VESTNIK 3 (43) 2021

VESTNIK 3 (43) 2021
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2021-10-01 13:42:14
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UDC: УДК 811.161.1
Authors: Aygul N. Gabdrakhmanova; Ilkhamia I. Galimzyanova;
Introduction. The article highlights the approaches to implement professionally oriented teaching Russian as a foreign language to students of non-linguistic universities, which is particularly relevant in connection with the growing interest of foreign students in obtaining education in Russia. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the methods and time of introduction of professional vocabulary into active communication in the classes of Russian as a foreign language (RFL) at the preparatory faculties of technical and humanitarian universities. Materials and methods. The research is based on the theoretical analysis of scientific and pedagog-ical literature on research problems. To achieve the goals, the following theoretical methods were used: generali-zation and study of scientific and methodological and special literature on the problems of professionally ori-ented teaching Russian as a foreign language to students of preparatory faculties of non-linguistic universities. An individualized approach to teaching students, depending on the chosen specialty, increases motivation and the possibility of successful mastering of the studied material, supports high activity of students in Russian as a foreign language classes. Results, discussion. According to the results of the study, various approaches to teach-ing the language of a specialty in a humanitarian and technical university are presented. Conclusion. The main means of improving the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language to students of preparatory faculties is orientation towards the student’s future specialty, maintaining high motivation to master the material, the abil-ity to use the knowledge obtained in language classes in their professional activities. In technical and humanitar-ian universities, teaching the language of the specialty begins at different levels of proficiency in Russian, takes place in small groups and individually, the dependence of the speed of mastering the language of the specialty on the number of speakers of different languages in the group is traced.
UDC: УДК 378:001.895
Authors: Svetlana A. Domracheva; Lyudmila V. Kuznetsova;
. Introduction. The article reveals the importance of the scientific school and its innovative potential, considers the functions of the scientific school and the criteria by which the effectiveness of scientific schools in Russia is evaluated. The purpose of this article: theoretical justification and generalization of the practical experience of one of the scientific schools of the Republic of Mari El “Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of chil-dren with disabilities”. The peculiarity and characteristic feature of the scientific school, which influenced the development of innovative activities of the university, is its versatility, which is expressed in various areas of its activities: training of scientific personnel for the university itself, integration of scientific work and practical ex-perience, project activities. The social nature of this scientific school is that it contributes to the development of the interest of students of a pedagogical university in their future profession, to broad interaction of representa-tives of the pedagogical community, to a scientific search for ways to solve pedagogical problems. Materials and methods. The materials of the research were the publications of the head of the scientific school, Professor N.S. Morova, in which the issues of the formation and development of a scientific school studying the problems of social pedagogy were considered. Research results, discussion. The results of the theoretical study were signs that testify to the compliance of this scientific school with the generally accepted assessment criteria in science: the presence of a system of ideas on a problem that is significant for science and society, the system-forming activity of a scientific leader, a community of scientific interests, the demand for the products of activity and their significance for the development of the potential of the university itself and other. The discussion con-firmed the importance of the scientific research of the head of the scientific school and her followers, which in-dicates the continuity of generations in the development of educational technologies used in working with chil-dren with disabilities and their parents. Examples are given that testify to the social significance of the results of the scientific school and illustrate the contribution to the development of project and grant activities, which was one of the ways to improve the international activities of the university. Conclusion. The conditions that pro-mote the ideas of the scientific school and the implementation of the most successful projects in the practical activities of teachers are formulated. It was concluded that scientific schools at the university create a special environment that recognizes the carriers of innovations, turning into a mechanism that regulates its scientific ba-sis.
UDC: УДК 378.881:004.9
Authors: Tatyana V. Kolesova;
Introduction. Conducting Olympiads in a foreign language is one of the tools for monitoring the educational process when teaching a foreign language at a university. It is undoubtedly important to identify graduates who speak a foreign language at a high level since the next level of education is postgraduate studies, where the dis-cipline Foreign Language is compulsory. In the modern global world graduates of the magistracy being fluent in a foreign language can apply their professional competencies anywhere in the world. The purpose of this work is to present the multimedia testing system English Olympiad − 2021 for conducting language Olympiads among graduates of non-language profiles based on the electronic educational platform MOODLE in order to monitor the educational process of the university when teaching a foreign language. Materials and methods. The development and implementation of this testing system in the educational process is based on theoretical methods of pedagogical research (theoretical analysis of pedagogical sources) and empirical methods of peda-gogical research (observation, study of documentation, study of the products of students’ activities, testing, generalization of independent characteristics), as well as on data processing methods. Research results, discus-sion. The modular structure of the English Olympiad – 2021 multimedia testing system includes an information and methodological module, a practice-oriented module, a practical submodule, a monitoring submodule and an editing submodule. Goals, structure, functional purpose of this system, technical, didactic, methodological, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of this testing system are analyzed. The testing system made it possible to identify insufficiently mastered aspects of learning English in a specific period of study and to de-velop possible solutions to this problem.
UDC: УДК 378.172
Authors: Ivan I. Kochetkov;
Introduction. The relevance of the problem is due to the fact that the state of health of modern university stu-dents is characterized by low indicators of physical fitness, and therefore, it is necessary to search for methods to increase physical activity, develop and implement innovative sports technologies. The purpose of the research is to study the effectiveness of fitness technologies as an additional element of physical activity, during physi-cal education classes, to improve the physical fitness of female students. The objectives of the study are to study the effectiveness of the use of fitness technologies in experimental groups of girls in physical education classes, as a method of increasing the indicators of physical fitness of students. The hypothesis of the study suggests that additional elements of physical activity from the arsenal of fitness technologies used in physical education classes for university students give a positive motivational effect, improve physical fitness indicators. Materials and methods. The 3rd year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the Pedagogical Institute of MarSU participated in the pedagogical experiment. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological litera-ture and generalization of research results, statistical analysis of the results of a pedagogical experiment. Discus-sion. The health-improving and preventive system of physical exercises “fitness” is becoming a promising direction in an integrated approach to physical education of modern students; it includes fitness programs innovative in form and content, which have clear goals, objectives, requirements and expected con-crete results. Research results. In the experimental groups of girls, the indicators of endurance and strength in-creased statistically significantly, which was manifested in the superiority of the students of the experimental group in relation to the control group by the end of the academic year (by the end of the experiment). Conclu-sion. The experiment proved the effectiveness of the training program based on the use of fitness programs as an additional physical activity during physical education classes for 3rd-year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the Pedagogical Institute of the Mari State University.
UDC: УДК 378.1
Authors: Sergei Yu. Lavrentiev; Dmitry A. Krylov; Linar G. Akhmetov;
Introduction. In the study, against the background of the aggravation of the problem of employment, carrier choice, and innovative processes in education, the authors theoretically revealed ways to increase the effective-ness of career counseling of students in the process of vocational training. In accordance with modern scientific ideas about the degree of satisfaction with the professional activity of a student, the crisis changes in the socio-economic environment, approaches to solving the problem of career counseling are outlined. The aim of the study is to study theories of personality behavior that explain the reason for choosing a profession and the sub-sequent development of a career counseling strategy. Materials and research methods: methodological litera-ture on the theory and practice of personality behavior, special literature on the problems of career counseling and motives of professional choice, inductive-deductive methods of the fundamental provisions of psychology and pedagogy of personality development, comparative analysis and generalization of the results of studies of foreign theories in the field of practical consulting and systematization of the practical experience of vocational training of students. Research results. The prerequisites for the emergence of the need for professional devel-opment that meet the needs of students on the one hand and the requirements of employers, on the other, are substantiated. To solve the contradiction between the structural imbalance of the forms of employment of the population, the increasing requirements of employers to the level of competence of employees, it is proposed to use variable approaches in career counseling and the design of the student's personal and professional develop-ment. Career consulting is viewed through the prism of a systematized, planned organization of vocational training aimed at designing and managing the educational trajectory of a college or university student through-out his life. Various consulting approaches are used, which are largely due to target strategies of vocational training, motives for choosing a profession, life values, work by vocation, personal meanings. The peculiarity of counseling for a career consists in a systemically built interactive interaction of the participants in the environ-ment, which should be aimed at realizing interests in accordance with the professional requirements put forward for each type of activity.
UDC: УДК 378.02:37.016
Authors: Gennadii I. Makarenko; Nataliya V. Kryukova;
of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky, Sevastopol, Russian Federation Abstract. Introduction. The article presents the results of studying the pedagogical aspect of individualization in the process of implementing educational activities at the master’s level. The study emphasizes that individu-alization is realized within the framework of the general transformation of the educational paradigm and meets modern trends in innovative processes taking place in the higher education system. Purpose: to prove that indi-vidualization is an effective factor of innovative teaching strategy in general, and to substantiate the applica-tion of the concept of individualization of professional training, based on a variable-reflexive approach in the learning process. Materials and methods: the study is based on a theoretical analysis of scientific and pedagog-ical literature on the topic of research and analysis of their own experience in training undergraduates in the areas of training 43.04.02 Tourism and 40.04.01 Jurisprudence. Results, discussion: the results of the study confirm the following postulates: a competence-based approach and an individualized educational program of a student are the basis for innovative changes taking place in higher education at the present time; it is necessary and expe-dient to apply the concept of individualization of professional training, based on the variable-reflexive ap-proach in the learning process. Experience shows that the use of such forms as role play, lecture-heuristic con-versation, web quest, individual assignments in the course of teaching are an effective way of individualization in the course of teaching individual disciplines to undergraduates in the areas of training 40.04.01 Jurispru-dence and 43.04.02 Tourism. Conclusion: the implementation of these forms and methods of training under-graduates meets modern requirements and innovative approaches to educational activities at the university, and also contributes to an increase in the professional level of students, growth of motivation, and high-quality as-similation of educational programs.
UDC: УДК 377
Authors: Natalia D. Rzhavina; Наталья Геннадьевна Arzamastseva;
In recent years, in the field of information and consulting system of the college, the need for providing educa-tional services, providing intellectual assistance to individuals in various areas of their life activity has in-creased. The problem of organizing pedagogical interaction with students’ parents, which in the light of recent events requires the search for innovative methods of its solution, does not remain without attention. The article analyzes the forms of interaction with students’ parents in the system of secondary vocational education, con-siders the areas in which work with parents can be organized, and also suggests a way to solve this problem by developing a specialized website that provides information and methodological support to students’ parents in the system of secondary vocational education. Introduction. The modern family is considered as one of the main partners of the educational organization, on cooperation with which the results of the educational activi-ties of students will depend. Recently, the psychological and pedagogical literature is increasingly talking about the problems associated with the organization of interaction between an educational organization and a family. Purpose: to describe an information website for parents as a form of organizing pedagogical interaction of subjects of the educational process. Materials and methods: in the course of the research, theoretical methods (analysis and generalization of scientific, pedagogical, psychological and methodological literature on the top-ic of the study) and empirical (diagnostic (questionnaire, conversation), website development, statistical data processing) were used.
UDC: УДК 378.1
Authors: Svetlana N. Fedorova; Natalya A. Kornilova;
. Introduction. The article highlights the importance of using Internet resources of ethno-cultural orientation in the professional training of future teachers of the preschool education system. In modern society, much attention is paid to the use of Internet resources for solving scientific and educational problems. The higher education system also provides the improvement of information and communication competence of both teachers and stu-dents, the formation of their skills related to the use of ICT. The development of ICT competence (general user, general-pedagogical, and subject-pedagogical) is provided in all areas of training. Thus, the Federal State Edu-cational Standard of Higher Education of the bachelor’s degree level in the field of study 44.03.02 Psychologi-cal and pedagogical education provides the formation of universal competence related to the search, critical analysis and synthesis of information (UC-1 (universal competence)) and general professional competence to develop basic and additional educational programs and their components using ICT (GPC-2 (general profes-sional competence)). Also, the Federal Standard provides the formation of a universal competence to perceive the intercultural diversity of the society in socio-historical, ethical, and philosophical contexts (UC-5). The aim of the article is to analyze the results of the monitoring study conducted at the Mari State University to identify students’ knowledge of ethno-cultural Internet resources and the possibility of their use in future professional activities. Materials and methods. The main research methods used are observation, conversation, question-naire survey and pedagogical experiment. The experiment was conducted on 281 full-time and part-time stu-dents of the field of study 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education, of the program Psychology and pedagogy of preschool education. Research results, discussion. Having summarized the results obtained we can conclude that, on the whole, students have general ideas about ethno-cultural Internet resources and they use some of them in their educational and professional activities. Conclusion. In the age of information technology, every teacher, including those of the preschool education system, needs to have the skills of using a variety of Internet resources in solving their professional tasks.
UDC: УДК 378.147.88
Authors: Galina N. Shvetsova; Maya N. Shvetsova;
The article presents the results of an empirical study of readiness for pedagogical activity, considered by the au-thors through the levels of professional and pedagogical activity of university students. The purpose of the study: to identify and describe the levels of readiness for pedagogical activity. The sample included students of the Mari State University in the period of continuous pedagogical practice, a total of 75 people. Research methods: observation and self-observation, interviews, conversations, questionnaires, analysis of practice re-ports and content analysis of essays. The study was conducted during the period of the university students’ pedagogical practice. The results obtained: the technology of identifying the levels of professional and peda-gogical activity was developed and tested. Five levels of professional and pedagogical activity were identified and described: group 1– highly developed professional and pedagogical activity; group 2 – developed profes-sional and pedagogical activity; group 3 – an indifferent attitude to the profession, which can lead to both the development of professional and pedagogical activity, and to the complete extinction of interest, this group demonstrates a propensity for the profession, and, at the same time, a high level of uncertainty at the time of the study; group 4 – poorly developed professional and pedagogical activity; group 5 – not developed professional and pedagogical activity. The groups differ from each other not only in their motivational and value-based atti-tudes towards teaching, but also in their intellectual, emotional, and behavioral components. Discussion: the re-sults showed that the groups of students are distinguished by their attitude to teaching activities, motives, vivid manifestation of which we see during pedagogical practice. A person who is at different levels of development of the quality we are studying has a system of specific properties that have a practical refraction in activity, behavior, and actions. Spontaneously developing interests of students are not enough to solve the problem of raising professional and pedagogical ac-tivity. These issues can be solved only through the organization of planned and systematic work at the universi-ty, which is based on a broad, comprehensive acquaintance of students with pedagogical activities.
UDC: УДК 81’42
Authors: Tatiana V. Aksenova;
Introduction. Currently, more and more people gain wide access to knowledge due to the development of in-formation and communications technologies. However, the perception of a scientific text can be difficult due to the use of a large number of terms and features of syntax. In this case, the reader can refer to a scientific publi-cistic article that informs the audience about scientific discoveries and research in a more accessible form. The purpose of this article is to study the specifics of subjective modality in scientific and scientific publicistic texts devoted to the same object of research. Materials and methods. Scientific and scientific publicistic articles have undergone a qualitative analysis in order to identify examples of subjective modality. Then, the selected exam-ples were subjected to contextual and comparative analysis. Results, discussion. Examples of the use of subjec-tive modality in both types of texts were analyzed. The types of modality, typical for scientific and scientific publicistic discourse, are revealed. The pragmatic function of modality is described depending on the context of its implementation. The conclusion is made about the specificity of subjective modality in accordance with the functional style and the author’s intentions. Conclusion. The scientific publicistic text occupies an intermediate position between the scientific text intended for a narrow circle of scientists, and the publicistic text, which aims at attracting and informing a wide audience. Basically, both scientific and scientific publicistic articles refer to epistemological, hypothetical and evaluative modality. At the same time, the scientific publicistic text is charac-terized by expressing emotiveness as it belongs to the publicistic style.
UDC: УДК 811.161.1
Authors: Antonina A. Zagorodnyuk ;
Introduction. The paper is devoted to semantics and functioning of verbal nominalizations in modern spoken Russian. Nominalizations are traditionally perceived as a syntactic means of written discourse, however they are widely applied in the spoken language as well. Stylistically verbal nominalizations in spoken Russian vary from bookish to neutral and actually colloquial. The purpose of the paper was to reveal linguistic and extra linguistic factors conditioning the use of bookish nominalizations in colloquial Russian. The materials for the study in-clude the samples of colloquial speech registered in the national corpus of Russian ( The article analyzes two classes of meanings characteristic for nominalizations: propositional and nominative. Research results, discussion. Propositional verbal nominalizations are rare in spoken Russian, their functioning majorly corresponds to that of nominative nominalizations. In Russian colloquial speech derivative nominalizations with nominative meanings ‘event’, ‘process’, ‘state’ are most common. The nominalizations with such mean-ings function as a secondary nomination in relation to the primary nomination of a situation by a full clause. The most common instance of their usage appears to be in a position of reprise, where the situation is first de-noted using a sentence with a full predicate expressed in a personal verb form, and then using nominalization. In this respect the capability of nominalization to serve as a means of previous statement’s thematization is thor-oughly examined. When secondary nomination antecedes the primary one the notion of self-correction arises with the respect to the speaker assessing their own capability of constructing the rest of the phrase or taking into account the addressee of their speech. In cases where nominalization is employed out of the context of a prima-ry nominalization the broader context provided by the situation on the whole is assumed. Conclusion. We hy-pothesize that the range of such situations is formed by mass-media, academic, and professional discourses, which belong to the sphere of written discourse. Thus, the possibility of written cognitive and syntactic structures into colloquial speech is stipulated.
UDC: УДК 811.161.1’276.1:279
Authors: Tatiana A. Zolotova; Ekaterina A. Plotnikova; Natalia S. Prygunova;
Introduction. The researchers focus on identifying the attitude of modern writers to world and national classical literature and traditional (folklore) culture. The problem is posed and solved on the material of Lyudmila Ulitskaya’s novel “Yakov’s Ladder”. This work is considered by the authors of the article as a kind of quintes-sence of L.E. Ulitskaya’s reflections on the place and significance of the classical heritage in the life of an indi-vidual and society as a whole. The interpretative models of works of Russian and world classics included in the text of Ulitskaya’s work for staging them on stage are also of fundamental importance in this context. Among them are texts of Slavic mythology and folklore, as well as masterpieces by A. Chekhov, N. Leskov, V. Shake-speare, D. Swift and P. Merime. In the process of analyzing the material, traditional methods (comparative-historical and typological) are used. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that the texts of Russian and world classics, as well as traditional (folklore) culture, occupy a central place in the novel “Yakov’s Lad-der”: they determine its genre specifics (including stories about theatrical productions in the narrative), plot (statements about individual authors and works in the diaries and letters of Yakov Osetsky are developed into full-fledged narratives of theatrical productions), the poetics itself (direct citation of the characters’ ratings and reviews about the authors and tests; casual dialogues about the art of close-minded heroes of the novel; correla-tion by the characters of the novels of their own behaviour with behaviour models of literary heroes of world and Russian classics). In general, this work is a kind of evidence of great interest, respect and at the same time the most curious experiments with the classical heritage in the work of L.E. Ulitskaya.
UDC: УДК 81’371
Authors: Amina D. Karaulova ;
Introduction. The article examines the results of the process of assimilation of English borrowing from the ar-chitectural sphere “townhouseˮ in the oral spontaneous discourse of the monolingual and bilingual population of the Astrakhan region, in particular, students of the architecture and construction university, who are repre-sented by such ethnic groups as Russians (monolingual group), Kazakhs, Uruguayans, Guineans, Cameroonians, Turkmens, Azerbaijanis, Egyptians and Senegalese (bilingual group of foreign students) in the comparative as-pect of the modern section of the language. Purpose: research and analysis of the results of assimilation of An-glicism “townhouseˮ in the Russian-language spontaneous discourse of mono- and bilingual students of the ar-chitecture and construction university in Astrakhan, Astrakhan region. Materials and methods. The main meth-ods used in the study were the following: continuous sampling method, psycholinguistic experiment, question-naires and statistical analysis of the data obtained. An ethnolinguistic psychological experiment has become a method that makes it possible to judge the assimilation of borrowing. It made it possible to track the semantic associations of respondents, taking into account various factors, from mono/bilingualism to age, linguistic and gender factors. Research results, discussion. The analysis revealed the results of the occasional expansion of the spectrum of the semantic meaning of the unit under study in the speech of monolinguals. The relevance of the article can be traced in the undoubtedly new comparative analysis of the monolingual and bilingual oral spon-taneous discourse of the peoples living in the Astrakhan region for various reasons: from visiting students, who, thanks to internationalization of education, chose Astrakhan as a place for receiving basic education, to the in-digenous inhabitants of the region. From a scientific point of view, the novelty of the article lies in the fact that this experiment is the first research in the comparative aspect of the specific oral spontaneous discourse of the territory of the Caspian region in the architectural and construction sphere. Conclusion. The research results can be applied in theoretical studies on the analysis of the usage of units in various types of discourse, as well as in the activities of educational departments to build an individual learning path for various ethnic groups in Rus-sian, taking into account the factor of mono- and bilingualism.
UDC: УДК 811.161.1
Authors: Elena P. Kartashova; Ekaterina N. Bobykina;
Introduction. The creative personality and artistic heritage of S. Dovlatov turned out to be at the peak of popu-larity among a wide range of readers in the late 90s of the XX century. The novel “The Zoneˮ, work on which was started in 1965, is considered to be one of the most outstanding works by S. Dovlatov. The paper is devoted to the stylistic and linguistic analysis of the category of the author's image as a text-forming category of the novel under study. The purpose of the paper is to analyze and describe the role of the category of the author's image in the stylistic and linguistic organization of S. Dovlatov's novel “The Zoneˮ. Ma-terials and methods. The material for this paper is the novel “The Zoneˮ by S. Dovlatov. The work uses seman-tic-stylistic and comparative methods. Results, discussions. As a result of the study, the features of the imple-mentation of the author's image in S. Dovlatov's novel “The Zone” are highlighted, stylistic and linguistic means of explication of the author's image are systematized. Conclusion. The image of the author in the novel “The Zoneˮ has a complex “three-partˮ structure: a narrator who is as close as possible to the biographical author, but not totally identical to him; a narrator in micro-novels in the form of “author's omniscienceˮ and a narrator – Boris Alikhanov. Such an original multicomponent structure of the author's image provides the stylistic and lin-guistic originality of the novel, which consists in the free shifting of narrative styles, generating individual au-thor's style features: lightness, irony, comic, wit and paradoxical, aimed at “live” interaction with the reader.
UDC: УДК 821.512.145
Authors: Leysan R. Nadyrshina;
Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the lyric-epic heritage of Fatkhi Burnash, a famous Tatar po-et, writer, playwright and public figure. Purpose. The purpose of the research is to analyze the poems of F. Bur-nash from the point of view of artistic method, problems and motives. Materials and methods. The material for the analysis was the poems “Dulkynnar arasynda” (“Among the Waves”), “Kazak kyzy” (“Kazakh Girl”), “Ai-sylu”, “Gabdelman”, “Korkyt”, all of them were written by the author in 1916. To achieve this goal, the author used cultural-historical, structural and semantic methods, using contextual and cultural principles. Results, dis-cussion. The poems of F. Burnash, one of the key figures of Tatar literature of the early twentieth century, are primarily considered in the context of the romantic paradigm. The idea of national freedom and the motive of serving the nation and the people, which are characteristic of Tatar romantic works of this period, become the plot-forming elements in most of the author's lyric-epic works. Talking about universal values, such as justice, spiritual freedom, respect for one’s history, etc., the poet creates his own national ideal. At the same time, F. Bur-nash’s creative search is also developing in line with the modernist paradigm: the author's poem “Korkyt” traces the existential trend characteristic of many Tatar works of the early twentieth century. Thoughts about the doom and finitude of existence, philosophical conclusions about life and death are permeated with the awareness of the tragedy of human existence. Conclusion. Thus, in the course of the analysis of F. Burnash’s poems, the key features of the studied period of the poet’s work are identified, which characterize the main artistic and figura-tive solutions of Tatar literature as a whole.
UDC: УДК 81-13
Authors: Nadezda N. Shpilnaya; Victoria A. Moiseeva; Maria V. Voronets;
Introduction. The article is made in line with the linguistics of replication. It focuses on solving the problem as-sociated with assessing the likelihood of the implementation of certain intentions of replication to the initial replicas that have different tonality and implement different intentions of the addressee. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the correlations between the initial replica, which implements the intention to share and actualizes different sentiments, and the reciprocal replicas of the addressees. Materials, methods. The study used methods of automatic text analysis, experiment, semantic analysis of replicas and quantitative methods. The purpose of the experiment was to determine whether the tonality of the initial replica affects the implemen-tation of the replication intention by the addressee. Results, discussion. It has been established that in dialogi-cal unity, in which the initial replica realizes the intention to share, the reciprocal replica realizes two intentions of the addressee: the intention of commenting and maintaining the conversation. It was revealed that the domi-nant intention of replication to a replica with a neutral tone is the maintenance of the conversation, and the dominant intention to a remark with a positive and negative tone is the intention of commenting. The study showed that the implementation of replication intentions in a dialogue depends not so much on the tonality of the initial remark, but on how the addressee of the message interprets this tonality. It has been established that if a native speaker perceives the tonality of the initial utterance as its modus component, then he implements the intention of commenting. And if he perceives the tonality of the initial utterance as a dictum component, then he realizes the intention of maintaining the conversation. The results obtained are adequate for predicting re-sponses to a replica that actualizes the intention to share. Conclusion. The research results presented in the arti-cle show the need for critical understanding of the pragmatic hypothesis of replication, which explains the ap-pearance of a response in a dialogue in the “stimulus - responseˮ format and the need to experimentally study the implementation of the replication mechanism.
UDC: УДК 811.161.1'075.8
Authors: Mariya B. Kazachkova; Khalida. N. Galimova;
Introduction. The article deals with the problem of determining the lexical diversity of the text as one of the cri-teria for the complexity of the academic text. Lexical diversity is interpreted as the range, the variability of the vocabulary implemented in a text of a given length. The purpose of this study is to determine the lexical diversi-ty of educational texts as an assessment of the level of its complexity. Materials and methods. The educational texts of the Russian-language textbooks “The World Aroundˮ and “Ecologyˮ for primary school are used as the material. The total volume of the corpus comprises 115806 tokens. Applying the requirements for the represent-ativeness of the corpus, 10 equidistant text units with a total volume of 50 % of the total number of words were selected from each subcorpus. In this study, the following methods are used: comparison, quantitative method, linguistic analysis of the texts using the automatic analysis program RuText, developed by the Research Labor-atory “Intelligent Text Management Technologiesˮ based on the Academic Corpus of the Russian language. Research results, discussion. Complexity is a basic characteristic of any educational text, which depends on many qualitative and quantitative parameters, one of them is its lexical diversity (LD). The LD parameter, cal-culated on educational texts of 1000 words, slightly increases that indicates a gradual, step-by-step complica-tion of the texts of the textbooks “The World Aroundˮ and “Ecologyˮ for primary school. Conclusion. A com-parative study of the lexical diversity of educational texts of the general scientific cycle has demonstrated their insignificant complication, which makes its presentation accessible and feasible for students, the correspond-ence of previous training and the level of development of schoolchildren. This study on assessing the complexity of academic texts and, if necessary, adapting the level of complexity of specific texts, will improve the quality of teaching materials and the level of its assimilation by students.
Section: REVIEWS
Authors: Valentina V. Konstantinova;
Монографическое исследование В.Т. Михай¬ло¬ва посвящено всестороннему комплексному изучению, обобщению и анализу эволюции национальной учебной книги в Ма-рийском крае на основе трактовки исследуемой проблемы как феномена национальной культу-ры марийского народа, имеет исключительную актуальность, научно-теоретическую и прак-тическую значимость. Автором монографии осуществлен сравни-тельно-исторический, историко-культурный, ретроспективный анализ разнообразных ар-хивных, нормативных, государственных доку-ментов об образовании, материалов государ-ственной и ведомственной статистики, доку-ментации и отчетности общеобразовательных организаций, марийской национальной учеб-ной литературы, изданной в разные годы, ре-цензий на учебную литературу, трудов класси-ков педагогики, советских и современных пе-дагогов по исследуемой проблеме. Хронологические рамки исследования охва-тывают большой исторический период станов-ления и развития марийской национальной школы и марийской учебной литературы, начиная со второй половины XVIII в. и до со-временного периода развития национальной системы образования Республики Марий Эл. В монографии рассматривается историческая роль российского государства в формировании национальной политики, проведен сравнитель-ный анализ нормативно-правовой базы РФ и РМЭ по национальному образованию, а также дано описание современного состояния этно-культурного образования в субъектах РФ. Важ-ным в работе является и то, что определены теоретические основы содержания современ-ного этнокультурного образования, на основе чего разработана концепция марийской нацио-нальной учебной книги. Монография состоит из введения, 4 глав, за-ключения и библиографического списка. В первой главе «Теоретико-методологические основы национальной учеб-ной книги» проанализированы становление и развитие теории учебника в период классиче-ской педагогики (XVII–XIX вв.), теоретико-методологические подходы к разработке учеб-ной книги в советской педагогике 20–30 гг. XX в., а также развитие теории учебника в совре-менной отечественной педагогической науке. Во второй главе «Зарождение и становление марийской национальной учебной книги в эпо-ху царской России» выявлены социально-истори¬чес¬кие предпосылки зарождения и ста-новления марийской национальной учебной книги. Освещена образовательная политика царского самодержавия по просвещению ино-родческого населения Казанской губернии в XVIII – начале XX вв. Выявлен вклад марий-ских просветителей в становление и развитие марийской национальной учебной книги, опре-делены концептуальные подходы марийских просветителей к разработке национальной учебной книги. Автор монографии убедительно показывает, что основой педагогической си-стемы марийских просветителей, воплощенной в учебные пособия тех лет, стала опора на народный опыт воспитания марийского наро-да. В третьей главе «Советский период эволю-ции марийской национальной учебной книги» прослеживается поступательное развитие ма-рийской национальной учебной книги в годы советской власти (1917 – конец 1980-х гг.), вы-являются его концептуальные основы и дока-зывается необходимость преемственного ис-пользования позитивного опыта при разработ-ке современных учебников для национальной школы. В монографии отмечается, что марий-ская учебная книга этого периода − это исто-рическое и культурное наследие, ценнейший опыт создания учебников для национальной школы. В четвертой главе «Современное развитие марийской национальной учебной книги» все-сторонне рассматриваются тенденции нацио-нальной образовательной политики РФ и РМЭ. Одновременно характеризуется языковая ситу-ация, сложившаяся в начале XXI века в РМЭ в контексте исследу-емой проблемы. В соответствии с современны-ми требованиями, определяемыми ФГОС об-щего образования и социальным заказом об-щества на подготовку конкурентоспособного молодого поколения, дается авторская оценка програм¬мам, учебной литературе, реализую-щим содержа¬ние этнокультурного образования в Республике Марий Эл. Автор считает, что в основу содержания этнокультурного образова-ния должен быть заложен учет особенностей восприятия мира и мышления этноса (менталь-ность), строй языка, изменившийся его статус. Содержание современных учебников, по мне-нию В.Т. Михайлова, должно реализовать двоя-кую цель: 1) способствовать сохранению и развитию родного языка и культуры, формиро-ванию этнического самосознания и 2) содей-ствовать сохранению единого образовательно-го пространства, воспитанию общероссийско-го сознания, толерантной личности, патриота своей страны. Необходимо констатировать и то, что моно-графическое исследование выполнено при фи-нансовой поддержке Российского фонда фун-даментальных исследований (РФФИ) в рамках научного проекта № 18-013-00404. Как приложение к монографии необходимо рассматривать библиографический указатель «Марийская национальная учебная книга», где В.Т. Михайловым систематизирован весь ком-плекс изданной на марийском языке учебной литературы для марийской национальной шко-лы по хронологии с 1775 г. (год издания первой марийской грамматики) по настоящее время с последующей классификацией по видам в биб-лиографическом указателе. Указатель выполня-ет науч¬но-образовательную задачу: по его со-держанию (по количеству и ассортименту из-данной учебной литературы) можно судить о национальной и образовательной политике российского государства на различных перио-дах его функционирования, этапах развития марийского языка, особенностях его орфогра-фии, становления и развития марийской наци-ональной школы. В то же время указатель явля-ется важным источником по сохранению и вве-дению в научный оборот раритетных (редких, дооктябрьского периода) изданий, не извест-ных широкому кругу читателей. Работа В.Т. Михайлова представляет большой интерес и для изучения истории книжного дела в Рос-сии: развития издательского дела, типограф-ского искусства и мастерства оформления кни-ги, связанные с общим развитием русской и национальной художественной культуры. Основные положения и выводы исследова-ния могут быть использованы при формирова-нии национальной культурно-образовательной политики и при определении этнокультурного содержания образования на региональном уровне, при разработке концептуальных основ создания учебной литературы нового поколе-ния для национальной школы. Материалы ис-следования могут применяться при разработке программ спецкурсов для педагогических средне специальных и высших учебных заве-дений по проблемам школьного учебника, по методике его использования как основного компонента образовательного процесса.