VESTNIK 1 (41) 2021

VESTNIK 1 (41) 2021
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2021-03-23 08:54:07
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UDC: 371.134:304.3
Authors: Olga A. Demintseva;
Introduction. The article presents the results of a study of the potential of basic disciplines of educational programs of groups of specialties in the direction of “Education and Pedagogical Sciencesˮ for the formation of future teachers’ readiness for a healthy lifestyle in the process of studying at a university. The analysis of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of the didactic potential of basic academic disciplines, one of which is to increase the competence of teachers of these disciplines in the field of health preservation, was carried out. Purpose: to specify the potential of basic disciplines in the formation of future teachers’ readiness for a healthy lifestyle. Materials and methods. The study is based on a theoretical analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature on the research problem, a survey of students-future teachers who would like to improve their physical fitness and health, and the results of control testing of university teachers who have completed the additional professional program “Coaching and service management in fitness”. Research results, discussion. The study results confirmed the importance of the basic disciplines “Physical training and sports”, “Age anatomy, physiology and school hygiene”, “Life safety”, “Pedagogy”, “Psychology” and pedagogical practice at school in the formation of future teachers’ readiness for a healthy lifestyle. As our experience shows, the educational potential of these disciplines can be significantly increased if teachers receive systematic knowledge in the field of healthy lifestyle theory and health-preserving technologies. This task was solved within the framework of our research in the process of implementing an additional educational program for advanced training “Coaching and service management in fitness”. Conclusion. Taking into account theoretical research in the field of health preservation and the results of empirical research obtained during the pedagogical experiment, it can be argued that one of the conditions for the formation of future teachers’ readiness for a healthy lifestyle is the systematic use of the didactic capabilities of basic educational disciplines in the process of preparing a future teacher for a healthy lifestyle.
UDC: 373.1
Authors: Lidiya G. Iksanova; Svetlana N. Fedorova;
Introduction. The article shows the effectiveness of the system of professional development of teachers to meet the language rights and ethno-cultural needs of students. The authors introduce the system of intra-school education of teachers in the National Presidential Boarding School, which implements an educational program of ethno-cultural orientation. Purpose of the study – to identify the effectiveness of the system of professional development of teachers within the framework of the implemented model of managing the activities of an educational organization to meet the language rights and ethno-cultural needs of students. Materials and methods. Professional development of teachers is planned and systematic. Basically, the qualification (qualification category) is upgraded every five years, but within this period there is additional training (individual, group or collective).The individualized system of professional development increases the motivation of the teacher for his professional improvement: he himself builds an educational route in accordance not only with his educational needs, but also with the needs of society and the state. Results. 36 teachers participated in the survey, including 4 primary school teachers who teach the Mari language, 2 teachers of the Mari language, and 1 teacher of the history and culture of the peoples living in the republic. An expert assessment was conducted on the qualification category, advanced training and course preparation. Discussion. The results of the implementation of the teacher training program as part of the experimental work on managing the activities of an educational organization to meet the language rights and ethno-cultural needs of students showed that the level of implementation of all tasks to meet the language rights and ethno-cultural needs of students has increased. Conclusion. Professional development of teachers who carry out ethno-oriented activities to meet the language rights and ethno-cultural needs of students involves the use of various forms of work and purposeful management of this process. Only a personalized model of professional development, which allows teachers to choose their own individual educational trajectories, will improve the quality of meeting the language rights and ethno-cultural needs of students.
UDC: 372.8
Authors: Elena V. Kondratenko; Tatiana I. Chernova;
Introduction. The article reviews issues arising when children of 10 to 12 years of age study English as a Foreign Language (EFL) at state schools. Purpose. To discover, substantiate, and test the pedagogical conditions of establishing productive grammar skills when EFL is learnt by 10- to 12-year-old students at state schools. Materials and methods. The research is based on works that review productive grammar skills (Inessa Bim, Yefim Passov, Galina Rogova, Sergey Shatilov and more); foreign language teaching methods (Natalia Galskova, Nadezhda Gyoz, Yelena Solovova); foreign language learning psychology (Alexey Leontiev, Pyotr Galperin, Irina Zimnyaya, Vera Mukhina, Vera Badmaeva); and communicative approach (Yefim Passov and Radislav Milrood). Research methods are: theoretic (analysis of literature and synthesis of views; pedagogical modelling); empirical (review of grammar teaching methods and systematization of the author’s experience in teaching 10- to 12-year-olds; analysis of students’ tests); diagnostic (incoming and outcoming tests); and experiment to check the model developed for establishing productive grammar skills. Results, discussion. Considering the pedagogic conditions, we determined the base concepts and have developed the model of establishing productive grammar skills in 10- to 12-year-olds, including the goal, objectives, contents, technologies (based on works by Yelena V. Yanovitskaya), and efficiency criteria (checked against the Common European Framework of Reference). Conclusion. The experiment to check efficiency of the developed model has fully confirmed our hypothesis that the pedagogical conditions of establishing productive grammar skills in 10- to 12-year-old students, if arranged in accordance with the model mentioned above, improve the learning efficiency of lessons of English as a Foreign Language and facilitate in establishing good communicative competencies.
UDC: 027.8
Authors: Svetlana N. Korneva; Elena V. Khazieva;
The concept for the development of school information and library centers involves changing the functioning of school libraries and transforming them into information and library centers. The formation of the information and general culture of the younger generation, as well as the creation of a comfortable information and educational environment for all participants in the educational process, largely depends on the level of professionalism of school librarians, teachers-librarians. The purpose of this article was a monitoring study carried out within the framework of the implementation of the Concept for the development of school information and library centers to identify the state of the material and technical base of school libraries, the availability of electronic educational resources, information about the staff, as well as to determine the effectiveness of school libraries. Based on the results of the study, recommendations were formulated for the development of library services in matters of methodological support for school librarians in the framework of additional professional educational programs for advanced training. This analysis made it possible to draw conclusions about the state of the system of school libraries in the Republic of Tatarstan and outline the prospects for further work on additional professional education of school librarians. The use of information and communication technologies and modern interactive forms of educational work in the work of school librarians is one of the main requirements of modern methods and orientation towards the interests and capabilities of students.
UDC: 378
Authors: Sergey G. Korotkov;
Introduction. This article is devoted to the consideration of such an urgent problem as improving the system of preparing students for research activities by means of pedagogical consulting. This problem is one of the most urgent and demanded in the theory and practice of higher education. The problem under consideration requires the development of mechanisms for improving the organization of research work at a university, one of which is the development and testing of a model of the process under study by means of pedagogical consulting as a technology for enhancing students' research activities. The purpose of the article is to identify and characterize the main structural components of the model for organizing research activities of university students in modern conditions. Materials and methods. To achieve the goal of scientific research, a complex was used: theoretical methods: the study of scientific and methodological, special literature on the problems and prospects of the implementation of the competence approach in education, inductive-deductive methods of the fundamental provisions of psychology and pedagogy of higher education, conceptual and theoretical description of advanced methods of management of scientific and research activities. The results of the study on improving the structure of preparing students for research activities made it possible to concretize the model of the process under study, including interrelated components functioning on the basis of the pedagogical consulting system, which is a key factor for achieving the result − increasing the level of formation of students' research competencies. Conclusion. Thus, an important means of improving the process of preparing students for research activities is the development and implementation into the educational process of a scientifically grounded model aimed at the formation of research competencies based on the application of methods and forms of pedagogical consulting.
UDC: 37.011.31-051:006
Authors: Aryuna V. Khaludorova; Lyubov E. Khaludorova;
Introduction. The relevance of the problem of forming a future teacher's career growth in the context of the introduction of a professional standard of a teacher is associated with all modernization processes in the system of modern Russian education. This is the implementation of federal target programs included in the national project “Education”, the introduction of a national system of professional growth of teachers, public discussion of a new model of certification of teachers. The dynamic development of the education system contributes to the teacher’s career growth and a wide field of opportunities appears for him. In this regard, for the first time in the professional standard of a teacher, the concept of “career” appeared. The purpose of this article is to prepare students as future teachers ahead of time to understand that the concept of “career” first appeared in the pedagogical professional community and the professional standard of a teacher is a tool for forming career growth. Materials and methods. The article presents a theoretical analysis of different approaches to the definition of the concept of “career”, “career growth”, “professional career”. Results and discussion. The answer is given to the question of what is the relationship between the professional standard of a teacher and a possible career of a teacher in an educational organization. Career growth is viewed as the growth of career opportunities and as an integrative characteristic of a teacher’s professional qualifications. The authors analyze and comprehend such types of careers as “vertical career”, “horizontal career”, their features in the teacher’s professional activity. The authors’ interpretation of the concept of “career growth” is given. In conclusion, it is concluded that a teacher’s career growth can be facilitated by his desire for flexible adaptation to the rapidly changing conditions of society, constant self-improvement, self-education, self-regulation and self-realization.
UDC: 811.511.151+25
Authors: Lyubov A. Abukaeva;
Introduction. Scientific research devoted to the analysis of the relationship between language and religion, religion and culture, contributes to understanding the life of society, the disclosure of its spiritual values, cultural preferences, ideological attitudes and guidelines, and therefore, the solution of urgent problems of our time in the field of interethnic and interfaith relations. The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze individual ancient cultural codes in the texts of Mari prayers. Materials and methods. The research materials are published texts of Mari prayers, as well as materials of folklore and ethnographic expeditions of the Mari Research Institute of Language, Literature and History named after V.M. Vasilyev. The work used a descriptive method, linguistic and cultural analysis, component analysis, elements of comparative and comparative-historical methods. Research results, discussion. The texts of Mari prayers, rituals and ceremonies as an integral system have not yet been studied. Mari prayers have not been studied in their relation to the system of genres of oral folk art and mythology. The linguistic and cultural analysis of the texts of prayers makes it possible to identify elements of the religious picture of the world of the Mari people, the meaning and significance of which were lost during the years of anti-religious propaganda or obscured due to natural historical processes. In the texts of Mari prayers, actional, subject and verbal cultural codes are preserved. Of actional codes, the order of performing the ritual, reflected in the texts of prayers, is one of the ancient layers of culture. In various versions, it manifests itself in almost all prayers. Conclusion. Currently, there is a reduction of the texts of Mari prayers, on the one hand, and on the other, the Mari religious discourse is enriched with new genres, such as welcoming speeches, congratulations. Traditional genres, such as blessing, expand the sphere of functioning, entering the platforms of public and even political life.
UDC: 81’33:811.111+616-00
Authors: Svetlana S. Barbasheva;
Introduction. The intensive development of the Russian dentistry leads to a sharp increase in the number of new terms, including abbreviated lexical units which are presented in dental terminology. To improve the professional communication of medical specialists, it has become necessary to study, analyze, systematize and translate correctly these lexical units. The paper aims to systematize modern dental abbreviations recorded in the English-language medical periodicals and dictionaries. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that little investigated class of lexical units is subjected to research and the first experience of their studies is presented. Materials and methods. The method of continuous sampling of dental abbreviations, as well as the method of structural-typological analysis were used in this work. The original dental periodicals and medical dictionaries served as the research base. Research results, discussion. As a result, the author was able to present a classification of modern dental abbreviations recorded in English-language medical publications. The most common group is lexical abbreviations, which are represented by the initial abbreviations, apocope and acronyms. It is noted that there is a tendency towards homoacronyms among acronyms determining the need for special knowledge and good orientation of medical specialists and translators. Conclusion. Modern dental abbreviations are widespread in the English-language dental periodicals and serve as important units of the medical terminology system. Twenty-six main categories of dental abbreviations have been identified; the most common are anatomical structures, diseases and treatments.
UDC: 821.161.1
Authors: Yu Wang;
Introduction. “The Song of Igor’s Campaign” is an ancient Russian masterpiece, which, since its publication in 1800, has aroused scientific interest among scientists, not only Russian, but also Chinese. In “The Song” the world of fauna is very rich in descriptions of its many inhabitants. It traces different options for the pictorial use of natural signs and habits of individuals of the natural range. Purpose: to explore the image of the horse in “The Song of Igor’s Campaign” and in the Chinese literary and literary study context. Materials and methods. The research was based on the original text of the monument, translations and commentaries to them by Chinese literary scholars Wei Huangnu and Li Xiyin, and ancient Chinese literary works. In the course of the study, the methods of cultural-historical, comparative-comparative, mytho-poetic, historical-genetic and comparative analysis were used. Results, discussion. From the diversely represented world of fauna, the horses in “The Song” have a certain status: they are real combat companions of Russian knights, participants in military campaigns. In ancient Chinese texts, the image of the horse, in contrast to “The Song”, retained a different artistic function, primarily symbolic and metaphorical. Conclusion. In the poetic world of fauna in “The Song”, only the image of the horse is devoid of artistic expression. An inalienable subject of battle discourse − “brz komon’” − acts purely as a military ally of a warrior-rider. In ancient Chinese literature, the image of the horse is more widely used in the zoological motive complex: in the unity of its real-concrete and symbolic depiction. In addition to war horses, which are glorified no less vividly than their heroic masters − warriors-riders, these noble representatives of the fauna are included in a different thematic context, indicated by semantic ambivalence: the horse represents the talented, valuable for society, but not recognized and disgraced person.
UDC: 398.33(=511.152)
Authors: Tatiana P. Devyatkina; Serafima S. Panfilova;
Abstract. Introduction. The article presents a study of the image and functions of the serpent based on the genres of oral epic works of the Mordvinian people. The study focuses on the image representation in the traditional Mordvinian culture. The level of transformation of the serpent image in the modern Mordvinian culture is determined. The goal of this work is to analyze the image and functions of the serpent represented in the beliefs of the Mordva. Materials and methods. The study is based on the available scientific publications and field materials of the authors by means of descriptive and comparative methods in historical and contemporary perspectives. Research results. The study revealed a complex image of the serpent and determined its functions in various folk genres in the traditional and modern culture of the Mordva (spells and charms, religious and magic rites, ethics). In folklore and mythological sources, the serpent is represented as a real and as a mythical image. In the first case, it is a biological species of reptiles. In the second case, it is a multi-headed, winged, human-like, fiery mythical creature. The contradiction in the functions of the mythical serpent is revealed as both patronizing and malicious functions were inherent to him. The transformation of the serpent image is due to two reasons. On the one hand, the serpent causes fear in representatives of Mordvinian culture because it has unique abilities that humans do not possess. On the other hand, veneration of the serpent as a patron and protector is observed. In the culture of the Mordva, the serpent performs the protective, magical and didactic functions. However, some informants do not perceive the serpent as a mythical image. Conclusion. The image and functions of the serpent in the folk culture of the Mordva are diverse and depend on the prevailing idea about the serpent in certain historical periods of the Mordvinian community development.
UDC: 821.512.111
Authors: Galina Al. Ermakova; Marina P. Savirova; Nadezhda Iv. Yakimova;
Abstract. Introduction. The article deals with the problem of understanding the sense of the image through the symbols available in the text, in the classroom in universities, technical schools, secondary schools. As an example, the text of Valentin Rasputin “Women's Conversationˮ is used. The researchers conclude that in philology classes, in order to deepen the acquaintance with literary characters, you can use a new angle of view – the vision of the image through symbols, because, according to the authors, it allows you to see what is not seen in the usual perception of the text. When studying the author’s discourse, cognitive thinking is one of the main issues in the education system. The problem of creating a non-standard situation that promotes the awakening of thinking abilities is very relevant in the context of highlighting individual methodological techniques that promote self-development. The authors’ texts, the analysis of their works and ways of understanding the depths of discourses were considered by individual researchers in our region [3; 4; 6]. The purpose of this work is to present the ways of understanding the discourse through the creation of conditions under which the student comes to realize the need to assimilate the depths of the text. As the research material, V. Rasputin's story “Women's Conversationˮ is used, which is considered in the perspective of symbols that contribute to the comprehension of the mystery of the text, the formation of key competencies, spiritual and moral values in the younger generation. The article presents how the main goal of modern education is achieved – how the student develops as a subject in the world of knowledge, how through the story of V. Rasputin “Women's Conversationˮ the key mental qualities of their people are realized – to think philosophically, to honor the representatives of their kind.
UDC: 811.161.1
Authors: Elena P. Kartashova; Ekaterina N. Bobykina;
Abstract. Introduction. In the last two decades, S. Dovlatov’s literary heritage continues to attract the attention of literary critics and linguists. The article is devoted to the stylistic and linguistic analysis of private correspondence as an important part of the author’s epistolary. The material for the study in this article was “Letters to the Father” by S. Dovlatov, since it is in them that the stylistic origins and dominants of the writer’s further artistic creativity are revealed. The purpose of the article is to study the stylistic features of S. Dovlatov’s private correspondence, to identify and systematize the artistic techniques and language means used by the author to create the effect of irony and self-irony, which will later become the dominant style feature of the author's artistic creativity. Materials and methods. Materials for research are “Letters to the father” (about 100 units) by S. Dovlatov. For research purposes general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, and private scientific methods of comparative and semantic-stylistic analysis were used. Results, discussion. As a result of the research, the main artistic techniques and productive stylistic and linguistic features of private correspondence that influenced the formation of the individual author’s style of the writer’s fiction were identified and systematized. Conclusion. Performed investigation and stylistic and linguistic analysis of “Letters to the Father” allowed us to come to the following conclusions: S. Dovlatov’s private correspondence structurally, compositionally and thematically resembles the traditional epistolary canons; the theme of the letters is of a domestic nature on the one hand and literary and artistic on the other; It was in the genre of private correspondence that artistic techniques and stylistic and linguistic means of creating an ironic effect were first tested, which would later become the style dominant of S. Dovlatov's artistic work.
UDC: 81.42
Authors: Elena P. Kartashova; Yuliya M. Gardfelder;
Abstract. Introduction. The article deals with the study of the religious concept of God in the A.S. Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter” on the basis of the implementation of the anthropocentric paradigm, which allows us to represent the connection of consciousness and thinking, art culture and language. The relevance of the work is determined by the fact that, firstly, the problem of the poet’s religiosity is complex and still does not have a clear interpretation in the scientific tradition; secondly, that the conceptual analysis of the A.S. Pushkin's novel “The Captain's Daughter” on the example of the concept of God, one of the defining religious concepts, will allow us to objectify a new view of the essence of the poet's religious views. Purpose: to explore the linguistic representation of the concept of God in the novel, to analyze its structure and to identify the main conceptual features. Materials and methods. The material for the study was the text of the novel of A.S. Pushkin “The Сaptain’s Daughter”. The methods of conceptual analysis, comparative analysis, contextual analysis, semantic-stylistic method and the method of continuous sampling were used. Results, discussion. The composition of lexical units representing the concept of God in the novel “The Captain's Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin is traditional: it coincides with the composition of the verbalizers of this concept in the traditional Russian Orthodox religious picture of the world. Conclusion. A.S. Pushkin's religious views were complex. Two ideological tendencies − faith and doubt − determine the evolution of Pushkin's religious consciousness throughout his creative activity. The exploration of the religious concept God in the final prose work of A.S. Pushkin allowed us to reveal the poet's deep inner connection with Orthodoxy, with the spiritual space in which Russian culture exists.
UDC: 81’ 25:070(470.345)
Authors: Elena M. Pyreskina;
Introduction. In modern conditions, when in the field of studying national and interethnic relations, the development of problems of reviving the cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia has come to the fore, translation studies acquire a general scientific socio-cultural significance, and media texts, in which translation skills are traced, confirm this. The purpose of this article is to study the theory of translation and analyze its forms, types, methods, genres, themes, and image system in the media texts of the regional mass media of the Republic of Mordovia in Russian and Mordovian (Moksha, Erzya) languages. Materials and methods. The theoretical basis of the scientific article contains observations of the works of researchers on the problems of translation V.N. Komissarov, L.K. Latyshev, N.Y. Severova, E.M. Pyreskina; on the consideration of ethno-cultural topics in the information space of the region − S.A. Rzhanova, L.D. Dryakhlova, L.N. Makarkina, S.V. Pivkina and other authors. The practical part reflects the results of the work of regional journalists in different types of media. In the course of the study, the method of comparative analysis was used. Research results, discussion. The article focuses on such issues as: the study of the main trends in the development of the translation process; the definition of the features of translation from Russian into Mordovian languages, from Mordovian languages into Russian; the identification of typical artistic means used by journalists-translators in order to comprehend and display reality. The material of the scientific work, along with the comparison of theoretical approaches in relation to the concepts of “translationˮ and “translation processˮ, contains examples of the presentation of translated media texts in different media outlets in the region. Conclusion. Thus, the results of the analysis of the state of the translation process in Mordovia were obtained, and effective tools of journalists-translators were identified, which allow preserving the “national colourˮ in the structure of the transmitted information.
UDC: 811.131.1
Authors: Elena O. Shapovalova;
Abstract. Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the use of various language tools in shaping the tourist attractiveness of the regions of Italy. The work is interdisciplinary in nature, as it touches on issues that both geobranding and linguistics study. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to identify effective language tools at various language levels when forming the tourist image of the region on the material of Italian tour operators’ websites. Materials and methods. The websites of Italian tour operators (, were used as material, where texts on travel to certain regions of Italy were selected. The analysis used the following methods and techniques: contextual analysis, distributive analysis, quantitative method, continuous sampling method. Results, discussion. A combination of expression and standard is characteristic of a similar type of texts, as well as the journalistic style. From the point of view of morphology, the use of personal and possessive pronouns of the second person (singular and plural), nouns with diminutive suffixes, adjectives in superlatives was noted. Syntactic features consist in the use of incentive, exclamation and interrogative sentences, inversion, homogeneous members of the sentence, in general the dominance of complex, extended sentences and others. The most frequent means of expressiveness revealed during the analysis were metaphor, epithet and impersonation. Comparison, synecdoche and hyperbole were less common. Conclusion. All the considered language tools helped to highlight the advantages of recreation in a particular region, to help tourists find an offer that best meets their requirements. The results of the work can be useful in creating texts for the sites of Russian tour operators in order to develop domestic tourism in various regions of Russia.