VESTNIK 1(37) 2020

VESTNIK 1(37) 2020
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2020-03-17 12:25:24
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UDC: 371.13, 37.048.45
Authors: Natalya G. Arzamastseva; Lyudmila V. Kurochkina;
Pedagogical practice takes an important place in the process of teaching students. As an integral part of the University's main professional educational program structure, it is aimed at consolidating theoretical knowledge and developing professional skills directly in the workplace. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of educational practice in the formation of professional competencies of first-year students studying in the areas of training “Pedagogical education”. The main research methods are: theoretical analysis of the literature on the research problem, pedagogical modeling of educational practice of future teachers, observation of trainees at school, studying the products of their activities in the form of reporting documentation on practice and presentation of practice results at the final conference, analysis of the results of questionnaires of students of the Mari State University, calculation of elementary statistics. Educational practice for obtaining primary professional skills, including primary skills of research activity is of an introductory nature, it is a logical continuation of the process of teaching students theoretical disciplines, including the “Pedagogy” course. It is implemented taking into account competence, system, activity and integrative approaches. The system approach involves the interrelation and unity of the purpose, tasks, structure, content of practice, planned results of training of students during the practice. The activity approach involves performing certain tasks aimed at forming the readiness of future teachers to carry out professional activities. The implementation of the competence approach is represented by a set of developed and tested individual tasks performed by students during the educational practice, which are checked using specific criteria for evaluating the results of undergraduate studies during practice. The integrative approach involves combining and implementing predictive, design, organizational, communicative, and reflexive types of pedagogical activities implemented by trainees in the course of individual tasks in order to consolidate their previously acquired theoretical knowledge and professional skills.
UDC: 37 1174
Authors: Oksana N. Vasenina;
The article is devoted to the consideration of the use of information and communication technologies (hereinafter – ICT) in the lessons of the Mari language as non-native in basic schools. ICT has great pedagogical and methodological potential in teaching non-native languages, including the Mari language. A computer can perform both the functions of a working tool (a means of preparing tests and storing them, a text editor, a graphic editor, a modeling tool, etc.) and the functions of a teacher (a source of educational information, a visual aid, an individual information space, a monitoring tool, etc.). In class, ICT become leading technologies in the educational process, which contribute to the formation of skills to independently replenish knowledge, search and navigate the flow of information, as well as increase motivation to learn the language, form the students' communicative culture and their cognitive independence. The goal is to consider the features of ICT use in the process of teaching the Mari language as a second language. Materials and research methods. The study is based on a theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical, methodical literature, as well as the experience of teachers of the Mari language as a non-native language. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the potential of ICT as an effective tool for teaching the Mari language as non-native has been studied. Research results, discussions. Based on a theoretical analysis of the research problem and the disclosure of practical experience in teaching the Mari language as non-native language using ICT, we can conclude that information and communication technologies affect, firstly, an increase in motivation to study the subject, and secondly, knowledge of the Mari language at the level of understanding and speaking. The research materials can be used by teachers in preparing and conducting Mari (state) language lessons at school.
UDC: 377.36/.8:37.01/.018](477.75)“180/191”
Authors: Katerina V. Kostyleva;
Introduction. The article presents the content of professional training at Feodosiya Teachers’ Institute (1874–1918). Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the content of professional training at Feodosiya Teachers’ Institute by analyzing new archival sources. Materials and methods. In her research, the author uses a systematic approach, as well as the analysis of a wide range of archival materials. Thus, the author considers professional training as one of the levels of the existing system of pedagogical education in the Taurida Province. The characteristics of each level of pedagogical education and educational institutions corresponding to these levels are given. Also, the author, on the basis of the studied archival materials analyzes the organization of the educational process in the Teachers' Institute, reveals the content of theoretical and practical training, highlights the changes that have taken place in it. The author demonstrates the continuity of the levels of pedagogical education in the Taurida Province by the example of the link “city schools – teachers’ institute – teacher training courses”. Results, discussion. Feodosiya Teachers’ Institute (1874–1918) was an educational institution that provided professional teacher training. This is evidenced by the content of training, which includes in addition to in-depth study of subjects included in the program of city school, the development of teaching methods for these subjects, a pedagogy course, as well as pedagogical practice. Professional training at the Institute was constantly improved by strengthening the course of pedagogy and the emergence of new forms of pedagogical practice (duty, supervision, compiling pupils’ characteristics, etc.). In General, professional training at Feodosiya Teachers’ Institute was characterized by systematic approach, gradation, moving from simple to complex, individual approach. The material and technical base of the Institute contributed to the successful development of the curriculum. On the example of the work of Feodosiya Teachers’ Institute, it was found that the levels of pedagogical education: pre-professional, professional, advanced training and self-education – were in a continuous connection, which can be characterized as an established system. Conclusion. The purpose of the study can be considered achieved.
UDC: 378
Authors: Sergey G. Korotkov; Dmitry A. Krylov; Evgeniya S. Bakhtina;
The purpose of this article is to justify the pedagogical conditions for improving the organization of research activities of students in extracurricular activities at the university. The essence, content and structure of students' research work are analyzed and characterized, the tasks facing the system of students' research work in higher educational institutions are formulated. The basic directions of students' research work and indicators of evaluating the effectiveness of research work organization at the university are considered. The main difficulties in the formation of internal motivation of students in research activities are highlighted. The features of the organization of students' research activities in the framework of the invariant and variable components of the content element of the proposed structure are considered. The possibilities of organizing research activities of students in extracurricular classes at the university are identified and substantiated by examining the organization methodology and the results of work of the student design bureau. The stages of work with students, the content, types and forms of classes within the student design bureau are described.
UDC: 376.2
Authors: Asiya G. Mukhametzyanova; Guzel H. Gumerova;
Introduction. Creation of conditions at the Kazan National Research Technological University for higher, secondary vocational and additional vocational education for persons with disabilities. Purpose. Formation of conditions for barrier-free access to higher education for people with disabilities. Materials and methods. For Russian education, the inclusion of young people with disabilities and with special needs in the educational process at the University is a relatively new approach. In order to implement inclusive education and the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards for persons with disabilities in KNITU measures are being taken to form a regulatory framework. In recent years, KNITU has been actively working on the problems of inclusive education in the direction of teacher training, research direction, as well as in the direction of psychological support. The website of the University provides detailed information about educational services and training conditions for people with disabilities. The results of the study, discussion. The experience of universities in the field of inclusive education is studied and implemented in KNITU. To improve literacy in the specifics of working with students with disabilities, meetings of University staff with specialists in inclusive education are held. Adapted educational programs (AEP) are being developed for barrier-free access to higher education for people with disabilities. The individual plan of training including the course schedule and volume of disciplines of obligatory, variable and optional parts of AEP cycles, an individual package of services and means of training are developed. Conclusion. Education on AEP provides ample opportunities to choose a specialty in accordance with the abilities and needs of the individual, as well as contributes to the development of intellectual abilities, professional growth and full social integration of the student.
UDC: 377.37.016.51
Authors: Irina V. Nikolaeva; Dmitry A. Krylov;
Introduction. The article discusses the main provisions of the continuity of vocational education in general and the continuity of mathematical training between the levels of secondary vocational and higher education. Purpose: generalization of the experience of organizing mathematical training on the example of SVE specialty 35.02.08 “Electrification and automation of agriculture” and the level of training of bachelors 35.03.06 “Agricultural engineering” at the local level. Materials and methods. This study is based on the analysis of Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational and higher education and the experience of organizing the continuity of mathematical training in the practice of a professional educational organization Yoshkar-Ola Agricultural College of Volga Tech. Results. The study showed that the continuity of education is implemented at the state, regional and local levels. The continuity of mathematical training at Yoshkar-Ola Agricultural College at the local level is provided in the target, content and methodological components. The target component of continuity in the conditions of continuous technical education “college – university” is to determine the common goal of mathematical training – the formation of the mathematical competence of technical students by means of professionally directed training. The substantial component of continuity is provided by the variable part of the block of educational disciplines, allowing, on discipline alternative basis, to combine the systematic nature of the acquired profile knowledge with its deepening and expansion, integration with related subject areas and practical application. The methodological component of continuity is ensured by the development of a methodological system of professionally directed teaching of mathematics to future mid-level specialists, which is determined by a set of objective factors affecting the learning process, such as the age characteristics of students, the system of state standards and the general concept of mathematical education, especially the content of programs in the disciplines of the mathematical unit and the level of informatization of the educational process. Conclusion. Thus, the organization of continuity of mathematical training in the framework of continuing technical education “college – university” provides students with more effective and optimal training in the system of secondary and higher professional education.
UDC: 070
Authors: Svetlana A. Rzhanova;
In the national republic in the process of social interaction, education, a person realizes the influence of ethnic culture. The preservation of the cultural heritage of the Finno-Ugric peoples on the territory of the Republic of Mordovia, the formation of national and cultural values is facilitated by the cooperation of local history museums and their affiliates with national media. The aim of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative approaches in the practice of cultural life, to describe the results of the influence of the mass media mechanism on ethnocultural processes in the region, to study media forms in the work of ethnocultural centers. Materials and methods. The empirical basis of the study was the results of many years of observation of the development of ethnic journalism of the Finno-Ugric peoples and the activities of ethnocultural centers, regional centers of folk art of the Republic of Mordovia. Works in the field of history, culture, ethnopedagogy, ethnic journalism served as the basis for scientific research. A comparison of the theoretical approaches in the correlation of the concepts of “cultural tourism”, “ethnobranding”, and “media project” in the context of cultural heritage allowed the author to identify the intersection points between ethnoculture and journalism in the sociodynamics of Finno-Ugric culture. The results of the analysis of the state of national culture in Mordovia have been obtained, effective tools for achieving the integration of the system of Finno- Ugric associations with ethnic journalism are identified. Since journalists are involved not only in informing the audience, but also in socio-political life, ethnic journalism can be qualified as a type of professional activity.
UDC: 378
Authors: Lidia L. Sabirova;
Introduction. Currently, legal education is focused on a competence-based approach that replaces knowledge-based. Graduates of legal specialties need not only to have legal knowledge, but moreover, they should be ready to put the relevant knowledge into practice in various areas of legal activity. That is what provides prerequisites for further scientific research, generalization and search for ways to implement legal counseling in the system of professional education. Moreover, students studying in an educational organization not in the legal areas of training need legal assistance on issues related to their livelihoods, education, labor relations, and so on. Purpose: on the basis of studying the theoretical and methodological foundations of legal counseling of students in the system of higher professional education, to identify the features of this process. Materials and methods. Analysis and study of legal, as well as psychological and pedagogical literature, experience in organizing legal counseling in universities; modeling, questioning, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the research results; study of educational programs and regulatory documents of the educational organization. Results, discussion. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author revealed the features of legal counseling in the system of higher professional education and built a model for the organization of legal counseling of students in the system of higher professional education. The practical significance of the study lies in the development of specific implementation of the following recommendations for universities to improve the process of legal counseling of students in higher education. Conclusion. Students of non-legal training areas need to organize free legal counseling at the university, due to the fact that they often have questions for the solution of which special legal knowledge is required. Currently, universities do not have full-fledged information support for the activities of the legal clinic for counseling students, and a full-fledged system for the implementation of legal counseling of students at the university has not been established.
UDC: 377.8
Authors: Naima Si Naser; Elena V. Kondratenko;
The purpose of the study is to determine the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the standardization of teacher education and the professional activities of a teacher in the Algerian People's Democratic Republic. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of various groups of national standards that determine the content of professional training and professional development of teachers: standards related to the activities of the teacher and his professional training: educational standards defining the content of professional teacher training in colleges, institutes and universities; professional standards of teachers, containing requirements that are presented to the professional competence of an already working teacher; standards for assessing the quality of education, which determine the requirements for the results of the teacher’s activities, for his observance of the conditions for organizing the educational process at school; standards of professional retraining and continuing education programs for teachers. The genesis of standardization in the vocational training system of Algerian teachers is considered. The article formulates and substantiates the organizational and pedagogical conditions for standardizing the professional training of Algerian teachers: focusing on the positions of the competency-based approach and the requirements of international standards in the field of education and assessment of its quality; taking into account the staffing needs of the national education system of Algeria and the educational needs of various categories of Algerian teachers; ensuring the implementation of the principle of continuing professional education of teachers through the development and implementation of various forms of advanced training and retraining of Algerian teachers.
UDC: 811.111
Authors: Vitaliya V. Kalinina; Zhanna G. Songolova;
Introduction. The article deals with the emotional concept ANXIETY. The topicality of the research is determined by the contemporary linguistics’ interest towards emotional concepts and a human’s inner world. Purpose: the aim of the research is revealing concept features of the concept ANXIETY and analysing its structure, as well as its cognitive and discursive peculiarities. Materials and methods. The research is based on the analysis of monolingual English dictionaries, works of Russian and overseas linguists and practical English grammar books. The theoretical perspective of the paper is the critical epistemic discourse analysis. The paper considers mental representation of the concept ANXIETY. Results, discussion. A concept in the given paper is defined as a complex structure with its features involving several subconcepts. The concept ANXIETY includes the subconcepts ‘emotional state’ and ‘volition’. Each subconcept has its own concept features, correlates with a particular prototypical situation, has different conceptual ties and is represented in different structures with verbals. The essence of diffusiveness of the given concept is that depending on the communication aim a speaker focuses on a particular concept feature, thus realising a certain subconcept. The concept ANXIETY is described as a diffusive one based on syncretism. The research posits the status of subconcepts as units of human mental activity which constitute syncretism of the concept ANXIETY. Conclusion. The concept ANXIETY is syncretic in nature and includes two subconcepts “emotional state” and “volition”. Subconcepts are full units of speech and mental activity explicating certain structures of knowledge.
UDC: 81`374
Authors: Tatyana V. Lanovaya;
Introduction. The article raises the problem of studying and describing regional variants of the Russian language. A generation of dictionaries has appeared in Russian lexicography, which through the language introduces the country’s culture, and also captures the linguo-regional features of the whole subject of the Russian Federation, or a small town. This trend is explained by two complementary trends – globalization and regionalization. Today, on the one hand, clear boundaries between languages are erased, and on the other, there is a process of fragmentation, transition of regional features into new language formations, such as regiolects (regional dialects) (V. I. Belikov, T. Yu. Novikova, E. A. Torokhova, et al.). These facts determine the interest in the features of the Russian language of the Crimean region. The purpose of the work is to describe the lexicographic model of representing nominative units with a regional component (seme ‘Crimea’). In the work on the example of the Russian language, functioning in the Republic of Crimea, the problem of lexicography of nominative units reflecting the regional originality of the Russian language is considered. Due to the lack of clear criteria for determining the degree of “regionality” of linguistic units, in this paper the author suggests that the presence of implicitly or explicitly expressed seme ‘Crimea’ be considered a sign of regionality of units. Material and research methods. The author defines three thematic groups of units on the basis of a card index of units resulting from a selection from regional media and fiction. The main method is descriptive. The results of the study. The first group includes nominative units reflecting the geographical and biological-geographical diversity of the region. The second group includes ethnographic, and the third – socio-political diversity of the region. The core of regionally marked vocabulary includes not only dialecticisms and vernaculars, but also units related to common vocabulary, but not beyond the limits of the literary language. Conclusion. Lexicography of regionally marked units is one of the priority areas of Russian linguistics in general and Crimean Russian studies in particular. The paper proposes a model of lexicography of such units, presents the principles of description and selection of units. An example of a dictionary entry is provided.
UDC: 811.511.131#373:633.2
Authors: Anatoliy N. Rakin;
The paper deals with the designations of the meadow landscape in the Udmurt language, which are one of the five components of the landscape vocabulary of the land. As an independent microsystem, this lexical-thematic group has its own structural organization, has an individual composition of the objects of nomination and a specific set of lexical units intended for their designation. The analysis of the actual material relating mainly to the Udmurt literary language is carried out using both diachronic and synchronous methods of linguistic research. At the semantic level in the vocabulary of meadow landscape there are unambiguous and polysemantic words, which all without exception have a direct meaning. Based on the subject-conceptual content of nominative units, the whole set of names under consideration, in accordance with their denotative characteristics, is divided into five main subgroups. Using the comparative historical method of research, the hierarchy of ancestral vocabulary of the meadow landscape of the Udmurt language, which is characterized by the presence of three components of the ancient vocabulary: proto-Uralic, proto-Finno-Permian and proto-Permian, is represented. Part of the original vocabulary that arose during the period of independent existence of the Udmurt language, which has no genetic correspondences in other related languages, is analyzed taking into account the peculiarities of the structural and word-formation system, consisting of one-word designations, binomial formations in merged writing and compound names. The derivation or non-derivation of the analyzed words is used as a criterion of classification of one-member lexemes, and for composite constructions consisting of two, three and four words – their belonging to the corresponding parts of speech. The other-language component of the Udmurt vocabulary of the meadow landscape consists of a few borrowings that have come from neighboring Turkic languages.
UDC: 82-1/-9
Authors: Anastasia S. Soina;
Introduction. The paper examines the influence of external factors on the spy novel genre of the XX century in Britain: the studied factors are rethought; the supposed new ones are added. The emergence of genre dominants based on the mentioned factors is studied. Within this paper, we assume the possibility of classifying genre dominants on geographical and political grounds. Material and methods. With the help of comparativehistorical, sociological, biographical and historical-functional methods spy novels by F. Forsythe, I. Fleming, J. Le Carré, Gr. Green, K. Follett were studied. Results and Discussion. External factors influencing the spy novel genre formation are philosophical, social, cultural, political, ethic, moral, historical, a factor of creative personality of the author, and geographical “overfactor” as a key factor in genre transformation. The literary process in continental Europe and in Great Britain proceeded differently under the influence of the geographical “overfactor”. The most of the modifications manifested themselves in “cold” war period. In the dominant of English spy novel, we have identified the following genre modifications: documentary, political, heroic, modification of industrial espionage, fantastic, patriotic, tragic, satirical, psychological ones. Conclusion. Due to the island origin, Britain is forced to conduct a certain foreign policy, different from the policy of the mainland States. In addition, Britain has long been a colonial Empire. Consequently, English spy novel probably has its national peculiarities. In the future, it is possible to study the English spy novel in comparison with the spy novel of continental Western Europe.
UDC: 82.091
Authors: Anna. O. Troshkova;
One of the models of interaction between folklore and literature consists in the integration of fairytale motifs into literary works. Purpose: being an issue of current interest, the problem of inclusion of plot No. 325 “The Magician and His Pupil” into fantasy literature is regarded profoundly in the article. Materials and methods. The paper focuses on the works by famous British and American authors: “A Wizard of Earthsea” (1968) by Ursula K. Le Guin, “Magician: Apprentice” (1982) by Raymond E. Feist, “Mort” (1987) and “Equal Rites” (1987) by T. Pratchett; “Harry Potter” (1997) by J. Rowling; “The Spook’s Apprentice” (2014) by J. Delaney. Special attention is paid to the integration and transformation of the motives of apprenticeship, crossing a guarded threshold and ordeal in the literary texts. The comparative-typological method of research helps to reveal the peculiarities of the interpretation of the fairytale plot ATU 325 in British and American fantasy works. Results. The author comes to the conclusion that the plot and the structure of the novels under analyses correspond to V.Ya. Propp’s fairy tale models and J. Campbell’s monomyth. The folklore motives of ATU 325 are actively assimilated and transformed by the fantasy authors. The apprenticeship motive is one of the most widespread and is actively included in the first novel of the cycle. Transformations of the apprenticeship motive are manifested on the following levels: place of study; stages of training; gender characteristics of a teacher and a student; sustainability of teacher’s functions in novels. The motive of crossing a guarded threshold is included into all the novels but it is not as obvious as in fairy tales. The fairytale motive of the ordeal between the teacher and his student is presented in the novels in a transformed form: the antagonist is replaced. The fairytale motive of successive transformations is presented in novels in a weakened form.
UDC: 811.112.2
Authors: Natalja V. Filimonova; Svetlana V. Vladimirova; Liana F. Shkirta;
Introduction. Phraseological units reflect national characteristics, mentality, lifestyle, customs and traditions. Phraseological units characterizing the internal and external qualities of a person are called phraseological units-anthroponominees. Their components have different morphological properties connected by various syntactic relations. The study aims at identifying and comparing general and specific features within the structural organization of phraseological units-anthroponominees in Russian and German. Materials and methods. In the course of study the authors made the comparative analysis of phraseological unit-anthroponominees in Russian and German represented in the National Russian Language Corpus, in the Corpora of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Institute for the German Language (IDS) Mannheim. Research results, discussion. A phraseological unit-anthroponominee is a type of syntactic construction, according to which a number of phraseological units are formed. The study describes six structural models that are semantically connected to the character of a person in Russian and German. They differ in the type of syntactic connection, the location of the main and dependent components. The attribute-prepositive type of syntactic structure with coordination is frequently encountered (180 phraseological unit-anthroponominees in Russian, 272 – in German); less often the attribute-postpositive type with adjunction (1 – in Russian, 11 – in German) is presented. Conclusion. Structural models characterize the mental and physical qualities of a person in both languages. In the Russian language, phraseological unit-anthroponominees of the first type are distinguished by a great structural diversity compared to German with a strict word order. Adjunction models are more widely represented in the German language, which could be explained by its lower inflection as compared to Russian.
UDC: 821.161.1
Authors: Inna G. Chesnokova;
The aim of the research was to study the influence of A. S. Pushkin’s work on the writer of the late 19th and early 20th centuries A. I. Kuprin, namely of A. S. Pushkin’s elegy “Crazy Years’ Faded Fun” on Kuprin’s story “Sentimental novel”. The main research method was the comparative method of researching artistic phenomena, which are considered in the unity of content and form. In literary criticism, there have already been attempts to outline the connections of A. I. Kuprin with A. S. Pushkin. But usually attention was paid only to the optimistic motives of their work, in their most general form. According to the author, this was due to the inertia of pre-October judgments unfair to A. I. Kuprin, according to which the writer turned out to be an exponent of only the spontaneous joy of life. The decisive idea is the idea that Pushkin’s elegy influenced the creation of the story “Sentimental Novel”, but at the same time Kuprin invested content relevant to his time in his story: hostility to the vulgarity of life, a bright dream of the Beautiful. The subjects, the figurative system of the story, the connection with A. S. Pushkin’s work are indicated. Sufficient attention is paid to the psychological aspect, the ability of A. I. Kuprin to show human ability to open the sublime connection between human hearts and to preserve it forever. In conclusion, it is concluded that the story of A. I. Kuprin “Sentimental Novel” is an elegy in prose and this form has been very productive for the entire work of A. I. Kuprin. In addition, the motives of A. S. Pushkin’s elegy were reflected in the stories of A. I. Kuprin of the 1910s: “Garnet Bracelet”, “Helen” and others. Here again, many motives are heard in the A. S. Pushkin “turn”: awareness of life next to death, love as a force that gives faith in the future.
UDC: 81`373:659.1
Authors: Zhu Yunping;
Introduction. The article presents the peculiarities of realization of the emotive category in a multimodal advertising texts. The author analyzes this text on the basis of the concepts of emotive background, emotive tone, emotional coloring, emotive theme. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the features of realization of the emotive category on the example of studying a particular communicative paralinguistic active text. Materials and methods. For analysis, a Raffaello candy advertising video “Raffaello. And how do you love?” was selected, which got more than 10 and a half million views on YouTube and a flurry of positive comments. The chosen cognitive-communicative approach undoubtedly corresponds to the purpose and object of the study. Results, discussion. On the example of the mini-movie “Raffaello. And how do you love?” the author demonstrates how visual images of the emotive theme of love are formed with the help of Russian stereotypes about gestures, facial expressions, the actions of lovers in their romantic communication, as well as the symbolic meanings of colors used by the brand “Raffaello”. Lexical repetition, anaphora and parallelism of the constructions provide an accentuated verbal expression of the emotive theme of love, while cataphora and ambivalence of incomplete sentences contribute to the fusion in the consciousness of the recipient of the advertised object and the emotive theme of love. The author demonstrates that the technique of pairing the advertised object and the positive emotive theme in the nonverbal and verbal parts of the polymodal text is an integral component of the presentation strategy in native advertising. Conclusion. Interpreting emotive theme of love, creating a merger in the emotive background of the advertised object with the emotive theme of love, the advertiser effectively solves the pragmatic task of promoting a positive image of the brand, increasing its recognition, encouraging the recipient’s desire to purchase the advertised product.
UDC: 821.161.1
Authors: Mikhail P. Shustov; Artem S. Stepanov;
Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of V. M. Shukshin's creativity in the aspect of fairy-tale tradition. The introduction gives the concept of fairy-tale tradition and its development in two directions. The realization of the fairy-tale tradition in the Russian literature of the XIX century is shown. If before the tale was the lot of people, primarily peasant audience and existed in oral form, but since the late XVIII – early XIX century it, becoming the property of an educated society, entered into literature and found a new life in it. The stages of studying the creativity of V. M. Shukshin, the main directions of research thought are revealed. Purpose: to identify the influence of the folk tale genre on the work of V. M. Shukshin. Materials and methods: comparative-typological, comparativehistorical and literary methods of research were used. Results, discussion. V. M. Shukshin, along with the use of fairy-tale motifs and images, restores the very structure of the fairy-tale text in his works. The writer adopts the fairy-tale tradition through the prism of M. Gorky’s creativity, borrows his principle of living style and the symbiosis of short stories and tales, offering new genre forms of oral narrative. V. M. Shukshin, as a writer close to the people, follows the fairy-tale tradition in order to more clearly convey the national psychology and reflect the worldview of the common man. Conclusion. The writer, like his predecessors, on the one hand, introduces fairy-tale elements into realistic works, restores the structure of the fairy-tale text with the help of repetitions of key words and creates his own fairy-tales, adapting them to modern reality. Thus, the fairy tale is the “matrix” of Shukshin’s text, revealing in an accessible form the ongoing or supposed events described by the author.
Section: REVIEWS
Authors: Mikhail V. Otradin;
подтверждение того, что книга Г. Г. Багаут- диновой посвящена важной для науки о Гонча- рове теме, можно привести мнение Б. М. Энгель- гардта, который писал, что «содержание трех романов можно рассматривать как постоянное развитие, усложнение и углубление одной и той же основной темы», и что эта тема – «философия художественного творчества». Александр Адуев, Обломов, Райский – трех главных героев своих романов писатель наделил общей чертой: они обладают художественным видением мира. И эта черта, как показывает автор книги, очень важна для понимания каждого из этих героев. В каждом произведении Гончаров дает возможность читателю сопоставить: это – видение героя, его возможность передать в слове восприятие мира и свои переживания, а это – видение автора романа. Это сопоставление неиз- бежно приводит, как показано в книге, к пробле- ме гончаровского психологизма. Жаль, что в ре- цензируемой книге не рассмотрено поэтическое «творчество» Обломова: свои мечты он передает в ярком образном слове.