VESTNIK 1(25) 2017

VESTNIK 1(25) 2017
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2017-03-27 13:47:44
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Mother tongue in schools of the Mari region in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries
UDC: 811.511.151(470.343)
Authors: Irina V. Almeteva ;
The article is devoted to the introduction of “Christian” education system by N. I. Ilminsky in the non-Russian environment. On March 26, 1870, the system was legally formalized in the “Regulations on measures to education of foreigners living in Russia”. With regard to the Mari primary schools, the system by N. I. Ilminsky included the following main elements: 1) creation of an extensive network of Mari schools for foreigners; 2) training of Mari teachers, through the newly established network of educational institutions; 3) organization of translations and publication of textbooks in the Mari language. The principles developed by N. I. Ilminsky for many years of experience and careful observation, originally found application in the territory of the Mari region in the activities of Kazan brotherhood of St. Gury, a little later – in the Vyatsky Committee of the Orthodox Missionary Society and then in the zemstvos. Identified sources make it possible to review the program and methods of learning, a list of school subjects, the organization of the educational process as a whole in the primary schools of the Mari region. The techniques differed little from neighboring regions where in the non-Russian medium cool-task system of school education was actively implemented. Among the subjects taught, the law of God, reading and writing in their native and Russian languages, arithmetic and penmanship were everywhere in the first place. Despite the difference in terms of training and the list of subjects taught, the students had the opportunity to receive initial literacy. It is significant that the curriculum and teaching methods gave solid knowledge, and many of his disciples tried to educate themselves and expand their knowledge even after their completion.
UDC: 378.14
Authors: Sergej G. Korotkov ; Dmitrii A. Krylov ;
The article considers the problem of vocational training of teachers – one of the most pressing problems in the conditions of the changing pedagogical landscape. It is not that due to the low salaries in education there are not enough teachers. The fact is that there are not enough frames corresponding to the new validity conditions. However, it must be noted that there are a very few teachers who are able to work in a constantly changing situation in the labor market, and who can work well with an increase in employers' requirements for quality of training at all levels. Training of the teaching staff for work in the conditions of rapidly changing society and widespread informatization of environment, involves the formation of a fundamentally new type of teacher. He has a well-developed strategic and innovative thinking; able to competently produce management decisions and take responsibility for the consequences; is able to adapt quickly to new conditions. Training of the teaching staff, corresponding to the new conditions of activity, should combine vocational training aimed at obtaining new knowledge, at the formation of the personality of the modern teacher, as well as the development of skills of organizational and administrative activity. To solve this problem, the traditional teaching methods are not enough. The current training system is based on lectures and practical exercises, can give a future bachelor enough knowledge. But it is essentially not able to transform the professional theoretical knowledge into practical skills, to teach the teacher to act. Methods of problem-based learning are means of solving the problem of the formation of the modern image of the teacher, the development of practical skills, in particular, one of the most effective methods – business games. Keywords: problem-based learning, monologue presentation, dialogical method competence
UDC: 378
Authors: Ivan I. Kochetkov ;
General physical preparation is included in the list of State programs for higher education. The task of our research was to define the role of Bachelor and Master courses in the disciplines that form the psychological and physical sustainability in shaping the future of a professional. The transfer theory assumes that total fitness in one activity is transferred unchanged as overall fitness and another activity with further adaptation to the specifics. The level of achievement of certain physical indicators monitored via quizzes. Suite of tools for increasing the level of physical fitness is big enough, so you must choose those who can give the best effect, according to the transfer theory. This effectiveness and success of the psychological and physical fitness is determined by the extent to which this shift attitudes and psychophysical personality traits occur in the life of gainful employment. Professionally applied physical training grows out of general fitness, and is part of it, which is more perfect look. In order to understand the success of the training according to the transport theory, it should be a monitoring system of the achieved level of preparedness of students. To do this, you must first set the source level of competency development among students. This level is checked by simple test tasks for the implementation of basic exercises with time control. Professional and applied physical training leaves a wide expanse of the coach to choose methods and means of sport activity, with a view to optimizing the training process. In this case, the right choice of exercises give such an effect, which is not reachable during normal work activities. The skills acquired in the classroom under the transfer method in professional and applied physical training will enable students to withstand the driving mode, which is inherent in the employees of the profession on energy costs and psychophysical characteristics.
UDC: 378.2
Authors: Sergej Ju. Lavrentiev;
The article reveals the priorities of formation of competitiveness of graduates in the educational process of higher education. The first group is associated with a multifaceted and ambiguous process of a para-digm shift in the field of education, the development of a new concept of education that meets the growing needs of the individual and dynamic society in the conditions of implementation of innovative 3. Демографический ежегодник России. 2015: стат. сб. / Росстат. M., 2015. 263 c. URL: doc_2015/demo15.pdf 4. Концепция Федеральной целевой программы развития об¬разования на 2016–2020 годы. Распоряжение правительства Российской Федерации от 29 декабря 2014 г. № 2765-р. // сайт Минобрнауки России. URL: http://минобрнауки.рф/ документы/4952 5. Лаврентьев С. Ю., Шабалина О. Л. Основные критерии сформированности профессиональной конкурентоспособ-ности выпускника вуза // Современные наукоемкие техно-логии. 2016. № 6. С. 157–161; URL: ru/article/view?id=36079 6. Лаврентьев С. Ю. Развитие конкурентоспособности бу-дущего специалиста: соотношение личностного и профессио-нального // Современные наукоемкие технологии. 2016. № 3-1. С. 157–161. Режим доступа: URL: ru/article/view?id=35711 7. Лаврентьев С. Ю., Крылов Д. А. Конкурентоспособ-ность будущего специалиста: проблемы и перспективы под-готовки в образовательном процессе университета // Вестник Марийского государственного университета. Йошкар-Ола, 2016. Т. 10. № 1 (21) С. 24–29. URL: view/journal/download.html?id=1083 8. Россия 2015: стат. справочник / Росстат. М., 2015. 62 c. URL: http://www. 9. Sergei Y. Lavrentiev, Olga L. Shabalina, Dmitry A. Krylov, Sergey G. Korotkov, Valentina A. Svetlova, Andrey V. Rybakov and Ivan S. Chupryakov, 2016. Future Specialists’ Competitiveness Development: Pedagogical and Social-Economical Aspects. The So¬cial Sciences, 11: 1855–1860. DOI: 10.3923/sscience.2016.1855.1860. URL: abstract/?doi=sscience.2016.1855.1860 10. Orekhovskaya N. A., Lavrentiev S. Y., Khairullina E. R., Yevgrafova O. G., Sakhipova Z. M., Strakhova I. V, Khlebniko-va N. V., Vishnevskaya M. N. Management of young profes-sionals in the labor market. International Review of Management and Marketing. Vol 6, No. 2 2016, pp. 254–269. URL: http:// Статья поступила в редакцию 20.12.2016 г. learning technologies (innovative learning), for example, active learning techniques (activity based learning) and education. The second group of priorities is linked to the peculiarities of the development of the information society: an increase in the volume of produced information, an increase in the con-sumption of information, the development of modern information technologies, and so on. The third group arises from the integration processes in education: the development of training systems of lifelong learning, the continuity of levels of education, modernization of academic disciplines, the introduction of new disciplines, formed on the basis of the principle of integration etc. The fourth group of priorities is based on education quality problem solving: strengthening the requirements of teachers’ professionalism level; changing expectations placed upon education; expansion of the range of human development, educational opportunities, and so personality etc. These directions are due to global competition, which is increasingly extrapolated to all areas of vocational training. It is proved that the solution of these issues is possible if the optimum ratio of cost and quality in education and research activities, the introduction of qualitatively new mechanisms to facilitate a more economical use of material, financial, intellectual, labor, information resources and ensuring the involvement of additional funds, improve organization the quality of educational services on the basis of an update of its structure, content and technology education, strengthen its innovative potential and investment attractiveness.
UDC: 378
Authors: Anastasija V. Onuchina ; Nikolay V. Kotryakhov ;
The author presented a model of process-activity stage of universal education actions forming tech-nology at secondary school. Substantial core of the model includes: methodical steps of the teacher, psycho-pedagogical work of the teacher and the teacher's and students’ work algorithm. The article deals with the conditions of formation of universal educational actions. The study examined in detail techniques and methods of the activity component of the technology, as well as goal orientation psycho-pedagogical exercises on the formation of universal educational actions. The article presents the psychological component of the learning activities of the secondary school in the conditions of implementation of the technology. The study presents the results of research on the effectiveness of teachers work in the conditions of implementation of the technology. Methods: theoretical (study and generalization of innovative pedagogical experience of formation of universal educational actions in secondary school students); empirical (testing, analysis of the results of educational and extra-curricular activities).
UDC: 159.923
Authors: Vladislav Ju. Smirnov ;
The main task of the Russian educational policy is ensuring modern quality of education based on the preservation of its fundamental nature and in line with current and future needs of the individual, society and state. Forming the base of contemporary cultural identity, the development of intellectual ______________ 1. Абасов З. А. Познавательная активность школьников // Советская педагогика. 1989. № 7. С. 40–43. 2. Аристова Л. П. Активность учения школьника. М.: Про¬свещение, 1968. 139 с. 3. Берцфаи Л. В. Актуальные проблемы теории учебной деятельности // Теоретические проблемы развивающего обра-зования: сборник статей / науч. ред. Т. М. Савельева. Минск: ПКООО «Полибиг», 2002. С. 147–151. 4. Данилов М. А. Структурно-системные исследования пе¬дагогических явлений и процессов // Советская педагогика. 1971. № 1. С. 73–95. 5. Муртазин Г. М. О некоторых способах активизации по¬знавательной деятельности учащихся. Уфа, 1972. 567 с. 6. Огородников Т. И. Содержание и методика иссле¬до¬ва-ния воспроизводящей и творческой познавательной дея¬тель-но¬сти учащихся в обучении // Опыт дидактических исследо-ва¬ний в СССР и ГДР: сб. статей / под ред.: И. Т. Огородни-кова, Э. Дрефенштедта. М.: Педагогика, 2014. С. 63–84. 7. Пищова, А. В. Формирование познавательной актив-ности младших школьников в процессе обучения русскому языку: дис. ... канд. пед. наук. Минск, 2012. 197 с. 8. Родак И. И. Сущность творческой активности учащихся в учебном процессе // Советская педагогика. 1959. № 4. С. 69–77. 9. Скаткин М. Н. Активизация познавательной деятель-ности в обучении. М.: Изд-во АПН РСФСР, 1965. 48 с. 10. Харламов И. Ф. Как активизировать учение школь-ни¬ков. Минск: Народная асвета, 1975. 205 с. 11. Шамова Т. И. Проблемность ‒ стимул познаватель-ной активности // Народное образование. 1966. № 3. С. 32–37. 12. Шурпан О. В. Формирование познавательной актив-ности младших школьников в процессе обучения (на мате¬ри-але уроков чтения): автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук. Минск, 1984. 18 с. 13. Щукина Г. А. Проблема познавательного интереса в педагогике. М.: Педагогика, 1971. 351 с. Статья поступила в редакцию 26.10.2016 г. abilities of students, creative personality, creative thinking is one of the urgent tasks of modern education. In this regard, the formation of cognitive interests of today's students is of great importance. As you know, cognitive interests act as a valuable motive activity in the formation of personality. In the course of development, cognitive interests are gradually becoming its stable feature. Cognitive interest is linked not only to the acquisition of knowledge, but also covers the entire sphere of human activity, it is closely related to its vital installations. In the process of acquiring knowledge and skills, cognitive activity of students plays an important role. Development of informative activity, ways and methods of activization of educational activity – one of the most urgent problems of pedagogy, since the formation of the activity in the learning process is a determining factor in the self-determination, self-realization. Psychologists, teachers, even philosophers refer to this problem. Over time, it has been designated as the central pedagogical problem. During the second half of the twentieth century, the problem of formation of informative activity of students occupied a central place in psychological and educational research of scientists. The overall objective is set before the modern education: the task of forming a fully developed personality not only capable of gaining the system of knowledge, but also to the creative processing of this knowledge, as well as to the independent search for new ways of obtaining knowledge and its application in non-standard situations.
UDC: 378.147
Authors: Natalija A. Yukina ; Irina V. Vostrikova ;
The modernization of the education system in Russia associated with the educational paradigm shift under the influence of the new value orientations of society and the state, a new legislative framework, requires an innovative approach in the educational environment. Therefore, the primary task of the teacher becomes the introduction of new pedagogical developments, already tested, but more often copyrighted. The new, innovative methods in education are the wave of the future of our educational institutions. This study reveals the relevance of pedagogical designing in innovative educational environment of high school, the features of pedagogical projects, their components, stages of implementation and success factors. The study identified the signs of innovation in education, determinants of which are: the desire of the teacher to create and implement new ideas with design and simulation; flexibility of thinking; availability of innovative consciousness. The article marked the key moments in innovation, such as design and modeling techniques and the processes that lead to concrete, conceived results. The paper marked the factors on which the successful implementation of innovative pedagogical project depends. These factors include: a strategy of innovation; the willingness of teachers to participate in project activities; provide a variety of resources and the ability to use them; sharpness in setting project goals and solid traffic to it. As a result, the research revealed the differences of pedagogical designing in innovative educational environment from the designing used in other areas. Undoubtedly, the design in innovative educational environment is a difficult, necessary and important task, which applies to any educational institution. The relevance of this study is due to just that.
UDC: 811.511.151+398
Authors: Ljubov' Alekseevna Abukaeva ;
The article continues a series of works devoted to the Mari bans – ойöрö, which are considered as a special form of veneration and respect. The bans on which the cow is the object of taboo, are analyzed in the article. The Mari people believe that the cow is under the wing of Вÿчаоза (Вÿтаоза), that is the Master of shed (or вÿтакува – the hostess (grandmother) of the shed and вÿтакугыза – the host (grandfather) of shed). The cow was seen not just as a wet nurse, but also as a kind of protection, the symbol of wealth and prosperity. It is strictly forbidden to direct the damage to the cow, to talk about the merits of the cow, about the quality of its milk. The taboos were created not only in the relation to the object of veneration, but also in the relation to the realities which are associated with this object or related to an indirect relationship (products which the cow gives, the use ways of ritual food). It should not throw out of dairy products, mix milk with water, eat curd-patties with cottage cheese with a fork and a knife. The violation of these taboos will entail very undesirable consequences: the cow can be jinxed, it will be ill. It is also believed that compliance with taboos affects the behavior of the animal. It is believed that the observance of taboos will give the desired result, namely, it provides livestock health, stable yields of milk, normal cattle issue, and thus the prosperity in the economy and wealth at home. Not all taboos have any real basis, however, the bans and regulations which are defining the behavior of people teach them to follow the order, to comply with standards of behavior in everyday life and they also indicate that livestock is a particularly valuable for the Mari people.
UDC: 82-293.7"196"
Authors: Ekaterina A Artemeva ;
The article examines the central image of the Soviet film dramaturgy of the 1960s – a young hero, involved not only in books for children and adolescents of this period, but also in screenplays intended for an adult audience. The article explores possible socio-historical prerequisites for increased attention to this hero in the Soviet film drama of the 1960s. One of these prerequisites is the idealization of wartime, which has become a kind of reference point for the characters of the national postwar cinema. The second of the possible prerequisites is a change in the role of the child in the society. It is about the appearance of the type of “playing child”, that the film dramaturgy of the 1930s – 1950s did not know. Finally, the third factor is the readiness of the Soviet cinema to master the personal problems of the child and adolescent, previously rejected by him. A change in attitudes toward the images of the child and adolescent will affect the approach to the consideration of the topic of education and relations between the representatives of the older and younger generations in the film-dramaturgical texts of the chosen decade.
UDC: 821.161.1
Authors: Ekaterina M. Nechaeva ; Gul’zada G. Bagautdinova;
The subject of the study is the lyrical cycle “The sea” by A. A. Fet. The object of the analysis is the chronotope. The goal is to reveal the specifics of the space-time picture of the world in the aspect of one of its thematic components - the theme of the night. The author analyzes the techniques that create an artistic and spatial picture of the world - parts of speech, figures of speech (parallelism), artistic means of expressiveness (epithets). The study draws attention to the color palette of seascapes, their dynamics. It is established that Fet animates the sea, likens the inner world of man to the sea element. That is why the theme of the sea is often combined with the theme of love in his poems. The article emphasizes that, unlike its predecessors, A. A. Fet unites several poems dedicated to the theme of the sea, in the lyrical cycle – a kind of artistic unity. The poet is a connecting link between the poetry of romantics and symbolists. Despite the concreteness of time and space in the lyrical cycle of the poems “The Sea”, the chronotope expands due to the use of mythological images. In addition, the distinctive feature of the artistic picture of the poet's world is that the chronotope is psychological. The artistic world of A. A. Fet accommodates both aesthetic contemplation, and memories, and nightly sad insights, and a sense of unity with the natural world.
UDC: 811.161.1’1
Authors: Ljudmila A. Bushuyeva ;
This article is concerned with the names of acts in the Russian and English languages (the case of the names geroistvo and heroism). Heroism is viewed as a strong and selfless act in a critical situation, which is important for a person or the whole society. The research is carried out within the frame theory. The idea of an act “heroism” is represented in the Russian and English languages with the help of the names of acts and the group of related words (heroic, hero, feat, etc.), which describe the situation connected with this act or its frame. The aim of the analysis is to describe the frame of the act “heroism” in the Russian and English languages using lexicographic data, and also by analyzing the speech use of lexemes forming a frame (based on the texts of the National corpus of the Russian language and the National British corpus). Such analysis helps to specificate the details of the situation expressed by the names of the acts and cognate words. The paper demonstrates that different acts have a common logical structure, the invariant frame, that can be described as a unity of such elements as an aim, action, subject, object, result and valuation. The article shows how different elements of the frame are expressed and which of them are emphasized more than the others in the Russian and English languages.
UDC: 37.016:81’242
Authors: Rita A. Egoshina ; Iraida G. Ivanova ;
In the conditions of natural Mari-Russian bilingualism Mari students studying French at the faculty of foreign languages of MARSU need to learn articulation base of this foreign language for the purpose of its further teaching. At the same time, learning proper French pronunciation is complicated because of influence of native (Mari) language. In the conditions of the same artificial bilingualism, the comparative phonetic analysis is of great importance. Comparison of two language systems is important for the solution of questions of universality and uniqueness of the language phenomena. When researching problems related to bilingualism, it is necessary to take into account the processes and factors that contribute to the appearance of interference. It is considered that the less there is typological distance between native and studied languages, the more degree of their similarity and the less distinction, the more there are possibilities of interference. If this distance is big, that is the languages are genetically unrelated as, for example, French and Mari, then, therefore, there will be less mistakes and cases of automatic hyphenation. The real image of phonetic violations in speech of bilinguals can differ considerably from predicted ones. At the same time, experimental and phonetic researches of Mari students’ speech studying French receive great significance. Data of the comparative analysis help to find and explain the reasons of certain distortion. Therefore comparison at the segmental level has to be based on acoustic characteristics of sounds and their differential features; and comparison at the suprasegmental level is on the description of melodic contours. All current phonological schools have laboratories of the experimental phonetics based on application of modern phonetic methods of speech research. These methods are rather various: oscillographic, gistographic, intonographic. Methods of instrumental analysis are complemented with acoustic, statistical, theoretical and linguistic methods. The problem of language interaction in the modern world has gained practical importance: comparative phonetic analysis of phoneme system of two languages is useful for Mari students studying French in bilingualism conditions.
UDC: 82.0
Authors: Igor' Petrovich Karpov ;
The article attempts to correlate some of the basic concepts of the aesthetic criticism by I. A. Ilyin and one of the areas of contemporary literary criticism called autorology (the science of the author of a literary and artistic work). The notions of “creative act” and “aesthetic subject” of I. A. Ilyin are compared with the autorologic concepts “literary and artistic activity”, “author as subject of activity”, “existential forces”, “objectification”. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the inter-connection of conceptual systems must occur as the assimilation of results, and not the borrowing of concepts proper. One of the main merits of aesthetic criticism is that I. A. Ilyin raised the three-part literary and artistic work to the spiritual sphere, showed the connection between the creative acts of the main Russian writers and the peculiarity of Russian culture.
UDC: 070.659:+316.773
Authors: Sergej I. Mokshin ;
The article deals with the functioning of poly-discursive phenomena in advertising. The code-mixing phenomena in the advertising message is revealed through the consideration of advertising discourse. The works of T. van Dyck, U. Eco and M. Pesche are grounds for considering discursivity. The study identifies a variety of printed advertising publications from free newspapers to glossy magazines. The article deals with the interaction of semiotic means in an advertising message (the ratio of the iconic sign and the symbolic means of verbalization). The article reports on the advertising registers that help to evoke in the potential consumer associations, which in its turn play on the formation of the visual image of the advertising message. The author specifies the intentional repetition in the advertising discourse, which is expressed in the asked questions of the copywriter towards the respondents, and appears in the advertising module on one newspaper page with an interview. The study reported on the visual reception of advertising messages created contrary to the law “On Advertising”. The article considers discourse in fashionable glossy magazines. The author indicates the penetration of advertising discourse in an interview with a celebrity, a signature for a photo. It is a question of advertising not corresponding to the declared properties, as well as the poor quality of the advertising message. The study indicates the orientation of the advertiser to their audience, hence the copywriter intentionally sets the discursiveness that is typical for the audience he needs. It is concluded that the quality of advertising depends on the interaction of the advertising text and the visual image presented by the advertiser.
UDC: 81-114/2
Authors: Natalia A. Nechaeva;
The article examines the processes of semantic integration on the example of the units of special nomination of economic French. The cognitive approach in linguistics characterizes the integration represented in the language as a process of interaction of mental and linguistic information, based on the unity of lexical and grammatical meanings in the structure of the linguistic unit. This process, being the result of human creative activity, ensures the functioning of language as a system. Semantic integration is one of the processes of development of the system of language. It is a process of creating non-separable units produced in the process of integration concepts based on names actually functioning in the speech and connecting different meanings of one word. A key role in the formation of the lexical meaning of a word and in its modification is played by concepts whose interaction leads to the appearance of nominative integrated entities. It is understood as a lexical-semantic version of a word with a single phonemic appearance, but with different semantic implementations of internal content. The basis of the semantic development of a language unit is not only the basic meaning, but also its cognitive-associative structure. It is a field formation consisting of a “core” and a “periphery”, the boundary between which is mobile, which allows the language unit, reflecting the intentions of the speaker, integrating various concepts, freely modify the meaning, expressing various contextual meanings. Semantic development of the word can be carried out in two directions, which are designated in the work as vertical and horizontal integration. In the process of vertical integration, new meanings of the word appear on the basis of already existing ones, as a result of entering the word into systemic connections of a different nature. In horizontal integration, the semantic development of a language unit extends beyond its own structure, that is, a change in the semantic function takes place (re-interpretation of meaning, metaphor, metonymy). The processes of actualization and neutralization of nuclear and peripheral components are a cognitive mechanism providing dynamic processes in the semantic structure of the unit. So the processes of semantic integration reflect the dynamic nature of the lexico-semantic structure of the economic language, which is the evolution of the linguistic economic consciousness of the linguistic cultural community.
UDC: 82-31
Authors: Natal'ja N. Starygina ;
The article studies the genre-generating function of the contextual contents of the short story “The Ghost of Engineers’ Castle”, which is represented by the motive complex, the Christian concepts and the elements of “St. Petersburg text”. The Yule and Christmas context helps the reader to consider the story as a part of the unity of Christmas tales despite it was not created as the Christmas one. “The Ghost of Engineers’ Castle” corresponds to the Christmas tale in the main: it expresses the Christian world-feeling and describes the spiritual insight of the heroes. It is the embodiment of the Christian spiritual nature that determines the educationally moralizing character of the narrative, which is the primary genre-forming sign of the Christmas tale. At the same time, the inclusion of this story in a collection called “Christmas tales” actualizes the potential for contextual content: religious and cultural context of the cycle as an artistic unity and the short story “The Ghost of Engineers’ Castle” itself. Its perception is coordinated by the reader precisely because of the general contextual content of the collection-cycle. Using the means and techniques of contextual poetics (motifs, concepts, elements of local text), N. S. Leskov forms in the minds of the readers a certain contextual content that turns out to be perfect for the story included in the cycle “Christmas tales”. As a result, the short-story “The Ghost of Engineers’ Castle” is perceived by the reader as the Christmas tale. The context (contextual content and contextual poetics) performs the genre-generating function in the story. Keywords: Christmas tale, context, means and forms of representation of contextual contents, genre-generating function.
UDC: 801.561.1
Authors: Ljudmila I. Timofeeva;
The article compares Russian and Polish substantive phrases with the partitive semantics, for example, глаза девушки – oczy dziewczyny, женщина с мечтательными глазами – kobieta o rozmarzonych oczach, extracted from the literary works in Russian and their translations into Polish. The purpose of the study is to identify the types of functional-semantic equivalents of the studied structures on the basis of their analysis using the system-functional method. A comparative analysis of Russian and Polish word phrases, based on their semantic structures as simpler elements than meaning in general, made it possible to present such types of interlanguage correspondences as complete system equivalents such as, окно дома – okno domu (the identity of semantics, functions and structures), different-structural system correspondences (informal equivalents) of the type акация с толстым стволом – akacja o pniu grubym (there is the identity of semantics and functions, but the formal structure is different), and finally noncategorical equivalents of type brunetka z niebieskimi oczami – голубоглазая брюнетка, женщина со светлыми волосами – kobieta ma jasne włosy (the word combinations with dependent case or prepositional-case forms of one language correlate with the structures of the other). Comparable languages have more similarities than differences in the expression of partitive semantics, which is evidenced by the prevalence of complete system equivalents within the framework of the studied structures. The article notes the reasons for the informal and non-categorial equivalence of Russian and Polish partitive phrases.
Authors: Sergey A. Zhuravljov;
С 13 по 16 сентября 2016 года в городе Арзамасе на базе Арзамасского филиала Национального исследовательского Нижегородского государственного университета им. Н. И. Лобачевского прошла XV Международная научная конференция «Ономастика Поволжья». На торжественном открытии конференции выступили ректор ННГУ, доктор физико-матема¬ти¬ческих наук, профессор Е. В. Чупрунов; мэр г. Арзамаса Т. Ю. Парусова; директор Арзамасско¬го филиала ННГУ, доктор филологических наук, профессор С. Н. Пяткин; председатель постоянно действующего организационного комитета конференции «Ономастика Поволжья»; доктор филологических наук, профессор Волгоградского социально-педагогического университета В. И. Супрун; председатель организационного комитета конферен¬ции «Ономастика Поволжья» в Арзамасе доктор филологических наук, профессор Л. А. Клим-кова, доктор филологических наук, профессор Витебского государственного университета им П. М. Ма¬шерова Республики Беларусь А. М. Мезенко. В адрес конференции поступили приветствия от участника первой конференции «Ономастика Поволжья», доктора филологических наук, почетного профессора Пензенского государственного педагогического университета, заслуженного дея¬теля науки РФ В. Д. Бондалетова; доктора филологических наук, профессора Российского университета дружбы народов, председателя правления Гильдии лингвистов-экспертов по документационным и информационным спорам М. В. Горба-невского. На конференции вспомнили ушедших за последнее время известных ономатологов, в том числе почтили память доктора филологических наук, профессора МарГУ Анатолия Николаевича Куклина, постоянного участника научных форумов на данную тематику. На заседаниях присутствовало около 100 участ¬ников конференции. Состоялись два пленарных заседания, 8 секционных (утренние и вечерние), в числе которых – «Ономастика в восприятии на¬чинающих исследователей», круглый стол «Арзамасский край в истории и культуре народов России», в работе которого приняли участие представители разных научных дисциплин: филологи (лингвисты и литературоведы), историки, географы, культурологи. Кроме того, в рамках общения участников конференции со студентами, магист¬рантами, аспирантами историко-филологического факультета вуза доктором филологических наук, профессором Белгородского государственного уни-верситета В. К. Харченко был проведен ма-стер-класс «Ориентиры лингвистического поиска на современном этапе», а также состоялась акция «Секреты ономастики» в рамках социально-про¬све¬тительского проекта «Арзамасский грамотей». В оргкомитет конференции было представлено 127 докладов 137 авторов-ономатологов из 41 го¬рода России, в числе которых: Анапа, Арзамас, Астрахань, Белгород, Борисоглебск, Великий Нов¬город, Волгоград, Вологда, Воронеж, Грозный, Екатеринбург, Иваново, Йошкар-Ола, Казань, Кострома, Махачкала, Москва, Набережные Челны, Нижний Новгород, Новозыбков, Орёл, Пенза, Пермь, Петрозаводск, Самара, Санкт-Петербург, Саранск, Симферополь, Смоленск, Сургут, Сыктывкар, Тамбов, Тверь, Тольятти, Улан-Удэ, Ульяновск, Уфа, Ханты-Мансийск, Шуя, Элиста, Якутск, Ярославль. Особенностью этого научного форума стало участие в нем учителей, краеведов, любителей родного языка из небольших городов и сел страны: Боровичи Новгородской области, Заборье Смоленской области, Княгинино Нижегородской области, Новые Параты Республики Марий Эл, Сухой Лог Свердловской области. Марийский государственный университет на конференции представлял кандидат филологических наук, доцент С. А. Журавлёв. Были представлены также 22 доклада зарубежных ученых (из Азербайджана, Белоруссии, Индонезии, Казахстана, Польши, Украины), в том числе начинающих (10 студентов и магистрантов из Китая, Вьетнама, Туркменистана, Франции, обучающихся в Ульяновском государственном пе-дагогическом университете им. И. Н. Ульянова). К началу работы конференции издан сборник ее материалов, объемом 30,7 п. л., содержащий 127 статей. В центре внимания участников XV Между-народ¬ной научной конференции «Ономастика Поволжья» находились проблемы теории и методологии ономастических исследований, антропонимики, топонимики (в том числе микротопонимики и урбанонимики), литературной, фольклорной и переводческой ономастики, вопросы изучения ономастической периферии и оно-мастического пограничья, педагогические аспекты ономастики, а также другие направления ономастических исследований. На закрытии конференции выступили руководители секций, члены оргкомитета конференции, была принята резолюция XV Международной научной конференции «Ономастика Поволжья». С приглашением на следующую конференцию поволжских ономатологов выступила председатель оргкомитета предстоящей XVI Международной на¬учной конференции «Ономастика Поволжья» – кан¬дидат филологических наук, доцент Ульяновского государственного педагогического университета им. И. Н. Ульянова С. В. Рябушкина (Ульяновск).