. The archetypes we study are associated with numerous symbols and images of the novel “Waterland” and are considered one of the most significant and unique elements of Graham Swift’s poetics. The purpose of the study is to consider the features of female archetypes based on the material of the novel “Waterland”. Materials and methods. The subject of the study is one of the most discussed and remarkable novels by Graham Swift – “Waterland”. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: descriptive, mythopoetic, comparative. Results, discussion. The main archetypes of mother, priestess, harlot and witch, the features of their functioning, as well as their embodiment in the images of characters are considered. The main content of the research is the justification of this aspect of the novel. The author of the novel discovers and interprets the main features and the dominance of archetypal characteristics in the female images of the novel. Having an unhappy fate and being tragic figures: a prematurely deceased mother, a priestess isolated from the world, a harlot doomed to pay for a sin committed all her life and a witch engaged in black magic and crippling people’s lives – all of them are the strongest images of the novel, personify the key female archetypes of antiquity and thus embody the feminine principle. Conclusion. The archetypes and archetypal motifs considered in the article are essential components of Graham Swift’s mythopoetic discourse and reveal the artistic intent of the work.
Cultural and philosophical context of the axiosphere of Mari literature
UDC: 821.511.151
Authors: Galina E. Shkalina; Raisiya A. Kudryavtseva;
Introduction. In Mari literary studies, the problems of the axiosphere of a literary text have been considered so far mainly in the context of studying the creativity of individual authors. The relevance of the systematic study of the axiological paradigm of Mari literature is determined by the study of the value nature of literature, historically developed and functioning in each culture as an integral phenomenon. The object of the research is the ethnocentric aspects of the formation of the axiological paradigm of Mari literature. Materials and methods. The research materials are the most significant literary texts from the point of view of criteria of artistry and phenomenality, representing exceptional historical, cultural and scientific value for the Mari people. Research methods: historical-genetic and typological. The purpose of the study is to determine the artistic and paradigmatic system of Mari literature in the cultural and philosophical context. Research results, discussions. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that, firstly, the formulation of the problem “axiological paradigm of Mari literature” is fundamentally new (not only for Mari, but also for the entire Finno-Ugric literary studies); secondly, the authors of the article have attracted significant cultural and philosophical material for a comprehensive study of the object sphere of the study of the axiology of Mari culture; thirdly, taking into account the research of recent years, the general cultural aspect of the study of Mari literature has been substantiated. Conclusion. The introduction of unique literary material into scientific circulation significantly enriches scientific ideas about the axiosphere of the Mari artistic culture and the specifics of the value worldview of the Mari people, reveals essential (primordial, constant) and transient, but significant in a certain historical time, universal and phenomenal values in it. The literary and artistic axiology of the Mari people developed, firstly, from the dominance of ethnic values at the initial stage of the development of artistic literature - towards universal values in subsequent stages; in the modern period, there is a new “wave” of actualization of ethnically significant values, but with the preservation and significant deepening of the interest of Mari authors in universal values; secondly, from direct forms of expression of value content – to complicate axiologically oriented poetics.
The authorological paradigm of M. Yu. Lermontov’s creativity
UDC: 821.161.1
Authors: Igor P. Karpov; Natalya N. Starygina;
Introduction. The authorological paradigm or the paradigm of the author’s consciousness is the researcher’s model, his understanding of the basic properties of the authorship of a particular writer. In authorology, the author is understood as a subject of literary and artistic activity, and a literary and artistic work as a verbal-figurative form of objectification of the existential (internal) forces of the writer. The purpose of the work is to present in basic terms the author’s consciousness objectified in the works of M. Yu. Lermontov. Materials and methods. This study analyzes the works of M. Yu. Lermontov of different genres and styles that interested the authors from the point of view of the problem of the author as a subject of literary and artistic activity. The authorological method chosen in the article makes it possible to understand the emotional and rational author’s intentions expressed in the creative experience of M. Yu. Lermontov. Research results, discussions. The following parameters of the consideration of M. Yu. Lermontov’s creativity are put up for discussion: the intentional content of the author’s consciousness (egocentrism), duality (religiosity), cosmic chronotope, emotional complex, evolution of the author’s consciousness (evolving consciousness), gender orientation (feminism of the author’s consciousness), author’s reflection. At the center of Lermontov’s author’s consciousness is his own “I”. A certain cosmic chronotope corresponds to the constant striving for the noumenal world. The emotional complex is defined by feelings of extraordinary tension, the boundaries of which are “hell” and “heaven”. In the sphere of interpersonal relations, the author’s attention is mainly directed to a woman. The author’s reflection is aimed at the moral sphere. Conclusion. All the properties of the author’s consciousness listed and described in the article, presented in the authorological paradigm of M., Yu. Lermontov, are interrelated, they “materialize” a complex system of views, emotions, thoughts, verbal tonalities and images.The authorological paradigm is the coordinates of any further study of the writer’s work, whether it is a comparison of Lermontov, for example, with Pushkin, or the problem of Lermontov’s traditions in modern literature, or the same psychologism of Lermontov, or the problems and ideology of his work.
The author and the character in the ability of judgment (the story “Thought” by L. N. Andreev)
UDC: 821.161.1
Authors: Igor P. Karpov; Galina E. Shkalina;
Introduction. Literary and artistic work is most often studied from the point of view of content, imagery and poetics. But such writers as L. N. Andreev pay great attention to the rational abilities of a person. The purpose of the work is to use the example of L. N. Andreev’s story “Thought” to understand the interaction of two ways of judgment (thinking) – the way of the author and of the character. Materials and methods. In this study, the logical structure of the statements of the main character of the story “Thought” is analyzed. A literary and artistic work is considered as a verbal and figurative form of objectification of the author’s existential forces. In turn, the author is understood as a subject of literary and artistic activity. Such an authorological method makes it possible to understand the emotional and rational author’s intentions. Research results, discussions. Understanding the author as a subject of verbal and logical activity allows us to go beyond philology and enter the sphere of anthropology, because it is in a literary and artistic work that the human ability to verbal utterance is most fully objectified. Conclusion. The intentional content of the character’s thinking is in the author’s sphere, because the author cannot attribute to his character something that he himself does not possess. Here we are already dealing with the logic of the narrative, in which the same logical game is objectified as in the logic of the hero’s reasoning, i.e. the originality of the author’s ability to judge. The author gives his hero numerous statements about the “power”, “beauty” of thought. But in the narrative, the situation of intellectual experience is replaced by the situation of mental transformation.
Semantic and grammatical transformation of proper names in Russian argot
UDC: 811.161.1
Authors: Elena G. Tonkova; Elena S. Yarygina;
Introduction. Russian argot has had a significant impact on the literary language for many decades. Argotic words penetrate both the public speech and the everyday speech of Russians who are not related to the criminal world. Since this social dialect constantly borrows lexemes from the language standard, in its vocabulary one can find semantically transformed lexical units with features of inflection, as well as a special group of words called the term quasi-names, also demonstrating features in grammar formation. Purpose: to characterize the results of semantic and grammatical transformation of proper names in Russian argot. Materials and methods. The material was argotic nouns, which are proper names. The illustrative material was taken from dictionaries of substandard words, artistic and journalistic texts describing the life of antisocial elements. The authors used the methods of linguistic observation and description, the method of dictionary interpretation, the method of contextual analysis of lexical units. Results, discussion. In the argot there are special groups of proper names – nicknames of antisocial elements, among which male nicknames predominate; informal names of correctional facilities. A significant part of these words are borrowed by argot-speakers from the literary language. Semantic transformation of lexical units that have become proper names leads to a change in their grammatical properties. Even more significant grammatical changes can be found in the group of so–called quasi-names − common nouns, homonymous proper names of the literary language. Conclusion. Constant monitoring of the development of the speech substandard allows us to assert that in the non-literary subsystems of the Russian language there are quite stable non-codified, customary norms (norms of substandard, subnormal) in the field of grammar that do not correspond to the norms of the literary language. Argo, like all non-codified language subsystems, has specifics in the field of grammar. It is necessary to study and describe it, because the language of antisocial elements is not isolated in the system of the Russian national language and is capable of having a negative impact on normative word usage.
Thematic group “seasonings” in the linguistic picture of the world (Russian-Chuvash parallels)
UDC: 811.1.9
Authors: Natalia M. Yumanova;
Introduction. The article presents the results of the analysis of individual components of the gastronomic vocabulary of the Russian and Chuvash languages. Gastronomic or, as it is sometimes called, culinary vocabulary reflects the linguistic and cultural code of any nation. The lexical units “salt” (“tavar”) and “pepper” (“parac”) have a semantic, emotional connotation, which plays an important role in shaping the linguistic picture of the world of the Chuvash and Russian peoples. This is due to the relevance of this topic. The aim of the work is to identify similarities and differences of the connotative component of the lexemes “salt” (“tavar”) and “pepper” (“parac”) in the Chuvash and Russian languages. Lexico-semantic and comparative methods of analysis were used in the course of the study. Research results, discussions. The article presents a linguoculturological analysis of linguistic units from the thematic group “seasonings” in the Chuvash and Russian pictures of the world. Connotation, in our opinion, is primarily related to the emotional coloring of lexical units, which is reflected in the specifics of their perception in different linguistic cultures. It allows you to identify the variability of information expressed in lexemes. The semantic memory of an individual, including a connotative component, makes up his idea of the world around him. To identify similarities and differences in cultural connotation, we have chosen the names of the most common seasonings – salt and pepper. We believe that in the Russian language picture of the world salt is characterized by both positive and negative connotations, and in the Chuvash one it is positive, while pepper in the Russian perception of the world has a negative connotation, in the Chuvash it is positioned neutrally. The conclusions are due to the peculiarities of the mentality of the Chuvash and Russian ethnic groups. Conclusion. The establishment of the peculiarities of the linguistic picture of the world of different cultural communities contributes to the building of constructive interaction of peoples. The stated conclusions can be used in further studies of gastronomic vocabulary.
Linguistic personality and linguistic community: on the question of the interdependence of the particular and the general in language and linguistics
UDC: 81`374
Authors: Elena S. Yarygina; Aleksey A. Mikheev; Svetlana N. Fedorova ;
Introduction. The article belongs to the scope of works devoted to the problems of modern philological theories − linguistic personality and linguistic community. This article is of an overview and analytical nature, describing the actual and debatable problem of approaches to the author’s role in relation to the texts he or she creates, and also defines the key problems of describing a linguistic personality within the anthropocentric paradigm of linguistic research. The relevance of the article is determined by the debatable nature of the identified issues and the need to systematize accumulated knowledge and determine a common vector in understanding the urgent tasks of describing a linguistic personality, the methodology of drawing portraits of linguistic personalities and understanding the prospects for research on linguistic uniqueness within the anthropocentric approach. One of the significant problems of text interpretation is the opposition of the discreteness of the semantics of the text to the relativity of its perception by the author and the reader, determined by the cultural and historical context and the individual thesaurus of every particular author and reader. The theory of text, which has been formed since the middle of the twentieth century, allows for the autonomy of the text (“the death of the author”) and calls into question its homogeneity (the theory of intertextuality). The solution to the problem of the “blurring” of the concept of text in the context of the theory of intertextuality is the transition from an abstract understanding of the “patchwork” of the text formed within the framework of this theory to a formal scientific description, in particular linguistic, an important aspect of which is the definition of the uniqueness of the text and the individuality of the linguistic personality. The novelty of the research is determined by a comprehensive analysis of approaches to the issues in question based on related fields of language science, specifying on its basis a list of fundamental methodological problems in solving the key tasks of linguistic personality research. The main method is descriptive, including the analysis and systematization of theoretical and methodological approaches to the problems of linguistic personality research, which are key in the scientific literature on language.